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Malia had left for America this morning and now here I am at 8:47 pm at my kitchen table with no one but a bottle of strong vodka

Last night was horrible, the thought of luke just leaving like that after nearly 6 long years made me cry and nothing made me cry

I hated my family working away it meant I was alone in a big house all by myself. The vodka stopped getting hard to drink to more of it I drank, the tears were stopping with every sip

"Lil?" I asked down the phone

"Yeah" she responded

"Town? Tonight? a lot of drinking and I have a free house with some rooms were we can stay with boys because your besties singleeee" I slurred

"I've never loved you more" I could see the smile on her face "I'll be right around be ready by 9:15 yeah"

I smiled as I put the phone down and took the last drink of vodka that was in my cup. Doing my make up was harder than I thought it was going to be while I was drunk but in the end it looked quite good

I threw one of the sluttiest back dresses I own on with the pair off black heals, my hair was wavy but I looked ok so I just left it taking a lot of money and throwing it into my bag before meeting lily in the taxi

"You look stunning" she smiled as we walked back over to the table, which 4 boys were sitting at

I wrapped myself around one as he kissed my neck "your fucking gorgeous" he whispered in my ear leaving a big smile across my face

"Well thank you" my drunk self slurred as I straddled the quite good looking boy in front of me

Our lips joined, he was slightly biting on my bottom one but it just made me smile even more. My hips moved making my crotch rub against his as he held his hands firmly on my bum which was probably out because of the shortness off the dress but honestly I didn't care

"This is my house" I smiled widely to the taxi driver before handing him the rest of the money that was in my bag which wasn't enough to pay for it but he just laughed before driving off, I wish all taxi drivers were like him

"Your house is amazing" the boy smiled as me, him, his friend and lily walked up to the front door

"It's my parents but they are in America on a business trip with my stuck up sister so it's fine we have the whole place to ourselves" I smirked at both of the boys

Lily took Micheal, the boy she was with, to the top floor guest room and me and Tyler went to the kitchen where the drink was

We laughed as we both drank the rest of the 3lr bottle of vodka. He lifted me up on to the counter, standing in between my legs and kissing my neck.

Tyler lifted my dress up and off my body leaving me in my matching black lace bra and knickers, we continued kissing before lily and Micheal interrupted us. They were both standing in there underwear "hot tub!!!" Lily screamed

Tyler stripped down to his Grey CK underwear before picking me up and running threw the cold air to the hot tub which was in a party shed at the back of my garden near the holiday house

He placed me in the pool before getting us all strong drinks from the bar which was also in the shed.

We laughed a lot and told shitty jokes as well as kissing each other, it began to get pretty heated while having a game or two of truth or dare which was basically the lads seeing how lesbian me and lily could get

Time passed and lily and Micheal left us alone in the hot tub, I updated my snapchat story once more so I can look back tomorrow morning and remember this amazing night.

Our lips joined again and Tyler undone my bra before throwing it on the floor and letting his hands explore "maybe we should go upstairs" I bit my lip

He nodded carrying me up the stairs to my room. The sound of lily and Micheal making us both laugh before connecting our lips back together

He threw me on the bed, I bit my lip hard as his hands lifted my arms above my head, holding them there as he left kisses, sucking with everyone, all over my chest

He pulled mine and his wet underwear off and threw them into the corner of the room before smirking at me and putting himself into me. A giant moan left my lips, I've missed this so much.


I looked in shock as I watched Madisons snapchat story, there she was wrapped around some spice boy with her tongue down his throat. Another one was of him and her in the kitchen with a big empty bottle of vodka and her dress up to her boobs and then in the hot tub with lil and another boy

I got in my car driving straight to her house, what was she doing?

I used the spare key that was hid under the small flower pot to open the door, searching the whole of downstairs and hot tub  before running up the her room.

Her door was open and there they were draped in her sheets kissing "Madison" I shouted

"Oh Harry" she slurred "come join us"

"What the fuck! Get of her" I said pushing the boy of her. He glanced up at me before doing what I told him to do

"Sorry mate didn't know she had a boyfriend" he said, he was as drunk as she was

"She doesn't they ended things yesterday but that doesn't mean you can just have sex with her. Now get your clothes and whoever in the other room and fucking leave" I shouted

I heard the front door close before turning my attention to the very drunk girl that was lay fully naked in front of me, she was gorgeous

I pulled the sheets over her so she was covered before sitting beside her "what are you doing Madison?" I shook my head at her

"I'm very drunk and there's a boy with a massive di-" she started before I cut her off

"I like to have fun but this is going to far, you are so drunk. You could of got seriously hurt or worse how fucking stupid can you get" I shouted at her

"Who even are you to come to my house when I'm perfectly fine having fun and just telling boys to leave" she slurred trying to defend herself but honestly she was making no sense

"It's dangerous Madison, you are lying here naked because you've been having sex with some random boy from the club. Your an absolute joke, you can't just go around making names for yourself"

"So your calling me a slut, wouldn't be that if it was you in between my legs. Your the reason me and Luke are not together and you think you can just come into my room when I'm having amazing break up sex with some amazing guy from the club just to get over a boy I cared so much for because you couldn't keep your big nose out of my business" she screamed sounding a little more sober

"Don't blame this on me, you were the one that got drunk that night and pissed your boyfriend off I was only trying to help. If I didn't take you home anything could of happened to you"

"I honestly wish I'd never met you, you've fucked my life up so much. I hate you" she screamed lying back down

"Your life was already fucked up Madison, you can only blame yourself for that" I said shaking my head at her "You haven't even been left alone 24 hours! Can you even hear what your saying right now. It's a joke" I shook my head at her but by now she had passed out

"Madison, I don't want you to get hurt. You mean so much to me and I honestly think I love you" I whispered knowing she couldn't hear me but I didn't care

I love this chapter so much, what the fuck it's literally got me in the feels.

I've just realised I have 119 views which is actually so many since this was only posted yesterday. I'm trying to update as much as I can so there's actually a storyline to read.

Thank You
.L x

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