''H-how d-do y-you k-know.'' I stuttered out.

''Cause that night after the party and after I was here I walked by the cemetery that's when I saw you there sitting and I saw the figure looking at you and he took his hood off and I swear it looked just like Mike.'' He answered.

''When were you there?'' Henco asked.

''After I got the tattoos, before I drove to the gang house. When I got up I saw the shadow look at me sadly then when I looked again it was gone.'' I explained. Just then the door bell went off.

''I'll get it.'' Vincent said getting up and walking away.

''Um Ally this guy is here for you.'' He called back.

''Let him in.'' I shout back frowning. He walked in with a guy in a hood, when he took the hood off I forgot how to breathe.

''Oh my God.'' I breathed out.

''Hey Shae.'' He smiled.

''Oh my God.'' Jace and I said at once.

''Y-you b-but I-I.'' I stuttered not froming a sentence.

''Just breath Shae.'' He said walking closer.

''Don't.'' I breathed out holding one hand up. Standing I began backing up.

''We burried you. I saw you die. You're supposed to be dead.'' I said still backing up until my back hit the wall.

''I know Shae but I had to. People were after me.'' He said walking forward.

''Don't!'' I warned in a low tone.

''Listen buddy you better back the fuck off.'' Caleb said walking and standing infront of me.

''Relax man.'' He sighed. Caleb hesitantly sat back down.

''I killed them. I killed them for you cause they killed you. I killed them for nothing.'' I whispered but they heard.

''No Shae you didn't. You did it for yourself too remember not just for me but for what they did to you.'' He said.

''Hey guys what's u- God Mike? Is that you?'' Alec asked.

''Hey man. Yeah it's me.'' Mike said.

''What the, you're supposed to be 6 feet under literally.'' Joe said.

''Yeah I know but-.''

''But you're alive. You've been alive all this fucking time.'' I stated my anger starting to raise.

''Shae I didn't want to but my parents suggetsed it,your mom helped so that you will be safe until the people that was after me got taken care off.'' Mike said.

''My mom knew.'' I breathed out hurt.

''Of course she did. You were always her favourite not even her own daughter.'' I gritted out.

''Shae that's not-''

''It's Allison. And don't give me that it's not true crap we both know it is hell even Alec and Joe know it.'' I yelled the last part.

''You died Mike. I saw you get shot in the fucking heart, then dumped in the river. You left me for a year and a half believing you're dead and that it was all my fault!'' I yelled.

''And I killed them, the whole fucking gang. There were innocent people there Mike. I actually cried this year and I spoke to a empty fucking grave, I even got a fucking tattoo for you!'' I yell standing in his face.

''I know Sha-Ally. I know that I-''

''Do you now? Do you know how I felt all this time? How I blamed myself ? How I stopped doing the thing I love? How I killed them for you?'' I said cutting him off.

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