The other 2 boys chuckled at Dallon’s joke then proceeded to space out and continue to experience their acid frenzy. “So like, are you guy’s seeing shit or how does this work?” Dallon asked. “Well, I’m not anymore but I dunno about Ryan. Hallucinating is only a small part of the trip. The rest of it is just feeling good and happy and laughing.” Brendon explained to his teacher.

“Mm. Interesting.”

“I guess. Want some?” Brendon offered. “Ah, you know what I think I’ll pass. Ya know, kind of have a reputation to keep up. I mean I am a teacher afterall. Thanks though.” Dallon replied.

“Random question, but Dallon, don’t you think it’s weird how we’re like, kind of friends now?” Brendon asked. “Yeah honestly I never thought I’d chill with my teacher all night. It’s kinda cool.” Ryan chimed in from the corner of the bed.

“I suppose it is pretty odd, but then again it could be weirder. I’ve seen some pretty strange friendships before.” Dallon laughed. “I guess. I dunno I just think it’s weird man. But, I suppose it’s appropriate since we’re 18. Right?” 

“I guess so. It would be slightly weirder if all of you weren’t adults. But since I’m 23 and you’re 18, it’s perfectly fine.” Dallon acknowledged. “All 3 of us should hang out more. Me, you and Brendon.” Ryan suggested. Sarah  put on a fake offended expression and gasped in a very exaggerated fashion. “I can’t believe you didn’t consider me!” she playfully yelled. “Oops, I guess I was thinking about having a bro day. You can be included Sarah.” Ryan laughed. She mumbled “Whatever.” and jokingly pouted.

“Anyway, but yeah we all gotta hang out more. Despite being a math nerd, you’re pretty cool Dallon.’ Ryan joked.

“Wow, math nerd, I already have a nickname. I feel loved. But I don’t think it would hurt to hang out with you guys every now and then.”

“What do you think Brendon?” Ryan asked.

“What? Sorry I stopped listening once  Ryan started talking.” he chuckled. Ryan proceeded to punch him in the arm. Brendon laughed even harder. “The funny thing about that, s that, it barely even hurt.  I don’t know if you’re just weak or it’s the drugs.”  Ryan playfully pushed him, calling him a jerk.

“All of the drugs he takes at night, keeps him awake, gives me a fright, I don’t know what goes through his mind when he takes drugs” Dallon quietly sang an unknown tune along with unique lyrics, Brendon assumed they were about him considering they were about a guy taking drugs. (A/N deadass if you understand that reference then I love you so much)

“Yo, Dallon that was a neat song.” Brendon wondered. “Ah, you heard that? Well...thanks. I kind of just came up with it right now haha…” Dallon blushed. “Really? That’s pretty cool man. Let’s make a band I sing too.” Brendon joked.

“Haha  sorry to disappoint you man but my band days are over. I did have a band in before though,l like any typical highschooler trying to make it big. But alas, that never worked out so I stuck with math.” he explained. Brendon perked up, his eyes full of excitement. “You were really in a band? Dude that’s awesome. What was the band called?”
Brendon wondered. “We didn’t really have much of a name. We just covered songs mostly but we never really went through with it and kind of disbanded after we graduated. It was a fun experience though. Got to practice singing more so that was a good thing I got out of it. You said you sing though, do you ever want to do that professionally”

Brendon thought about it for a second. He did think that he had a fairly decent singing voice, but it’s more of a hobby for him. h e didn’t think he would be able to do it professionally. With his anxiety and doubt, he didn't think he would ever make it. “Nah. I don’t think I could do it. It’s  rare that some random kid with makes it big, let alone if I were to form a band. I wouldn’t be able to just walk into a random studio and be immediately signed by like some big production company. But it’s’s not really my passion so I’m not that torn up about it.’ Brendon explained. Dallon nodded, understanding how he felt.

Casual Affair//Brallon&Ryden (Bryllon)Where stories live. Discover now