Chapter Eleven - A Nightmare

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"What the hell are you doing out here Carrie!" I screamed as I shifted and ran over to her shaking form.

"I-He, I just needed you" Carrie stuttered and I looked at her confused while Khoal paced around the clearing a continues growl in his throat.

"Khoal," I said and he paused for a moment in his pacing to glance at me, "I need to get Carrie back home." I said and the fur on his shoulders began to rise.

"I'll be fine" I purred and he snorted but dissapeared into the brush, most likely to follow the scent.

Carrie and I walked side by side, though I supported most of her weight as she wobbled on shaky legs,

"So are you going to tell me why your out here?" I asked looking over at Carrie.

"Are you going to tell me why I almost got eaten by a wolf that was screaming weird things at me" she retorted with a glare and I stiffened,

"That's different Car- Wait did you say he was yelling at you?" I asked and her eyes clouded for a moment before she shook her head,

"I don't want to talk about it Siah, let's just go home" She mumbled pukking me towards a set of trees and I sighed and turned her so that she was walking in the right direction of the house.

We walked for ten minutes tell the house finaly came into view and as we grew closer Carrie tensed. Before I could ask 'what was wrong' I saw Crete's car parked in the driveway, and he was sitting on the front porch.

"Carrie!" he shouted when he saw us emerge from the trees'.

Carrie went ridged as he ran over and I shifted our stance so that I was almost blocking her,

"Get the HELL AWAY FROM ME!" she snapped around my shoulder and Crete's eyes clouded.

"Please just listen, I-"

"I don't want to listen to any of the lies that are going to come spilling out of your mouth!" Carrie screamed cutting him off mid sentance and he looked like she had just slapped him.

"Carrie," Crete said softly reaching out and my hand shot out faster than a normal persons should have and slapped his arm away, my lips pulling up into a snarl.

"I think she wants you to go" I said working to keep my tone leavel and I saw the anger flash in his eyes before I turned and began to lead Carrie towards the back door.

"WAIT!" Crete shouted behind us and Carrie flinched.

The farel snarl that ripped up my throat cause both Crete and Carrie to freeze,

"Come near her again without her permission and so help me God I will tear you apart" I growled and Crete's eyes widdened and with a tug Carrir and I continued walking.

The second the door shut behind us a sob tore up Carrie's throat.

"What did he do to you" I snarled swinging one of her arms around my shoulders while I wrapped one of mine around her waist and dragged her up to her room, where she continued to sob for half 'N hour.

While I waited for the tears to stop, I let my eyes wander around the room that was once so familiar.

"S-sorry" Carrie stuttered her voice still thick and I snorted,

"You have nothing to apologize for" I said softly and sat closer to her and pulled her into a hug and waited for the final shudders to stop, "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I asked and she nodded.

"After you and Khoal left Dad wanted me to go down to the store and get a thing of milk. So I went and when I drove past the dinner where Crete worked I saw him," She stopped having to stiffel another sob, " I saw him kissing my ex-best friend Marnie" She finished her body shaking as she began to cry angain and I tightened my arms around her and glarred out the window.

An hour ticked by until Carrie was calm enough to talk with out breaking down into tears.

"Siah, has this ever happened to you?" she asked and I snorted and rolled my eyes,

"No, wolves aren't like humans we don't play around when we find our mate, we mate for life." I said and she nodded.

"So than are you and Khoal, Mates?" she asked and I was silent, "Siah?" she asked bumping me

"I, I don't know. I would like it if we were but," I said cutting off and shrugged, " It's kind of weird" I added and she nodded.

"It's weird. but nice. You don't have to worry about if you made the right choice or not" she said and I smiled,

"Yes you are right about that" I laughed and Carrie's eyes began to droop, " You need to get some sleep, and when you wake everything will be better." I said and Carried smiled but her eyes fell shut and I laid her down gently on the bed, pulling a blanket around her.

When the pearl grey light of morning glarred through the parted curtains I rolled over and shrieked as I fell off the bed with a muffled thud.

"Ow," I mumbled rubbing my head before climbing back onto the bed,

"Siah?" Carrie asked rolling over to face me and I yawned

"Yeah," I answered and she sighed

"Do you not learn how to stay on a bed in the past twelve years" she laughed and I shook my head.

A soft low howl filled the air and I froze my head tilted and my eyes looked on the window.

"Is that Khoal?" Carrie asked and I nodded before my body went tense.

"Carrie, last night when we were walking here you said that 'the wolf was yelling weird things ar you' right?" I asked and her breath caught,

"D-did I? I don't really remember" she said but her voice was hoarse.

"Are you sure you heard him say something?" I asked and she nodded, "do you mind if I try something you won't be hurt I promise" I said and she shook her head.

Quick as a snake I opened my jaws that morphed into a muzzel and lunged for her throat pausing before I touched the skin but the damage was done. A low un-mistakeable growl rolled deep in Carrie's chest and flew back weird my mouth parted in a "O".

"Oh my god" I whispered as I pressed myself against the wall and stared in horror and the girl with yellow eyes who sat before me.



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BUM, BUM, BUUUUUMMMMMM! ! ! ! ! ohhh plot twister well tell me if you guys like this story so far! hey tell me if you dont like it to I would love to hear from the readers.


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