a taste of whats to come

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Shillow plowed into Khoal and they fell into a snarling, thrashing heap of fur. I stood stunned my legs unable to move and my mind fogged.

‘No, no, no, no ,no, NO!’ I roared and went to through myself into the fray.

“ENOUGH!” a commanding voice roared above the sound of the fighting and my legs locked.

My father trotted his way through the crowd of wolves that had gathered in the clearing. Shillow tore away from the panting and bloody Khoal, a deep gash in his shoulder.

“What is the meaning of this.” My father snarled the fur along his back raised and his muscles tense, “Siah, are you hur-“ he asked but his eyes drifted to the side and caught sight of Kristie and Sanna and his entire body seemed to go slack.

“You,” he murmured and a light I had never seen before entered Kristie’s eyes

“You,” she whispered back.

“Siah?” Shillow whispered and my heart leapt.

“Are you okay,” I asked softly as he limped over to me his front left leg lifted off the ground.

“Yeah just a few scratches.” He laughed and I sighed walking the few steps to brush my muzzle on his neck.

“I see she met her mate.” Kristie stated and I tensed

“My what?” I questioned but was drowned out by Khoal’s earth shattering snarl.

“This upstart isn’t her mate.” He spat limping forward.

On the ProwlNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ