Happy anniversary? I Think?

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19th May 2014

Well I am really sorry guys I haven't updated in like a month. This time I have no excuse I just forgot about wattpad haha. Have you ever been so addicted to wattpad you have had to stop yourself from going on it just to be even a little social with other people? I have I do it a lot. Anyway so what to say what to say. Well looking back on my previous chapter you have a lot to catch up on.

Ok so friends, Doris still hates me but last week we had our first interaction in class. I totally burned her though. Didn't mean to but yeah. I'll tell you about it. Has anyone got facebook and seen a long video uploaded on the 7 second video page saying must watch? Well you should watch it. It's about how we lose half what was supposed to happen in life all because we were using technology and how technology is consuming much. It's actually really good and she was telling the teacher about it and I was like oh yeah I've seen that then Doris went to show miss and she couldn't find it so Doris asked me if I had internet to look it up and show miss. Then she said that she shared it and to go on her facebook page and it should be there. Obviously unbeknownst to her I unfriended her ages ago because of a snarky comment to me on facebook. So I yelled out to her "I UNFRIENDED YOU AGES AGO" haha burn bitch burn. Sorry thought that was kind of funny. No? Ok

Hmm well yesterday Chris asked Tahlia Jackson out. To everyone who doesn't know Chris he is an ass a very ugly ass. Can't believe they are dating because tahlia deserves way better then him. Way better! Drew is asking out Sophia today. Oh also 2 weeks ago Chris asked out Sophia and she said no. Don't you think it's wrong to ask out 2 girls who are friends. I do. Anyway Sophia is going to say no which will be funny to watch.

Laura is still a good friend. Helping me through shit but never one to drop a subject. I love her she is my longest friend but she needs to drop the Brendan and Tahlia subject. It's consuming her and she has better things to do then worry about Tahlia Holman and Brendan embrey.

Tahlia Holman has her 4 month anniversary today with jaden which is super cute. I wrote it on my calendar because I'm a freak aha. I feel like I'm losing Tahlia. We aren't as close anymore and it's because of Courtney. She has taken Tahlia back and I'm left with no one which still sucks. Hayden and Courtney 1 year anniversary was last Saturday which was pretty cool and mine and shaedyn 2 month anniversary was last Wednesday.

Ok now let me tell you something. It's not just guys who forget anniversaries ok? Chicks can to its natural. So what I'm trying to say is I forgot bout my anniversary. Real bead I know. It ended up us fighting the whole day Tuesday. Trying to sort stuff out Wednesday morning to feeling eachother up and make out sessions second break and last period. Crazy right? Anyway so a lot as happened. So I'm going on work experience for hospitality. And ill update when I'm done for the day.

Adios love you all xxx

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