Merry Christmas!

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28th December 2013

Merry Christmas and happy new year! Christmas has come and gone everyone! personally i had a great Christmas for i never see any of my family and 2 uncles and 2 aunties came down to see us. it was a great Christmas and also i spent my birthday with them which was the day before Christmas eve. it was great to see them, but being family they seriously wore me out and didn't get much time to talk to Jacob at night. he kept telling me to stay awake which was annoying but everyone gets annoying, even me!

not having my mums boyfriend around Christmas day cheered everyone up i believe. because he ruined one Christmas and we never forgave him since. well i know i haven't and i think its funny that both my uncles hate him to. but honestly the best Christmas i have had in a long time. how was everyone else Christmas? was it good? i really wanna know what everyone did for Christmas. i love hearing stories about what they did and what they got for Christmas. so feel free to pm me anytime.

my sister is doing well and surprisingly handled having lots of people around well even my brother. they left this morning and i had to get up early so i was way behind my mum, brother and sister getting to my grandmas house because they were all sleeping there. 

i have been thinking and i feel really spoilt because there are so many kids out there who didn't get anything for Christmas so i decided recently to donate at least half of my clothes to the salvation army to help families who are struggling and in need. i already have a massive bag that is taller than me waiting to go. hopefully someone will drive me there soon. when you realize how good you get it it seems selfish if you whine about not getting what you want for Christmas, i mean yeah we all want something but doesn't mean we get it right? that's not what Christmas is about. its about sharing cheer and happiness and even though you may have a crap life its that one time of the year that everyone can be happy. even the grumpiest people are happy at Christmas trust me one of my uncles hates Christmas but deep down i know he enjoyed being around family again.

well its going to be new year in a few days, so excited. ill see everyone in 2014. love you all and remember that each and everyone one of you is beautiful in your own little way so don't change yourself for nobody xx

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