To Much To Tell

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5th May 2014

Ok ok I'm sorry I haven't updated in like a month. I've been very busy with stuff. Yes I'm making up excuses. Yes it because I am the type of person to make up excuses....peanut butter and bumholes

Anyway so this past month has been very very bumpy. Alot of stuff and I'll get to it all ok? So I'll start with the most unimportant stuff first.

Ok so you know how Doris hates me? I found out it was because I apparently didn't listen to her when she talked about her problems like seriously? That was all I did! I always helped you with your problems every single time when you couldn't turn to anyone else so you can see I got a but angry at that.

Ok so tahlia jackson, bless her beautiful soul has been a but harsh if I can put it like that lately. You are she has been trying to help me with my relationship with Shaedyn but the advice isn't exactly a nice way. It makes me feel like I'm the worst girlfriend in the world and I should burn in hell. I know she doesn't mean it like that and she is only trying to help but I don't really want her to help because I can handle my relationship myself.

Laura has been good, a not judgemental lately though. She is hating tahlia Holman so much lately and they aren't talking. Laura has thus thing where she always says to people it looks like tahlia and Brendan are dating and shit. They aren't and she knows it but she always picks on Brendan and tahlia about it.

I feel bad for not stepping in where I should have. But it got to far one day when I opened my big mouth to Laura how tahlia new Laura was talking shit about her. That afternoon Laura messaged tahlia saying "what's your problem" I was angry and if I was angry tahlia was furious.

You see tahlia got hurt by jaden ages ago because he cheated on her and she wouldn't ever want to do that to him. She doesn't want jaden to go through what he put her through. Holman is going through alot lately and she doesn't need the added stress that people are giving her.

Ok hayden and Courtney are amazing. As cute as ever. Hayden is lightening up on the insults which I am thankful for because I didn't think I could handle anymore.

Our whole math class and a substitute teacher so we all had arm wrestles. I lost against hayden but I won against Shaedyn (he kinda let me). so I felt pretty good. Also in math talbert (Shaedyn brother) borrowed my phone to use the calculator. You see I have this thing where I don't like people going through my phone, I don't have anything to hide but it just makes me uncomfortable. I wanted to rage at him for it but he is Shaedyn brother so I couldn't.

Also Shaedyn was jealous because I let talbert use my phone. Well bitch if you didn't ignore me for most of the class then he wouldn't have used my phone! Btw he ignored me because I stopped cuddling him like seriously? I'm sorry I'm not in a cuddly mood like you are Mr I eat titanium for breakfast lunch and dinner.

Ok so there is a new girl at our school called Kayla. I found out when we first met she was dating Ethan at the time. You remember him? banged tahlia Holman then left her and broke her heart then tried cracking onto me. Oh yeah!

Also when he came to our school tahlia Holman and me ignored him so he was like "oh so you don't even talk to me tahlia. Hello tahlia" and she said hello back then he said hello " em...ily." Like was that code because the more think about it which I don't think about alot because my mind is filled with other stuff.... Wait what was I talking about?.... Oh wait I remember Amway and I though because Ily means I love you so I thought he was saying that. Never saw him again.

Kayla hangs out with us now and Ethan cheated on her with a slut from another school who I always hated so ate broke up with him. She is so pretty! Like gorgeous. She has dimples and amazing hair. Massive gap in her teeth but she is cool. she is literally the only chick who is single that I trust around Shaedyn. Weird right?

Ok so now to Shaedyn. I'm sorry but we almost broke up a few times in this month. so what has been happening is we both hear bad stuff about each other and it gets to our heads and we fall apart and ignore and don't talk to eachother. Sad right? Only couple that does that. So yeah we had a talk in hospitality after I through a pen at him after he walked out of the room. the next say we didn't ignore eachother but we didn't feel close.

Over the past week we have been getting closer again and its been amazing... Until today. When at the start of math he said " why don't you give me cuddles anymore. You never do. Why" I felt so bad and I felt like such a bitch. Anyway but yesterday was Sunday and he was at my house chilling. We were all inside except for mum. She called out to josh, Shaedyn and me. We went outside to see a horse walking in our front yard. it so happens that a guy has just moved in down the road because we live down the road from alot of farms and he was walking by.

I got to touch it and pat it. I went to Shaedyn who was distant from the horse and he was shaking. I found out that something bad happened in the past which has made him never trust horses again so I took him inside and calmed him down. Pretty cute when we were play fighting over a pillow. He literally picked me up off the ground by picking up the pillow. Gotta say that was a bit scary.

Ok so yeah that is everything. We are going to have winter in 1 month and its already freezing. So haha yay for me. Anyway tell me how everyone is and if I can I'll put the link to the photo of the horse. Btw the horse was called Tonka and it was a not. Ciao by beautiful amazingly perfect people who will like this chapter right here. I shall talk to you all later. Mwah xx

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