"If you want to know more about Dylan you need to ask him. The only other person who would know more about Dylan is Cole. But Cole's too loyal to Dylan so he won't say anything"

"And your parents?" I ask.

"Like I said... only Dylan knows about Dylan" Jenson adds and I look down.

"He's not the best person, okay?" Jenson said looking at me and I bite my lip.

"Yea I know" I said and Jenson stares at me. "Okay... well, I'm sorry for wasting your time"

"You didn't Jo" he laughs standing up and walking to the front door. "It's always great to see you" he says and I smile at him as he opens the door. "Talk to your sister?"

"No, she's too busy for her family since she left" I said and he laughs.

"Sounds like her. Well... give me a call if you need anything Jo"

"Will do, bye Jenson" I said and he leaves. Ugh! Well that didn't help at all. I guess I'm going to have to keep bugging Dylan until he tells me more about himself. Like just the basic things. His favorite movie, favorite color. Favorite thing he likes to eat and his best friend growing up. I basically could answer all those questions about him. His favorite movie is probably Fast and Furious, his favorite color is a navy blue, his favorite thing to eat is a greasy burger and his best friend is Cole. I guess I don't really need help figuring out Dylan. He's telling me things about him without actually telling me.

When 6:10 rolls around I realize Dylan was late. I would have called him but I didn't have his number. Go figure. I decide to call Cole, maybe he took a nap and overslept or something.

"Hello?" Cole answers.

"Hey Cole it's me Jo"

"I know, hey Jo" he laughs.

"Hey you wouldn't happen to know where Dylan is?"

"Is he supposed to be with you?"

"Yes... actually" I said and I hear him chuckle.

"Sometimes Dylan and the guys at the car shop go to this bar on 4th street, it's called Buckies. You can probably find him there, but don't tell him I told you"

"Thank you"

"No problem Jo" he said and we get off the phone. I guess I should have asked him for Dylan's number but I want to go down to the bar to see if he actually was there. I mean what the hell! He said he was taking me out tonight. I go and grab my car keys and leave my apartment and went down to my car. I put in the address to Buckies and I was on my way. It took me a minute to actually get there, then it took me another minute to park. When I finally found a parking spot, I got out and walk into the bar and it was super loud and packed. I look around till I saw that leather jacket and the asshole himself. I made my way over to Dylan and he was laughing drinking a beer.

"Uh-oh Dylan" some of the guys joke. Dylan turns around and looks at me.

"Hey" I said and he stares at me. "Umm... I thought you were coming to pick me up?"

"Yea I was then I changed my mind" he said taking a swig of his beer.

"Okay? Well you could have told me that you changed your mind. I mean what's your problem?"

"My problem?" he said and laughs then puts the beer down. "Jo, why the hell is Jenson coming out of your apartment building?" Oh no. He saw Jenson. I stare at him and shake my head.

"It was nothing" I laugh.

"I mean I know you didn't sleep with him" he says and I roll my eyes. "So why was he there Jo?"

"I don't have to answer to you" I said turning around heading to the front.

"JO!" I hear Dylan yell after me. I ignore him and went outside. "JO!" he yells again this time grabbing my arm. I hurry to snatch it back.

"Why do you even care?"

"Because I want to know" he says.

"Fine. We were talking about you"

"What about me?"

"You do not tell me anything about yourself. Your family or your childhood. I just wanted to get to know you better"


"Because I like you Dylan! I really like you and I want to get to know you better" I said and he shakes his head.

"What did he tell you?"

"Nothing. He said you would have to tell me" I said and Dylan laughs. "Why won't you talk to me?"

"Because I don't want to Josephina. And you and I, would never be"


"BECAUSE YOU KEEP YOUR FINGER NAILS CLEAN, YOUR CLOTHES IRONED AND YOUR MONEY IN YOUR MOUTH THAT'S WHY! You're just like everyone else in this stupid ass town" he says and I stare at him and shake my head.

"You don't mean that and I don't believe you" I said and he laughs.

"Alright well you're stupid then" he laughs again. "Understand this, I don't tell you anything about me because I don't like you, get it?"

"You're such an asshole"

"And I like being that way" he says and I turn around to walk away.

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