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I didn't get much sleep last night. I actually got no sleep last night. Naomi betrayed me and I made out with a stranger. I made out with a stranger and I liked it? Ugh! No, he's gross, he's mean, he's poor and he's such an asshole. Is he really an asshole? I mean he was nice or somewhat nice to me on our way home last night. Ugh! Why am I thinking about Dylan O'Brien right now? His lips, his body, the way he smirks. That stupid ass smirk!

Ugh! Josephina, stop! You're standards are way too high for a trashy boy like him. How can he be related to the O'Brien family and act the way he does? I don't even know why I'm thinking like this, he's probably not losing any sleep over me. But he kissed me on his own. I should really find out if it meant something so I can put a stop to it. My alarm starts going off and I look over at it. Shit! No sleep!

I hurry to get ready but took my time to pick my outfit out because it's all about being presentable. I realize leaving my apartment, I was showing more skin than usual. What am I doing? I park on campus and I was early. I knew this, I wanted to go to the car shop to see Dylan. Not really to see Dylan but to talk to him about yesterday. I mean we should talk about it. I walk across campus to the shop and right when I arrive, I see the 1960's, blue, junk yard car pulling up. Freckle face Dylan steps out the car and his blue jumpsuit hanging down by his hips with his dark blue shirt.

"Aye Dylan!" someone shouts and a black guy walks up to Dylan and they exchange a handshake. I decided to walk up to them and Dylan looks over at me. At first he looked surprise then his face comes to a confusion.

"Hey" I said and he stares at me.

"Umm... did I say something to you to think we're friends or something?" he says and the guy behind him laughs.

"No, I just felt like we should talk about yesterday" I said and Dylan stares at me confused.

"What are you talking about?" he asked. I look around then stare at him.

"Us" I say and his face goes into a smile and he starts laughing.

"Us? What the fuck?" he continues to laugh and the guy behind him joins in laughing. "Just because I kissed you doesn't mean I like you" he laughs and I stare at him. "News flash... I made out with a girl two hours before you and with one right after you, so..." Dylan shrugs. I stand there and shake my head. What the hell Jo? Why'd you even come to talk to him? "Oh God... you're not going to cry?" he says and I look at him. I shake my head and start to walk away.

This is what happens when I let my guard down. Ugh! How stupid am I to think I could talk to a guy so rude like Dylan.

I walk to class and got there really early. I sat down in the lecture hall and scrolled through my phone. Sawyer has been calling and texting me nonstop. I would respond but it's not like she answered my phone calls last night to the point I got stranded. I got stranded then made out with an asshole. Then that asshole took me home. If I truly think about it, this was really all of Sawyers fault.

After both my morning classes were done, I stopped by a cafe to grab a coffee and I was on my phone looking at places I would go for lunch.

I look down the stairs to see Naomi leaning against the wall. I laugh and make my way down and she walks up to me.

"Jo, can we talk?"

"You're joking right?" I laugh walking away from her.

"Jo, please can we talk?" she ask again and I turn around to look at her.

"Listen... and listen carefully. I do not like you. You're a bitch, you're poor and you are beneath me, get it?"

"Jo, I understand you're mad about Eric, but I was drinking..."

"Wow, the being drunk excuse, really? Come on Naomi you can do better than that" I said and her eyes start to water.

"Josephina. I screwed up, I really did and I know that. You're supposed to hate me but you know I do fucked up things and you always see the best in me"

"No Naomi, to be honest I kept you around because you're pretty. I like being surrounded by pretty friends" I said and she stares at me. "I know you're a mess, and you're disgusting and I've put up with it for years now. But you fucked up last night. I don't care about Eric, but when someone starts messing with my plan to my future that's when you get cut off" I said and she stares at me.

"Jo, what can I do for you to forgive me?" she ask and I laugh.

"Bye Naomi" I said walking away from her. Two assholes in one day, this is crazy. It was rolling around noon and I figured I would just grab something from Panera and head back to my apartment until I leave for class again. I was looking at my phone reading group message from my pre-law friends.

"Yo Jojo" someone says stopping in front of me. This is not happening. This asshole, really?

"This is a campus for students who go to school here, the car shop is on the other side. Excuse me" I said trying to walk pass him and he gets in front of me again. "Asshole... move"

"So about earlier, what I said..." he says and I stare at him then laugh.

"You are not about to apologize"

"I'm not. I meant what I said. But the way I said it, was a little rough so yea..." he says and I look at him. What does he possibly want me to say? He puts his hands in his pockets and I take a sip of my coffee and start to walk away. He's still an asshole.

"Where you going?" I hear Dylan say. I can feel him walking behind me.

"Lunch then class. That's what students do here" I said when I feel him grab my arm pulling me to a stop. I stop and turn around pulling my arm away from him.

"Skip class, I want to take you somewhere" he said and I look at him confused.

"Skip class? Are you mad?"

"Did you just use mad as a synonym for crazy?" he asked and I stare at him. "What time period are you in?" he laughs and I roll my eyes and turn around. "Alright, my bad" he says coming in front of me again. "Come with me"

"No, I have class. You're an asshole, and disgusting. Besides, why would I want to be with someone who's just going to insult me the whole time?"

"I won't. Also, weren't you just talking about how you don't take risks? You'll be in class Monday and the rest of the semester, just take this time to live a little. I promise you'll have fun" he smiles. I stare at Dylan and start to bite my lip. I look over at the building I'm supposed to go in after lunch. He has a point. I look back over at him. His brown eyes were dangerous and his smirk was mischievous. He puts out his hand and I stare at it. A clean hand for such a dirty boy.

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