Fallin from cloud 9 ☁️

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Sorry for the wait everyone but this next chapter has talk about suicide and self harm so that's a trigger warning! Enjoy. 😔

"Alison, would you be a dear and come help me set the table!" Alison's mother Jessica yells to Alison.
"Yes, just a minute please." Alison grumbles.

She'd been feeling very empty without her girls by her side everyday and dreaded going to school. Most importantly, not being with Emily made her cry more often than she was used to. She wiped the tears from her face and started for the stairs, but before she exited her room, her phone chimed.
Alison looked down at her phone and sighed to see that it was from an anonymous number.
"Ugh. Not right now." Alison groaned as she put her phone faced back down on her dresser.

*DING* it chimes again. But this time it's a FaceTime call.

"What do you want, please leave me alone." Alison whimpered through her teeth. She walked back over to her phone and lifts it up.
She swiped her phone unlocked and answered but nearly drops to her knees when she sees Emily's face. Her face is swollen and eyes puffy from crying, and she's wearing an orange jumpsuit.

"What? What the Fuck!" EMILY!? Alison screamed.


"Mom, I said can you give me a minute!!" Alison screams back even louder and her voice cracks from the tears rebuilding in her throat.

"Emily, oh my God? Babygirl..where are you? Who's number is this? Are you okay? Are the other girls with you? I'm coming to get you! Wait..where are you again?" Alison's words run a mile a minute and Emily looks around the room knowing she's being watched and has to stick to the script.

"Hey, Ali...uhmm..there's no easy way to say this." Emily tried to speak through the tears.
"But we cant, we can't be together anymore...bbbecause. I'm gonna die. I'm gonna die in here..I love you so...so much Ali. But someone is going to kill me, I'm so sorry. You can't tell anyone about this because they'll kill you too and...I won't let that happen, so I guess I'm sacrificing myself in a way...I remember you saying I was always the bravest woman you knew..I guess I'm proving that now."

Emily looks up at the 10 minute countdown which is now at 2 minutes. She knows that her time is coming to an end.

"Emily, I don't understand...I can't live without you..please just tell me where you are and I-"

"NO! Alison, this is it. It's over and there's no way out and we can't live happily ever after. Rosewood has never been that kind of town anyway so let's just cut our losses."
Emily bawls and she pants harshly through the tears.

30 seconds left on the clock and Emily knows she has to think of something quick that Alison will understand. A secret code of some sort.

"Alison, I've gotta go but Listen very carefully okay write this last thing down. I always tell you happy birthday EVERY July FOURTH. WORD. "Starting now" Emily whispers.
So Remember when MONA got you a DOLLHOUSE and you were TRAPPED with it for years. You burried it UNDERGROUND.

"Emily you're not making sense at all right now what?" Alison to upset to comprehend the message.
A bell chimes signaling Emily's time is up.
"Alison I've gotta go now but really think about what I said okay..I love you. Goodbye."

"Wait no! Emily!!!!..FUCK!" Alison collapses on her bed as she cries uncontrollably. She throws her phone and the message that she wrote down and couldn't comprehend. All she heard was that someone is about to kill emily and there was nothing should do about it.

Alison felt lifeless at this point and couldn't see herself without Emily. She didn't want to LIVE without Emily. There would be no purpose.
Alison walks into her bathroom and pulls a razor. She breaks off one of the blades and holds it at her wrist and begins to cut..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2017 ⏰

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