New Toys (The Prolouge) 🎀

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When the lights cut back on in the hospital, Alison is left by herself and she immediately begins to shake and cry.
She snatches off all of the wires and cords attached to her body and gets out of the bed. She hesitantly begins to walk out the door of the room, not knowing what to expect.
She proceeds out into the hallway with caution, which was very foggy as if someone had set off a smoke bomb of some sort.
As the air began to clear, Alison notices a scary sight.

"Oh no, no, Hello can you hear me!"
She gasps loudly covering her mouth as she sees the doctor and the whole hospital staff passed out on the ground.
Everyone is completely unresponsive. Frantic and in fear of another attack Alison grabs her belongings and takes off running out the door as fast as she can. She calls Emily first, then Hanna, Aria, & Spencer.
No answer.
She thinks about going to the police but it may not be safe yet.

Ali then receives a text from a different number from the girls telling her to meet them at the coffee shop 3 blocks from the hospital and somebody stole their phones.
Without thinking, Alison continues to run, & run to the coffee shop not even aware of the fact that she was being followed until a strong force grabs her arms and throws them behind her.

"Alison Dilaurentis, You are under arrest for theft & fraudulent bank activity. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law..."

The police officer continues to read Alison her Miranda rights as he tightens the cuffs with force around her wrists and shoves her into the back of the police car.

Alison was in disbelief that she had been set up.
However, this couldn't be Cece's doings alone.
It just couldn't be.

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