Game 5: Emily's Turn

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*Hannas answer*
30, 29, 28, 27...

"Please! Do not make me choose!"


"OKAY! Okay... I, I choose..."

Thank you for your submission."

Hanna exhales and says "I pick Aria."

"Of course I love Caleb, but Aria is one of my bestfriends. Plus Dick never goes over vagina only inside. I can't choose any man over my girls. I know they would do the same for me."
Hanna sighs defeatedly to herself.

*Meanwhile in Emily's room*

Emily wakes up from a nap not knowing what time it was. She looks up at the fake clock and groans. She then looks down at her feet near the bottom of the bed. She looks down at 3 boxes each labeled a different name. She sits up and rubs the sleep away from her eyes so she can see the names more clearly

"Maya, Paige... and Alison? What the hell.."

Hesitantly she reaches for the box labeled Maya first. She lifts up the top and inside is a remote control and a note.

"Press play for a special message from Maya. ;)"

Emily's heart drops as her mind reels at the thought of Maya still being alive. Maya was her first real girlfriend and she did love her a lot. But her life was cut short by her cousin Nate.
Emily's hand trembles as she reaches for the remote and points it at the TV.
A video of Maya crying begins to play.

"Emily...By the time you watch this, I'll already be dead so..this is the last time you'll get to hear my voice and see my face. Sadly I'll never get to see yours again..."

Tears stream down Emily's face as she watches Maya breakdown on the screen. The video had to be at least 2 years old because Maya looked exactly the same as she did when they first met, Emily thought to herself.

"I've been getting threats from somebody and they need to be stopped before they hurt somebody else. I'm recording this video In Noel's cabin, and I'm not sure how much time I have left. The person threatening told me to meet him here, and I know he's not working alone because when I got here 2 guys blindfolded me and threw me in here.."

"Why would you go alone! I would've came with you.." Emily shouted at the screen as if it were a scary movie.

"Anyways, I don't know if you'll ever see this, and I'm pretty sure I'm gonna die in here because that's what they told me, but, I don't know why they're out to get me.

I just wanted to let you know...I've always loved you Emily, and the woman you end up with will be the luckiest girl in the world. Please do not wait for me..Love to your fullest potential and do not hold back. Goodbye .. Emily fields."

Maya reaches towards the screen and hits the end button and Emily screams "NOOOO, Maya.. I'm so sorry."
Emily collapses on the bed and crys then slowly lifts her head up to look at the other two boxes. She doesn't think she can bare any more torture. She decides to open Paige's box first. While tears still stream down Emily's face she opens the box and reads a note saying
"No Paige mail today! Check back next week. 😊"

Emily lets out a small sigh of relief but then her heart hardens again when she reads Ali's name on the final box.
"Please go easy on me bitch."
Emily silently hisses.

She lifts the lid and there are a list of directions to follow.

Step 1: Go into the closet and pull out the video camera

Step 2: Record yourself telling Alison you're going to die.
Tell her you never loved her and you're going to break up with her.
If you don't do either of these, I will kill Alison and you'll never see each other again.
It better be believable whatever you choose.

Step 3: Send to her phone. You have 10 minutes to decide, record, and send.

A countdown begins to play on the tv and Emily completely loses it. She starts to scream and yell, curse and cry while her time runs out. She curls into a small ball as she looks up at her time. 8 minutes to decide, Emily was not known to be weak, but right now she didn't think she could fight anymore.
But she'd be dammed if she didn't try.
She goes into the closet and sets up the camera and begins to record.

"Hey, Ali...uhmm..there's no easy way to say this." Emily tried to speak through the tears...

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