Game 1: Welcome Home🏡

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Emily is the first person to awaken in a confused & disheveled state. She looks down at her body to see that she is wearing an orange jumpsuit accompanied by handcuffs & so are the other girls.
Their clothes are in a corner piled off to the side.
She looks around to see Hanna, Spencer and Aria still asleep on the ground of what appears to be a jail van because it has no windows. She starts to panic not knowing if the others are alive or not since they look so lifeless on the floor.

"Aria! Hanna? Spencer?! Can you guys hear me?" Emily pants as she begins to shake the others harshly.
Gradually they begin to regain consciousness, one by one.

"WHERE ARE WE!? Wtf is going on?" Spencer begins to bawl.

"Where is Ali? Ali! Are you driving? Hello?!" Emily shrieks banging on the blacked out window with her elbows which leads to the drivers seat.

"Em, that can't be Ali driving, why are we dressed like this! Did we kill somebody!!?" Hanna scoffs looking down at her jumpsuit.

"If we are in trouble, they probably think we're accessories not killers.." Spencer adds.

"An accessory is a necklace or a handbag, not a chain gang." Aria whimpers.

"Call it what you want..were all going to jail. And we don't even know what we did." Hanna replies with defeat.

"Whoever did this to us...why do you think they're separating us from Ali?" Emily asks as she finally sits down on the cold van bench.

"You mean why is CeCe separating us from Ali.." Spencer comments.

"We don't know that it was her for there's no way she's working alone."
Emily says shakily as she attempts to brush her hair behind her ear forgetting that she has handcuffs on.

"That is very true. A wolf can't lead without her pack." Spencer adds.

Hanna: What, and Cece is gonna make Ali look like the the big bad wolf?

"But does that make us the little pigs or Little Red?" Aria groans sarcastically.

"Maybe we know too much now, and now we're gonna get killed. Great!"
Hanna throws her hands in the air as she speaks. "When we get there, they're probably gonna split us up too.."

"This is crazy! We didn't do anything!" Aria shouts with frustration.

"You guys...they can take everything from us, but they can't take us from each other. I don't care how far apart from you guys I am, I will still be with you." Spencer speaks softly with encouragement.

"Spencer's right...I love you guys." Hanna says bleakly with a half smile.

All of a sudden the van begins to shake and rattle violently throwing the girls from left to right before coming to an abrupt halt.

"Ow! What the hell was that?" Hanna exclaimed trying regain her balance.

"We just had an accident." Emily assured looking around with confusion.

"Yeah, I did in my pants!" Aria stammered with worry.

The doors to the van open and the girls all begin to scream. They couldn't make out any faces, but the person shot a type of smoke bomb at them and next thing they know, they're waking up in what seems to be their rooms and all must have been a bad dream.

Each of the girls awaken around the same time in rooms that appear to be very similar to their real ones. There are some major differences however. The doors to not open, there are cameras, fake photo albums, and no real windows. All of it is a fake reality.

"Welcome. Willkommen. Bienvenidos! Please exit your room and follow the lighted pathway." A voice on the PA system exclaims enthusiastically.

The girls begin to exit their "rooms" with caution. The hallway is pitch black, but they all see each others faces within moments and run to each other with relief.

"Oh my God, are you guys okay?" Spencer panted as she examined her friends.

"I thought we were going to jail, but this is a new kind of torture...What is this place?" Hanna stammers and the girls all begin looking around.

"This is like a dollhouse." Aria gulped trying to come to terms with the situation.

"Yeah and were the dolls." Emily adds.

"Please follow the lighted pathway!"

"Who's voice is that? it's not Ali's, that's for sure..." Emily says with confidence.

Please follow the lighted pathway!

The woman on the PA system continues to chant until the girls follow instructions.

"We heard you, bitch." Hanna huffs in annoyance.

"We heard you, bitch. We heard you, bitch."

The woman on the PA system mocks in a playback of Hanna's voice.

"Please follow the lighted pathway!"

The hallway begins to light up, and the girls all follow it cautiously. They hear a faint song being played on the piano, accompanied by a baby crying. There is a woman sitting on the piano shushing and soothing the baby with her piano playing.
The girls get closer and closer to the woman, but the woman is wearing a mask, and the baby is not real, it is only a doll. The woman is wearing Alison's favorite yellow top and her hair is golden and curly, just like Alison's. Emily is not fully convinced however, because she knows her girl too well.

"Ali...Is that you?" Emily inquires stepping closer to the woman playing the piano.

The woman slams the piano keys and slowly turns towards the girls and starts to remove her mask..

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