"Oh my gosh. Stop please. Please." Kathryn desperately begged, and Daniel did.

He looked at her, for a moment she saw concern in his eyes but that didn't even last for a second.

"I guess we're done for today." Daniel said and released her from her binds

And left.

Kathryn was left crying, feeling abused, naked, used, played. She felt so many things.

She wanted this but she never thought it would hurt this much. She was being played. She wanted to run.

But she can't. Before she got inside the club earlier she signed a contract.

She did nothing but cry. She's never felt this weak.

On the other side of the room Daniel was in his bathroom taking a shower. Remembering the face of Kathryn while he tortured her.

He smirked.

Same old Daniel who loves torturing girls. Or is he?

After Daniel got out of the shower he heard his phone ringing.

"What?!" he annoyingly answered.

"Dude how's your first day with her?" It was Katsumi.

"Oo nga dude, masikip ba?!" added by Seth in the backgroud.

"Mga gago. She's okay. Pero halatang hindi marunong." Daniel sighed.

"Need our help?" Katsumi asked.

Just then, an idea popped in his head.

"I'll text you the details. See you tomorrow"

\This is going to be great he thought.

On the other side there was Kathryn walking in the hall on her way to the room Daniel gave her. She felt exhausted physically and emotionally.

As she changed into a shirt and a pajama, she lied down in her bed. Comfort after the gruelling night, falling asleep

Waking up Kathryn was greeted with breakfast in bed, and a note.

Palakas ka. You'll need a lot of energy. Said the note.

She got nervous and thought of countless possibilities. Kathryn was a spoiled brat. She had everything. Money, fame, beauty, a college diploma, boys drooling over her, freedom, bags, shoes, literally everything until she read about BDSM.

It was her way to do something she wants without getting judged. She just never imagined enjoying sex with her past boyfriends, she thought they were too weak. She wanted dominance, she wanted the thought of having other boys boss her around. She got curious. She wanted more than what she has in life.

She wanted this kind of fun. Dangerous fun. But now that she has it, she wanted out, or that's what she thought she wanted.

Kathryn pag may gusto may paraan. Her mind convinces her.

Then she shrugged it off and went on with her breakfast. After eating, the phone next to the bed rang. Her hands were shaking insanely while she reached out for the phone. Before she could even say hi the other person spoke.

"Wear something decent. Go down after 30 minutes. I expect you all cleaned up." then he hung up.

Who else could it be? Ofcourse it was Daniel.

She then entered the bathroom. Even though Daniel was pretty abusive she still can't deny how much she admired him.

Especially his eyes, those eyes that had girly eyelashes suiting his captivativating orbs. Though he does have eyebags, it didn't make him less attractive at all.

I sometimes wonder what can make him ugly? Kathryn asked herself. Or maybe his perfectly pointed nose. That made her heart beat faster every time he breathes.

Or maybe his sexy chin. Never would she wonder that a chin can be God damned sexy until she met him. The chin that moves so gracefully when he speaks. She can stare at it all day.

Or maybe his luscious lips that makes her wonder how tasty they may be, since he hasn't kissed her just yet, lips that can make all the girls swallow just by looking at them.

While she was fantasizing about him, she hasn't noticed that she was already touching herself while moaning; she was too caught up on the moment that she was shocked when the bathroom door opened and revealed the man she was fantasizing about just now.

Damn how sexy can she get. Daniel told himself but still managed to gave her a glare.

"Ahhh!" Kathryn shouted as she released, still staring at the man standing on the doorway.

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