As Shen wonders where the god of the underworld will be, two skeletons in armor and a type C god spots him and immediately rush over with their weapons drawn.

"Identify yourself immediately!" The type C god shouts at Shen while the two skeletons point their spares at Shen's back and chest.

Although Shen was irk by the weapons that are pointed at him, since his goal is to meet the god of the underworld and asks him for something, Shen calmly tells the trio, "I have urgent business with the god of the underworld."

Because the trio are the ones who guard the entrance into the underworld, they are always among the first to know of any visitors or new arrivals. Seeing as they were not informed of any visitors, they knew Shen is an intruder and quickly tried to arrest him.


Since Shen's goal is to see the god of the underworld and thought that prisoners and intruders will brought to him for judgement, Shen made no fuss and allow them to arrest him and place a strange blob of black fog over his wrists. When the skeleton removes his bony hands and the fog disappears, Shen saw that there are now two weird inscriptions encasing both of his wrist.

As Shen looks at the strange things, the two Skelton prod Shen's back, indicating for him to move forward. Shen watch as the trio led Shen towards a dark black mist and orders him to go in. Since the mist emitted a very dangerous and unpleasant aura, Shen frowns and stops in his tracks.

Just as Shen was about to growl out, "Didn't I tell you I have urgent business with the god of the underworld." He spots a slightly lighter mist nearby and to his surprise, he sees Zhanshi standing amongst a large crowd inside the mist. Thus, he quickly dash towards the mist and enter into mist before the trio could stop him.

As Shen hastily makes his way towards Zhanshi, a few of the guards inside the mist notice his presence and instantly zoom towards him with their weapons. When the guards shouted for Shen to stop, the large crowd in the mist along with Zhanshi turn their attention to Shen.


Seeing as he is already dead, Zhanshi could care less about anything else, but when he heard the underworld guards loud shout he figure that something entertaining may have happened and quickly follow everyone's gaze. To his surprised and horror, he sees Shen zooming towards him. As Shen stops in front of him, grabs the collar of his robe, and attempt to drag him away, Zhanshi quickly broke free of Shen's grip and gives Shen a remorseful expression then sadly and regretfully tells Shen "I'm so sorry. I did not mean for this to happen... I'm so sorry." Zhanshi knew that his apology will never be enough but since there is not else that he could do, that was all he could say. He did not even want to think about how Aixin and Shen's babies will survive now that Shen is also dead and cursed himself for dragging Shen into his mess.

As Zhanshi is deep in his regretful thoughts, after releasing a tire huff of air, Shen curls his hand into a fist and swings it hard on top on Zhanshi's head. To Zhanshi's surprised, the blow hurt like hell, but now that he thought about, didn't Shen just grab his collar. With wide eyes, Zhanshi quickly shoots up from his crouching position and asks Shen, "How are you able to touch me when we are just both spirits?"

As Zhanshi watch Shen roll his eyes and asks him, "Do I look like ghost?" Zhanshi quickly gives Shen a head nod and a yes because contrary to what he had thought when he was human, ghosts looks just like their human self (he knows because he is one now). But just as the nod and yes escape his mouth, Zhanshi felt another blow on top of his head and yell "ouch... why did you hit me?!"


Seeing as he has already wasted enough time dealing with Zhanshi's idiotness, Shen grabs Zhanshi's back collar and beginning dragging him away from the curious crowd of human spirits, but was quickly block by three giant strange-looking goblins.

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