Little Things To Do For Dysphoria

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Find your favorite songs, artists, albums, etc. and take advantage of that replay button. Lose yourself in the music, hum, sing, tap your feet, etc. Try finding new music too, I know it's hard going out of your typical music zone but try experimenting and finding new genres, artists, etc. or just go to your music recommendations and see what's already recommended for you from what you already listen to.

Tell yourself preferably out loud (if you can) by a mirror who you are and some great/unique things about yourself. "I am Colin and I am a man. My body does not define my gender. I have dark forest eyes, a prominent cupids bow, love handles for days, more beauty marks then I could ever dream of counting, and I am man."

Try distracting yourself with little task, it can be hard to focus in bigger tasks so start small. Try reorganizing your shelves, folding some laundry, making your bed, dusting around the house, etc. If you run out of things to do then go back and redo what you've done but better! Reorganized your shelves? How about going back and putting your books in ABC order? Folded some laundry? Did you make sure to distribute it properly and put it all away?

Put on something that makes you feel good! Rather it's an outfit you know you look good to boost your confidence or a relaxed one that's soft and comfortable. Back to the distracting tasks thing, doing your makeup or painting your nails are also distracting and can be quite time consuming. Wear whatever makes you feel nice and comfortable.

Watch some YouTube! MilesChronicles, Ash Hardell, uppercaseCHASE1, Stef Sanjati, ElectraSnow, Riley J Dennis, etc. all great transgender YouTubers that talk about their experiences, troubles, etc. You don't have to watch Trans YouTubers but it may help knowing that you're able to watch these amazing people that you can relate to!

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