M6. Hermione x Lovegood!reader

Start from the beginning

Hermione shivered as she walked out of the castle, mentally cursing herself for not grabbing a jacket. She desired it was to late to go back now, well that and she'd have to deal with the boys quizzing again. So she trudged on eager to get to the gardens where the hedges would hopefully offer some shielding from the cold winds.

She approached the gardens carefully before glancing down at her watch it said six o'clock. She was on time yet there didn't seem to be anyone here. So she walked further into the maze of hedges hoping she'd find someone amongst the vegetation. Hermione started to doubt that there was anyone here, she had been walking around for about ten minutes yet she hadn't seen anyone. 'Maybe this was all someone's sick idea of a joke.' Hermione cried out in frustration when she turned the corner and smacked into someone. They were quite a bit taller so she had to look up to see there face. It was y/n.

'Hey, y/n.'

'Hello Hermione.'

'Was it you that invited me here.' Hermione said smile creeping its way onto her face.

Y/n bit his lip looking away from Hermione before he answered, 'Yes.'

'You're my secret admirer?' She said in shock as she looked up at the y/h boys face.

'Yeah. I get it if you don't like me and all but...'

'Sorry but don't like you? Y/n over half the school likes you.' Hermione cut of y/n's ramblings.

'Oh, uh. You look cold.' Y/n did looking for something to say.

'Yeah. I kinda forgot to grab a jacket before I left the Gryffindor common room.' Hermione said scratching the back of her neck, a blush spreading across her cheeks.

'Here,' y/n said taking off his jacket, ' you can wear mine. If you want.'

'Thanks.' Hermione said smiling gratefully as she took the leather jacket from y/n's hand. It smelled strongly of y/n's vanilla cologne, the scent enveloped Hermione in comfort and warmth.

'Better?' Y/n asked smiling at Hermione.

'Better.' Hermione confirmed.

The two just walked in silence for a while, not the awkward silences like Hermione had with Ron but a nice comfortable silence. Hermione reached out to take y/n's hand looking at him to see if it was ok. Y/n just grabbed the Gryffindors hand squeezing it to let her know it's ok.

Sometime after Hermione stopped walking. So the two were standing beside a fountain, she turned to face the y/h boy.

'Y/n there is something I need to tell you.'

'Ok, go ahead.' Y/n smiled encouragingly.

'I like you. Like like you like you.'

Y/n chuckled 'what are we in middle school now, huh Granger?' Hermione blush a deep crimson, she was started to doubt y/n, was he her secret admirer or just playing a joke. 'I like you too. Don't worry. Why else do you think I asked you here?'

'I don't know, I thought maybe it was some sort of sick joke.'

'This is not a joke Granger.' He said holding up there hands, 'I do honestly like you.'

And with that Hermione stood up on her tip toes and placed a kiss on y/n's lips. It was a quick peck and she was now once again deep crimson but she still did it. Y/n chuckled again as he leaned down to give Hermione a proper kiss. She practically jumped into it, trowing her arms around y/n's neck. This action nearly caused both of them to fall over, y/n only just managed to keep them both upright as he went into a good base stance while he looped his arms around Hermione's waist.

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