He put his hand on my back to comfort me "You weren't yourself" I had just told him what had happened a while back. 

"I know. Danny kept telling me that. But I still killed him, me. That's not who I am Jordan. I'm not a killer"


"Are you sure your friend is coming?" Crystal asked as we climbed out from our cars. We had parked far away from the building. 

I checked my phone "Theo can't make it. But I called another friend who can help"

"I hope he isn't a werewolf" I heard Chelsea mutter.

I glared at her.

"Okay, let's go" Allison spoke up.

We creeped up to the dark building. I took a few deep breaths as we surrounded it. Chelsea and Crystal went to the back while the rest of us stayed in the front. We looked at each other and nodded before we went in to attack.


Allison and I were fighting a few werewolves at a time. We still hadn't found Adam, but for now we were preoccupied. Apparently I am the only Wanda who can kill werewolves with my scream. For the others it could just knock them out. So the other girls used their scream to knock out a few werewolves within a few feet. 

We were beating them but they were also beating us. A werewolf punched me making me fall to the ground. I groaned as I stood up. I licked the side of my lip to taste blood. That ugly taste of iron entered my mouth. I continued to fight him.

"We could really use your friends help right now" Allison said through fighting.

I grunted as I hit him with my fist and kicked him so hard he fell a few feet away from me and didn't move "Yea, I know"

"Behind you" She said still fighting one werewolf.

I turned around to see a werewolf coming at me with his sharp fangs. I rolled my eyes as I began fighting him.

After awhile of fighting I was getting tired. Everyone else was too "There's too many of them!" I heard Crystal yell. 

"We just need to find Adam!" I yelled back.

After getting through a few werewolves my eyes landed on someone who was looking straight at me. I softly growled as I ran to him and began fighting him. Keep your hands up, I told myself.

He swung his arm around me but I ducked and threw a punch at him. Adam let out a laugh "Your good, but not as good as me"

We continued to fight. His face wasn't clean, neither was mine. He knocked me to the ground but I kicked his legs causing him to land on his knees. I swung around as I stood up and took out the gun that was behind me. I pointed it at him as he was on his knees. He didn't move because I had the gun pointed to his head. My finger was on the trigger ready to shoot. 

He crackled another laugh "Come on, do it"

"Caitlin!" I heard a voice approach me. I didn't turn to look, I recognized the voice "Don't do this"

I kept my eyes planted on Adam who was there smirking. 

"You want to do this. You know you do" Adam taunted.

"Don't do this Cait. Don't kill him"

I kept my finger on the trigger, my eyes pierced on Adam "He did it. He.. killed Danny" Tears began to emerge just thinking about it. Flashbacks of Danny entered my mind which triggered more tears. 

"Yea I did" Adam said taunting me "He begged for his life" 

"Don't listen to him. Listen to me, don't do this" Jordan begged as he stood a few feet next to me "Your not a killer. You told me yourself that's not who you are. Don't become that person"

I wanted to pull the trigger. I did, I wanted to end it all so bad. A few tears made their way down my cheeks. 

"Don't.. do this" Jordan begged.

Suddenly the lights that lite up this building went out. That distracted us. I looked around in the darkness as I slowly lowered the gun. Suddenly the lights came back on. I blinked a few times to adjust. I noticed Adam wasn't in front of me. Before I could look around I felt a sharp pain on my back. I groaned when I felt whatever it was that stabbed me extract. My knees weakened as I fell on my back to the ground. 

The pain was escalating. I looked up at the ceiling as I let out groans of pain. Adam came into my view. He was smirking.

"You should've killed me" 

Author's Note:

So what do you guys think?! Pretty intense right?!

Do you guys trust the other girls? Chelsea doesn't seem to trust Caitlin.

Leave your comments in the box, I want to know what you guys think. Feedback my readers!

Thanks for reading my chapter! ❤️

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