Chapter 14

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

"Well, we made it through the full moon without anyone trying to kill us" I said as I walked into the room the next morning.

Derek turned around as he was looking out the window "Yea"

I approached him "What's wrong?"

He looked at me while he had his arms crossed "I know they're near"


"The alpha pack"

I grabbed onto his crossed arms. He opened his mouth to speak but instead he quickly turned his head sideways as if he was listening to something.

"What is it?"

"Your dad, he just walked through the front door"

"Shit" I muttered under my breath "You gotta go"

He grabbed his black leather jacket and put it on. I grabbed onto his jacket and pulled him close to me. I tiptoed on my toes and kissed him. He kissed back and we pulled away "I'll see you later"

"See you" He opened the window and climbed out.

Once he got to the ground and walked away I closed my window. I turned around and jumped a few feet in the air when I saw Stiles standing at my doorway "Geez, you scared the crap out of me" I held onto my chest.

"Get dressed, dad's gonna take us to breakfast" Stiles said with a quirky smile.

I took one deep breath "Okay, give me a few minutes" He walked out of my room. I quickly got dressed and brushed my brown hair. I loved how it was naturally straight. I walked out of my room to meet dad and Stiles downstairs.

Two Weeks Later

Back to school. I got ready and headed to Stiles's room, my car broke down and is in the shop so he's gonna give me a ride to school for the next few days. I entered his room as he was sitting on his chair using his laptop.

"What are you doing?" I asked as I approached him.

He kept muttering to himself. I stood next to him and put my hand on his desk. I leaned down trying to figure out what he was doing.

"You know how many vehicle collisions last year involved deer? 247,000" He stated.

"Oh god, please go to school" Dad whined.

I snickered as I turned my head to see my dad standing at the door.

"But that's crossing the road. This one last night came right down the middle" He kept typing on his keyboard.

Dad walked inside the room "I'm not gonna beg you two" He said scratching the back of his neck.

"Okay good, I'm impervious to your influence anyway"

I stood up straightening my back.

"Would you consider a bribe?" Dad asked.

"You couldn't meet my price" Stiles shot back.


Stiles nicked his head sideways quickly "You got nothing on me"

Dad nodded his head "Yea" He began to grab onto Stiles's chair. I took a few steps back being amused by everything.

Dad began to roll Stiles away from his desk "Dad, what are you doing?" He asked confusedly "Dad, what are you doing?" He could barely reach his keyboard anymore.

He reached for it only being able to press the space board "Ahh" He fell off his chair landing with a thud on the floor.

I let out a big laugh, Stiles turned his head and glared at me.

"Come on brother, my car is in the shop so that means your driving me to school and I don't want to be late on the first day back" I stepped over him and walked out.

I walked straight to his jeep and walked in. Stiles walked out about 5 minutes later and climbed into the jeep. He turned it on arms began to drive away.

"So it was like that deer ran into their car intentional" I asked. I was with Derek so I didn't really know what happened.

"Yea" Stiles said as he had one hand on the wheel while he drove.

It was pretty quiet most of the ride there. When we arrived we climbed out and walked into the school. Stiles went to find Scott while I walked over to Danny's locker. I saw him pulling out books and putting them into his backpack.

"Hey" I said as I walked up to him "How did the vacation go?"

"Good, how did telling your dad go?"

I sighed "You know I can't do that"

A small smile formed on the side of his mouth as he let out a small shrug "I tried"

The bell rang "Come on, let's get to class"

Danny closed his locker and we began walking. We walked into an almost full classroom. Stiles was sitting in between Scott and Lydia. I spotted two seats a few rows behind Stiles. Danny and I walked over and sat down. We were all talking for a few minutes before everybody's phone began ringing and vibrating. I grabbed my phone and opened the text.

"The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway"

A women was walking into the classroom as she was speaking "Leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky, seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness"

She stood in front of the desk "This is the last line to the first book we are going to read. It is also the last text you will receive in this class" She said as she held up her phone "Phones off, everyone"

She walked over to the chalkboard and began writing stuff down. I turned off my phone and slid it into my backpack. We began to work on some work after she gave us instructions. I asked to go to the restroom after awhile. I came back not soon after and realized Scott was gone.

I continued to write on my notebook but jumped when I heard a loud noise coming from the window. There was blood smeared in the window. Ms. Blake walked closer to the window. Everyone in the classroom pretty much got back to doing their work. I watched as she stared outside the window. Am I seeing things? It looked like a whole bunch of birds. 

Another bird ran into the window right at Ms. Blake causing her to jump back and gasp. More and more birds crashed into the window. Then they began breaking the glass and flying in. The glass was shattering everywhere but more and more birds kept flying in. 

"Get down everyone!" Ms. Blake yelled.

I could feel them flying over my head. I began sliding down on my chair to the floor but I suddenly got pulled down. 

"Keep your head covered" I heard Danny's voice. He was on top of me shielding me from the crazy birds. All I could hear is yelling and the birds flying everywhere. 

It felt like it was lasting forever. Suddenly everything became quiet. Everyone was slowly starting to get up, I looked around and saw only bird feathers flying around. Danny helped me get up, I looked around the classroom. What the hell just happened?

Journey from Hatred to Love (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now