Chapter 19

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

I lingered around the school for the rest of the day. Finally after school I was in the parking lot when Stiles approached me.

"Come on, get in the jeep I've gotta take you home" Stiles said as he climbed onto his jeep.

I rolled my eyes as I opened the door and climbed in. Stiles began to drive home and for most of the ride was quiet. Once he drove onto the driveway I climbed out and shut the door. I began walking to the front door when I heard Stiles's voice.

"Cait! Look I know your upset right now but you can't exactly leave the house"

"Of course I can't, I'm going to be grounded for years anyway!" I exclaimed as I turned around to him. I had turned around so quick that my bag swung with me. I turned back around and walked inside the house slamming the door behind me. I stomped upstairs and walked into my cool room. I let down my bag and sat on my bed.

I stayed up in my room for a few more hours. I heard noise downstairs which caught my attention, Stiles isn't home nor is dad. I began to walk slowly down the stairs.

"Stiles.. dad are you home?" I took a small swallow as I continued walking downstairs.

As soon as I walked down the last step I heard noise in the kitchen. I began walking to the kitchen when I heard a floor board creak behind me. I quickly whipped around and saw one of the twins standing there. He opened his mouth showing his fangs and his eyes glowed red. My eyes widened.


One of the twins had his hand on my wrist tightly while the other had his hand wrapped around my neck. They pulled me into a view, we were at Derek's loft. I saw Kali standing a good distance in front of Derek. He was halfway transformed into a wolf. Boyd and Isaac were behind him. When Derek saw me his expressed changed, but he didn't really show it.

Kali turned to me before she turned back to Derek "You and me Derek or they tear her apart" I knew she had a smirk on her annoying face "What do you say?"

I tried to move back so maybe I could get out of here, but the twins were persistent to hold me down "You think you can beat me one on one?" Kali asked Derek.

Derek nicked his head signaling for Boyd and Isaac to move away.

"I'm gonna rip your throat out with my teeth" Derek snarled.

Kali growled while Derek roared, then everything else happened so fast.


Boyd. He's gone. Kali made Derek kill him, she made him impale Boyd with his claws. Kali and the twins had just walked out of the loft while Isaac was holding onto me. The tears surfaced and I couldn't control them. Derek stood on his knees defeated.

What happened next I couldn't control. Isaac still had his arms around me at the doorway. I wiggled trying to get out of his grasp. I could feel he was already letting me go but I couldn't control what I was doing. I quickly turned to Isaac and pushed my arms to his chest. The red glow appeared as I threw my hands into his chest sending him flying almost across the room.

 The red glow appeared as I threw my hands into his chest sending him flying almost across the room

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I watched as he groaned on the ground slowly getting up in the wet water. I looked at my palms but the red glow faded away quickly. Stiles suddenly appeared next to me with Cora.

"Caitlin?" Stiles asked when he looked down at me.

I turned to him then back at Isaac "I'm sorry" I said loudly then again softly. I stood up and quickly ran out. I couldn't look at Derek. I was already heartbroken, then watching him kill Boyd was worse. I ran passed Lydia but I just kept running. I literally ran all the way home and thank god dad wasn't home. I went straight up to my room and sat on the bed. Even though I did run all the way home it was cool outside so I wasn't sweating as much.

What the hell is wrong with me? Some time later I heard rapid footsteps. I was still in the same position with my knees up to my chest.

I heard those footsteps come into my room "Caitlin" I felt a pair of arms around me. I gasp softly and looked up to see Stiles sitting next to me "He's dead.. Boyd's dead"

"I know, it's okay" He held me tight as I softly sobbed. I never knew Boyd that well but he didn't deserve to die like that.


By the next day dad never knew about what happened. He seriously needs to find out everything and I need to make him understand that Derek is the one I want to be with. Not only was dad out but Stiles was too. And I hate being here.

I got dressed and put some pillows underneath my blanket making it look like I was asleep, if that even works. It was already about 5 o'clock so maybe if dad comes home he would think I went to sleep early. I closed my door behind me and walked to the front door. Once I walked out I began walking to my destination.

The walk was almost rather long. I arrived at Deaton's work place and stood at the entrance for a minute catching my breath. Again it was a pretty cool and breezy day so I wasn't sweating so much. Once I opened the door it jingled. I walked in and was greeted by Deaton who came around the corner.

"Hi" I said with a small wave.

"Caitlin, what can I do for you?" He asked with a small grin. He was wearing his usual white lab coat.

"I need your help"

Author's Note:

Next chapter shall reveal all!

Thank you for reading my chapters!
I know I say that after every chapter but I really do appreciate you guys reading this book. I'm a big Derek Hale fan and I just wanted this book to be successful, which it's getting there thanks to you guys! ❤️

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