Chapter 43

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Caitlin's P.O.V.

For the next few days I did my best to avoid Jordan. Dad had me go by the station to drop off a few things but I was lucky that Jordan was either serving out subpoenas or he was doing courthouse security. I hadn't seen him since I ran out of his house. I was hanging out in dad's office for awhile.

"I'm glad things have calmed down" Dad said as he was doing paperwork at his desk.

"You guys aren't getting that many weird calls?" I asked as I was sitting on his couch.

"Any weird supernatural calls no. We still haven't caught that killer that was around town but like I said things have calmed down"

"Maybe he or she left town" I suggested "Or they came to their senses and stopped killing innocent people"

"Still has to be caught" Dad said.

I looked outside to see Jordan walk inside the station. He walked to his desk then walked away towards the back. I turned back "Right" I stood up "Alright, I'm gonna get going"

"Okay pumpkin. Becareful going home"

"I will" I put my bag over my shoulder and walked out.

I began walking to the entrance with my head hanging low. When I looked up I saw Jordan walking in front of me. We both stopped.

"Hey" He said softly.

"I have to go" I said walking passed him.

"Cait" He called out.

I stopped and turned around to face him.

I noticed dad walking my way and he was in a hurry "What's going on?" I asked.

"Got a call" He said to me as he walked passed us. I turned back to Jordan.

"Look we gotta talk" He said as he was holding a file in his hand.

I swallowed the nervous lump in my throat "Sorry but I gotta go" I turned around and practically stormed out of the station.

When I got home I walked into the house. I shut the door and leaned against it. I shut my eyes as I inhaled then exhaled. When I opened my eyes I saw Stiles coming down the stairs.

"Hey" I said taking a few steps forward and grabbed my bag that was hanging on my shoulder.

"Hey, look Derek is upstairs"

My eyes widened "Derek's here?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes but look-"

Without letting him finish I dropped my bag and sprinted up the stairs. I ran into my room and saw Derek standing in the middle. I squealed as I ran up to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. I felt his grasp around my waist but it wasn't tight. I pulled away and noticed right away.

"What's wrong?" I asked taking a few steps backwards.

I heard footsteps behind making me turn around. Stiles stood at the door. I turned back to Derek, they both had sad looks on their faces.

"What's going on?"


The Sheriff pulled his car to a sharp stop as he made it to the scene. It was right next to the woods. He closed the door and walked closer to the scene.

"What do we got?" He asked.

"A jogger found the victim, DOA"


"This way" The deputy began walking to the vicim with the Sheriff behind him.


"Derek. What's going on?"

Journey from Hatred to Love (Derek Hale)Where stories live. Discover now