Romeo and Juliet 2//Starco + slight Jantom

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This is for @taylorclan55 for suggesting this idea! I hope this is ok! Also I think this my first request so yay! 

"Janna! Tom!"

Star waved out from their table at Bony Tony's Shake Shop. 

The demon and human couple walked over with self-assured smirks.

They sat down across from Star and Marco, hiding their entwined hands. 

"Did you guys order?" Janna asked.

"Oh, no, we were just waiting for you!" Star beamed.

A waiter came by and dropped two menus in front of the couples. "Hello! Welcome to Bony Tony's Shake Shop where every shake is a little bony! But for legal reasons, I have to tell you that our shakes do not contain bones of any kind..." Her smile slipped off into a serious frown at the last part.

She grinned again as she said, "I'll leave those here for you and come back in a bit!"

As soon as she left, Star turned to Marco and gave him a tiny Eskimo kiss.

"Do you want to share a shake with me, Marco Po Parco?" Star asked, slyly.

"Yeaaaa..." Marco sighed happily.

Janna and Tom looked at each other and faked a gag.

"What do you wanna order?" Star asked, pulling away.

Marco stared at her, lovestruck, as he replied, "Anything you want, Starling."

"How about the Ultra Sweet Love Berry Shake?" Star smirked.

"Okkkkk..." Marco grinned.

Star leaned in closely.

Suddenly, she turned to Janna and asked. "Janna! What'd Skullzy think of our project?"

Marco slumped back in his chair and groaned.

"She liked the kiss scene," Janna smirked when they blushed. "And then Starfan13 came in and stole the hard drive that had our project and uploaded it to her blog."

"She has a blog? About what?" Star asked.

"Star! Our project was stolen!" Marco reminded her.

"Don't worry, Marco, I had a back-up on my computer," Janna assured him.

"So are you guys finally together?" Tom asked, eyes flashing.

"Yes!" Star smiled.
"Maybe?" Marco said at the same time.

"What?" They looked at each other.

"Oh, ho, ho!" Janna laughed but Tom stopped her.

"Are...are we not dating?" Star asked.

"I...I mean...yeeees?" Marco said.

"Marco Ubaldo Diaz-"

"Your middle name is Baldo?" Tom interrupted.

"Are we dating?" Star asked.

Marco sighed and got up. He kneeled next to her and pulled out a sleek black box. Sorta like a ring box...

"Star Butterfly, I love you. Will you-"

"Marco Diaz, I swear to hell! If you propose, I'll kill you! We're only fourteen! Does no one get that we're fourteen?! We don't understand how the world works yet! I objectttt!" Janna stood on her chair, shouting. 

Star shot a narwhal at her and waited for Marco to continue with tears in her eyes.

"As I was saying, this is a promise ring," Marco opened the box and Star and Tom gasped. Janna was still trying to protest the possibility of a young wedding but Tom had a firm hand on her. "I promise to always take care of you and protect you and to be there for you-"

"And to always make me delicious triangle food whenever I want them!" Star declared. 

Marco laughed, "And to always make you nachos whenever you want. But most importantly, I promise to love you forever. Princess Star Butterfly of Mewni, will you take my promise ring with my promises until I can legally," Marco shot Janna a look. "Until I can legally...m-marry you?"

Star screamed and squished him in a hug, "Marcoooooo! Yessss!"

People cheered for them and their waiter brought out a slice of chocolate cake for the future "Mr. and Mrs."

"STARCO FOREVERRRRR!" Starfan13 yelled as she dashed in and out of the restaurant. 

"Guys, I know I said to act like Romeo and Juliet and be in love but this is too far. You guys are literally them. I won't even be surprised if I find out that you guys kill yourselves in three days," Janna groaned.

"Thus with a kiss I die," Marco quoted, pulling Star's chin closer to kiss her softly.

"For never was a story of more woe than this of Juliet and his Romeo," Tom smirked, fanning his gagging girlfriend.

Ahhhhhh sorry! This is literal cringe! But yay! Story request! Don't be afraid to request ships and/or story ideas!

~ Winter Rose

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