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(Instead of him drawing, he writes things into life in his virtual device. Same plot though... or maybe I'll change things up a bit. Anyways, Enjoy!)

.... What will become of me from now on?

After some time, I stopped thinking about that.

Maybe I forgot...

How to think at all.

Alexander's eyes slowly opened, and stared at the ceiling in his bedroom. Streams of sunlight passes through the gaps of the curtains and fills parts of the room with light. Alexander gently rolls over, back facing the window, careful not to break the device he's holding.

Nothing changes anymore.

This world that only belongs to me, each and everyday, continues on.

He sat up.

But I'm not lonely.

His device turned on, and he went straight to his inbox, tapping on a few things.

It doesn't bother me at all.

Once he opened up the messages, he sighed.

No messages in 2,539 days

Alexander yawned, tears prick his eyes from the lack of sleep and plopped himself back in his fluffy bed. He removed the blanket with the use of his legs, because heat is starting to close in, and just stared out the window.

The bedroom started to change, pieces of fiber and furniture and other textures have changed into pixels, slowly changing the room. It became nothing but his bed and comfortable pillows and bean bags, and he was surrounded by glass, making a square-shaped box.

He jumped out of the bed and landed in his big, white bean bag, grabbing his device along the way. He opened up a writing program to cure out his boredom, he clicked on an icon and a pen appeared. Alexander started to think of things to write, to create a world of his own and explore. An idea popped in his head.

As he wrote the details, the room started to change again. Outside his box, forms of life started to appear virtually, he wrote something about a huge mass of rock and it appeared. He stared at it, and pressed the delete button. And now, everything disappeared, leaving nothing but the box he's living in.

But before he could do anything else, he changed out of his clothes. He wore a t-shirt with a long-sleeve under it and some shorts. After that, he casually plopped back down on his bed and started writing again.

Pixels shaped the landforms as they formed. Water sprung across a dried and empty hole and it created a lake. And slowly, he added little bits of snow to finish it.

He ran across the large mass of fields as the sun shines brightly. He wrote while running, and as he jumped, a large and tall stone lifted him up along with it, followed by another, and another.

He made a leap from the rock and surprisingly landed safely, he is now sprawled in the grass, enjoying the wind brushing against his hair.

He glanced at the right and saw a tree with a swing made of hard vines, strong enough to hold a person. But it was awfully familiar to him, and it confused as to why it was there, he didn't write anything that includes that. He got up and walked towards the swing and stopped at arm's reach, staring at the swing. Alex, being a curious gremlin, reached a hand to it.

It triggered memories. He saw a flash of someone, a teenager maybe, and another person, he looks like an adult, a warm smile spread across his lips.

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