Chapter Twenty-Eight: Here We Go Again

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We just sat and laughed for a good minute. "Aye, you'll live. Now I want you to get your ass up and come meet my mother."

She smiled. "You met her without me? I'm hurt." she joked.

"Nah, you were too busy getting dicked down last night. Didn't even call me and I'm supposed to be your favorite person. I'm hurt, shit." I laughed as she got up and helped me.

"Watch your mouth around my nieces and nephew." she ordered.

"The fuck? These my kids, shawty. You need to worry about that growing fetus in your itty bitty stomach." I joked. Me and Kim always joked like this. She was like the little sister I never had. We walked out of her room laughing like a bunch of idiots.

Soon we were greeted by Anthony and my mom in the living room. I sat down next to Anthony on the love seat as Kimberly sat in the other recliner opposite of the one my mom was sitting in.

"You must be Kimberly, Anthony's sister?" she asked.

Kimberly smiled and threw on her usual charm. "Yes ma'am, it's a pleasure to meet you. I was hoping to go with Autumn earlier, but as usual I was caught up."

"How wonderful, well you're such a beautiful girl." my mother responded.

I just sat there and listened as Kim exchanged her thank you. Now it was time to get to business.

"Um, Kim will you take Ash outside so she can play?" I asked her. not wanting Ash to hear anything being discussed.

I watched as she left with Ash on her hip.

"So, let's do this shall we? Did you tell her?" I asked Anthony.

"Yes, he told me, but we need to talk about the things your father used to do to you. Anthony has informed me that you won't tell him. So you're going to tell me." she responded.

I was afraid this was going to happen. I looked between her and Anthony and they both had that face. You know the face you get when the teacher calls your name for you to answer an important question that everyone knows you're to get because you weren't paying attention. That is the face I'm getting right now and it doesn't feel good.

"Well, um, when I was five he told me to come into his room. So, I did and he would touch me and tell me that it was okay. That all the little girls in the neighborhood did it. Soon after years past he stopped and that's when he started to barely come home. After a while he stopped coming and I never questioned why." I explained as she sat there and listened. The same tear made an appearance on her face and I darted my eyes down.

"Tell her what happened at the skating rink." Anthony said softly into my ear as he held my hand.

"One day Anthony took me to the skating rink and when I got there I saw him. He was with this woman and two little girls that favored him. I was shocked and angry so I confronted him. He lead me to the hallway and he slapped me. I questioned him about why he wasn't home and who were the people at the table. He then told me to stay out of his life and that I had to move out. That's when Anthony let me move in with him and now we're here." I laughed dryly. I didn't want to talk about this anymore. I just want to go to bed.

We talked for what seemed like forever until she decided it was time for her to go. She called her husband who I learned was named Damien and he picked her up. Today was stressful and tomorrow wasn't going to be any better because Anthony would be out all day working with the gang. Tomorrow I could lose the one I love, but I have faith that he might come home tomorrow night shirt soaked in blood, jeans tattered, and a smile on his face.

That's the only hope I have left to grasp onto.

|| Anthony's P-O-V ||

I stood on the front lawn of the trap house with my arms cross. All 30 of my men by my side while another 70 were scattered all around the city. This was the moment we had been training for. This war had became worth something more than money. This war meant power. Power over all. If we won this, the city was ours.

A line of black cars pulled up across the street.

"Everybody Armed and Ready!" I yelled.

The shooting seemed to be endless and it was dark before we were even done rounding all the boys back up. Of course we won, meaning I now had more power than anybody around these parts.

After all business was done with; I hop in my car and checked my phone.

20 missed calls from Autumn.

"Shit." I said under my breath as I started the car and sped off.

I was driving at least 90 down the road trying to get home. The only thing I saw was the road in front of me as I ignored all sounds which is why I never saw or heard the car that rammed into the passenger side of my car. I felt a sharp pain in my side as my vision went dark.

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