Chapter 9

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"What are you doing with my phone?" Harry asked angrily.

"KittyCatCurly," Was all Louis mumbled and Harry stared at him, "As in Edward..."

"W-What do you mean?" Harry stuttered.

"StripsEqualsLife," Louis continued to mumble.

"As in Lewis...?" Harry said more then asked. Louis gulped with a nod. An awkward silence soon filled the room before Louis spoke up.

"So um..." Louis trailed off, not really knowing what to say.

"Tell this to nobody," Harry said harshly before snatching his phone from Louis' grasp and stomping out the room while Louis continued to stare blankly at the wall still trying to process what he just learned.


Louis and Ed walked down the hall together talking about nothing really. It had been over a week since the incedent with Harry and so far all they've done was make awkward eye contact. Louis doesn't talk to 'Edward' anymore and is quite happy he didn't tell him about his feelings towards Harry.

That was another thing Louis didn't get. Harry. Louis liked Harry, both Harry's. He liked the 'Edward' Harry and the 'Harry' Harry. He fell for them both, and Harry seemed to have fallen for 'Lewis'. Louis doesn't know if Harry still likes 'Lewis' now that he knows it Louis. Louis can't comprehend anything, especially the fact that the homophobe of the school is gay.

Louis sighed before shaking his head as if they'd get rid of his thoughts.

"What's wrong, Tommo?" Ed asked from beside him.

"Nothing.. just thought a bug flew on me," Louis lied before stopping at Ed's locker so he could get his books. Louis patiently waited for Ed to get his stuff.

Ed turned his head and saw Harry and his friends cornering a kid before rolling his eyes, "Harry Styles is a jerk. He beats up kids just because they're different. He deserves to be beat up on day," Ed started completely oblivious to the blue eyed boy who was shaking his head rapidly because he saw Harry stop his actions when he heard his name, "He's a little slut as well. He's always telling you to go to hell. He should go to hell for impregnating all the girls he probably did or virginity's he probably took," By now Louis was making rapid gestures to get Ed to stop, because there was a crowd growing and there was no doubt in Louis' mind that Harry was amongst them, "Like, he walks around here like he rules the school all tough and shit with Zayn but in reality-"

"Ed!" Louis shouted, successfully shutting Ed up.


"No, no. Let the ginger finish," The deep, raspy slow voice that belonged to the one and only Harry Styles said. Everyone in the crowd slowly made room for Harry who slowly approached Ed with Zayn trailing behind, "Go on. Finish your sentence," Harry mocked.

"It's quite rude to leave people hanging," Zayn said in his Bradford accent. Ed gulped before looking at the two punks in fear.

"It was n-nothing," Ed stuttered in a small voice.

"What?" Harry shouted before cupping his ear with his gigantic hand, "Repeat that for me."

"It was nothing," Ed repeated in a louder voice.

"Was it just me or did it seem like what the ginger was saying was quite interesting and important?" Harry mocked.

"Quite and if I heard correctly, I recall hearing our names as well," Zayn said before crossing his arms and staring down at the ginger, "What were you saying there buddy?" Zayn said with a mocking tone.

"It was nothing," Ed said determinedly.

"Don't lie to me, faggot," Harry exclaimed before pinning Ed to the lockers. Harry was about to punch Ed's stomach when Louis interjected.

"Harry!" Louis shouted though he was quite disgusted and confused by Harry's previous choice of words.

"What queer?" Harry spat and Louis resisted the urge to cringe.

"Just stop... please," Louis pleaded making Harry smirk.

"Don't want me to hurt your little friend?" Harry taunted.

"Please just.. put your fist down," Louis begged. Before Louis knew it however, he was being pinned to the lockers, "What the fuck Harry?" Louis spat and the green eyed boy who's face was extremely close to his.

"You don't want me to hurt your friend.. why not you?" Harry whispered in Louis ear, his lips brushing over Louis' cheeks. Louis felt a small tightening in his pants and immediately started to think of turn offs before he grew hard in front of Harry and half of the student body.

"Because, I know your biggest secret Harry," Louis reminded in the same low tone and purposely brushing his lips over Harry's ear.

"And I know yours," Harry retorted, still whispering.

"You'll be a hypocrite."

"You'll be looked down on."

"You'll have no respect."

"You'll be seen as weak."

"I'm a lot stronger then I appear," Louis said, pulling back to look Harry in the eyes.

"And I'm a lot more attractive then I appear," Harry retorted with a smirk. Harry frowned for a moment before it was quickly replaced with his signature smirk, "Meet me in the janitors closet in five minutes or ginger over there will leave with an injury," Harry whispered with a smirk before pulling away from Louis and walking away with Zayn. 

Louis looked around at the crowd filled with many different cliques that were looking at him strangely before turning to Ed who had a raised eyebrow. Louis rolled his eyes before heading in the direction of the janitor's closet.


What do you think is going to happen next???? Ideas????

Note: If you ever have writers block, take a nap :D


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