Simple, but effective.

It took all of my self control not to propose right then when Louis gave me a little half smile and looked at me through his lashes.

How did I get someone so beautiful?

We kissed as we waited for the pizza to come, nice and sweet, as we didn't want to get distracted. Finally, the door bell rang, making me jump as well as Louis. I accidentally scraped my teeth across Louis' lip, but he shrugged it off when I apologised.

"Didn't hurt," Louis promised, and I gave him a kiss on the lips once more just in case.

The doorbell went off again, and I rolled my eyes.

"Gotta go get that."

"I guess so." Louis laughed and jumped off the counter, motioning for me to go with his head as he pulled a couple plates out of the cabinets.

I took my time walking to the door as I was also getting my wallet out, pulliing out a twenty.

I swung open the door, revealing a tan boy with black hair.

"That'll be 15 dollars," the boy looked at me with a blank look, handing me the box of pizza.

"Keep the change." I handed him the twenty, and he smiled graciously.

"Thank you." I couldn't help but wonder where he came from, as he had quite a thick accent.

I nodded, shutting the door as he turned around to walk to his car.

"I SMELL IT. I'M HUNGRY. BRING IT TO ME!" Louis' high-pitched voice came echoing through the kitched and into my ears. I bit my lip and tried not to smile at how freaking adorable he was.

"Patience babe, patience," I chuckled, but I still rushed to get the pizza to my boyfriend as soon as possible.

Louis squealed as I opened the box, immediately reaching in and pulling a slice of the plain cheese pizza and slapping it on his plate.

"It's so warm," he breathed, picking up his fork and cutting into the tip.

I couldn't help but chuckle like I always did, because Louis always ate pizza with a fork, and it was quite funny and cute.

And as Louis pleaded me to get him some coke, I knew it was time. I got out of my chair and opened the fridge so it was shielding me from Louis' view. I pulled the small blue box from my pocket and with my other hand grabbed two cans of coke.

Louis was about to open the tab when I placed the cans on the table, but stopped with widened eyes as I kissed his forehead and kneeled on the wood floor of the kitchen, taking one of his hands in my mine. It just happened to be the one with the bracelet, and I smiled at it before looking up into Louis' sparkling blue eyes.

"Harry?" Louis squeaked, frozen in his chair.

"Louis, I would give you a long speech, but I feel the only thing I need to say is that I love you. But I guess that kinda leads me a long speech. Because there are so many things I love about you. One, being your eyes. Also, there's your hair. Your lips. Your adorable personality. Your smile. Your laugh. Your strength. Your heart." I paused a bit, unable to stop smiling.

"Louis, will you marry me?" I breathed, my voice going down to a whisper.

There were tears streaming down his flushed cheeks, and he desperately tried to wipe them away while grinning widely.

I See You (Larry Stylinson) {Co-written with @uniquelyxlarry}Where stories live. Discover now