Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three

Start from the beginning

"Do you think I can talk to Bella, ask her who it is? You are both welcome to be here for the conversation it would just help to know who it is" Mrs. Arrow asks. Zayn nods "absolutely and thank you for taking this so seriously" he says. "Bella, can you come here for a minute?" Zayn turns and calls over his shoulder. Bella stops what she's doing and comes towards the adults climbing into Zayn's lap "what is it Baba?" she mumbles. Zayn smiles pressing a kiss to her cheek as Liam reaches over to rub her arm, "Mrs. Arrow would like to know which boy has been saying all the mean things to you, so she can help stop it" Zayn explains. Bella frowns at that "he t-told me not to tell" she whimpers and Zayn wraps his arms a little tighter around her. "I know he did Princess, but if you tell us his name we can stop all of this, I promise no one will let him hurt you" Liam coos, rubbing her arm gently. Mrs. Arrow arches an eyebrow "did he threaten to hurt you if you told Bella?" she asks carefully. Bella sniffles as she nods, before she turns to hide her face in Zayn's chest. "Okay, I promise if you tell me who it is, I will make sure he doesn't hurt you and he stops saying such mean things to you okay?" Mrs. Arrow soothes.

Zayn wants to cry because of how upset Bella looks but he bites his lip to stop any tears, he needs to stay strong for his girl, "promise?" Bella whispers so quietly it was almost missed. "I promise" Mrs. Arrow swears and Zayn feels his fondness for the teacher growing. Bella bites her lip and looks between Liam and Zayn before she looks back at her teacher, "it Will" she mumbles. Mrs. Arrow nods as she writes the name down, "thank you Bella, I'll take care of it okay. But I need you to do something for me too" Mrs. Arrow says, making eye contact with Bella. "What?" Bella asks quietly "if Will says or does anything else to you I need you to come and tell me right away okay?" Mrs. Arrow asks with a smile. Bella pouts, but nods slowly, "okay" she mumbles. Mrs. Arrow grins, "thank you, you can come to me any time, even bring a friend with you if you feel more comfortable okay?" she asks. Bella nods and burrows into Zayn again. Zayn smiles across at the teacher "thank you" he says quietly as he rubs Bella's back, "no need to thank me, this school has a zero tolerance bullying policy, and I'm glad you brought this to my attention. I will be arranging a meeting with Will and his parents to deal with this and move forward" Mrs. Arrow says gently. Liam and Zayn both nod, each one reaching to shake the woman's hand, "feel free to contact me again if something else comes up and I'll be sure to keep you informed as well" Mrs.Arrow smiles as she pulls her hand back from Zayn's. "We will, thank you" Liam hums.

"Daddy?" Bella asks quietly once they're out in the hall, and Liam turns to face Zayn who's carrying Bella and Zayn chuckles as she reaches for Liam from his arms. "What's up Princess?" Liam asks as he scoops Bella into his chest. "I wanna come home with you" Bella mumbles and Liam furrows his eyebrows "but I'm going to the office today Love" he reminds her. "I wanna come with you, don't wanna go to school today" Bella whines and Zayn bites his lip, as Liam looks over Bella's head at him. Zayn shrugs "I mean it wouldn't be the end of the world if she misses a day, but it's your call Li" Zayn says. Liam frowns as he thinks about it, "but we're already at school and Uncle Niall's picking me up so Baba can have his car" Liam reasons. Bella pouts, batting her eyelashes at Liam and Zayn knows the older man is moments away from giving in. "But Daddy, I don't wanna see Will today" she mumbles. Liam sighs and Zayn knows he's about to give in, "alright, we'll move your seat from Baba's car to Uncle Niall's, and you can come to the office with me, but you're going to school on Monday"Liam concedes.

Zayn chuckles as they reenter the office to sign out, and the receptionist smiles at them, "we're going to take her home for the day" Zayn tells the woman who smiles and nods at them. "I hope you have a good day, we'll see you Monday Arabella" she calls, as Zayn signs them out. "Thank you, have a great weekend" Zayn smiles before all three of them head out of the office, and towards the parking lot. "I have so much time left before my first class" Zayn groans as they get to the car and Liam is helping Bella get settled. Liam chuckles, "You can do some marking or something" he offers and Zayn groans, "yeah I guess" he mutters as Liam climbs in. "Niall's meeting me over at your school, so let's go there and you can hang out with me and Bella until he gets here" Liam hums driving back to the other building's parking lot.

Once they're parked Zayn turns around in his seat to face Bella "how do you feel Love?" he asks and Bella shrugs "okay, I guess" she mumbles. Zayn smiles gently at her, "you know telling us about what was happening was very good right?" he asks and Bella shrugs. "Baba's right Princess, when someone's bothering you the best thing you can do is tell an adult, okay?" Liam adds, just as Zayn sees Niall's car pull into the parking lot. Niall parks directly beside Liam and Zayn and waves happily as he gets out of the car, "everything sorted?" Niall asks, as Liam hops out of the car. Zayn shrugs "I think so" he answers and Liam nods as Bella scrambles to get out of the car as well. "Uncle Niall I'm coming with you" Bella cheers and Niall makes a confused face before he smiles at his niece, "that's great Bells" he hums. "You sure you don't mind this?" Liam asks as he moves to pull Bella's booster seat from the backseat. Niall waves him away though unlocking his own car to put Bella's seat in the back, "of course not, it's not even that far out of the way" he says. Zayn watches fondly as Bella runs at Niall to hug him while Liam's putting her seat in the other car.

"Alright Boo, you be good for Daddy today and I'll see you later" Zayn hums kneeling down to hug Bella close. Bella snuggles into him "I will Baba, love you" she sighs. Zayn smiles kissing her cheek, "I love you too" he hums, before he lets her go and stands up. Zayn watches as Bella climbs into Niall's car the Irishman helping her get settled into her seat before he does up her seat belt for her. "Have a good day. I love you" Zayn mumbles turning to burrow into Liam's chest, "you too. I love you more" Liam responds and Zayn rolls his eyes, before he looks up and locks his lips with Liam's. They pull apart after a few seconds and Zayn smiles gently as he steps back from his husband slightly, "I'm sure my mum could come pick her up if she's driving you absolutely mental, today" Zayn grins and Liam laughs shaking his head "Elise and Nikki have been dying to hangout with her again. I'm sure we'll be fine" he grins. "See you later" Zayn hums and Liam grins, "yeah, I'll bring home dinner. Love you" he coos before he pulls away to get into Niall's car. Zayn waves as Niall drives away before he takes a deep breath and turns to get his bag from the car and heads into the school to get ready for the day. 

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