17. Chapter - The Meeting

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"So," Oliver started when I placed the drinks in front of them and sat down. He looked weirdly calm, and it made me nervous, for some reason.

"What was so important you wanted to talk about? I mean, it had to be important, when you threatened me, right?" he asked, the annoyance from the situation visible on his face. I was starting to think this all was a bad idea; a really fucking bad idea. But it was already too late to take it back, so I should make use of it as well as possible.

"It's quite personal, and I can't talk about it in front of your brother," I started, looking from one to the other, wondering how I should persuade him to send Kyle away for at least fifteen minutes.

"Bullshit. There's nothing you can say to make me leave, you bastard. You're Oliver's worst nightmare, and I won't let him go through the same shit he had to five years ago," Kyle growled, his nostrils flaring angrily. He looked ridiculous like that, and I had to try my best to stop the laugher bubbling in my mouth.

"It's true I want to talk about past, but if he is as happy and satisfied with his current life as he told Nelson, there's no need to be scared of him feeling down about it. He might still be angry, but anger is different from hurt, right?" Asking that, I looked at Oliver, expecting an answer from him. There was no way I was going to talk with his brother instead of him.

"You just don't get it, do you? Just seeing you brings allof the bad memories back! All you do is ruin people's lives, and he doesn't need a bastard like you in his life. Just seeing you is bad enough. The fact you had the balls to force him to talk to you is just too much, as if your past mistakes weren't enough. There's only one good thing you-," Oliver suddenly smashed his hands down on the table, making Kyle stop.

"Shut up. Leave us alone for a minute. I shouldn't have taken you with me. All you do is run your mouth without thinking!" he seethed, gritting his teeth angrily.

His reaction made me confused as never, but I let it go for the time being. The important thing was he asked his brother to leave, and that's what I wanted. I could think about Kyle's words after our conversation was over.

Kyle looked at Ollie with wide eyes, his expression changing from angry one to one of deep regrets.

"Sorry. I'm just so angry that," he paused when Oliver shook his head, lifting his hand and directing it towards the exit.

"Go cool your head off. There are enough people around, so he won't be able to stop me from leaving if I get fed up with this conversation. It won't take long anyway," he said, waiting until his brother stood up and left, mumbling incoherent words under his breath.

Oliver turned to me, his face void of any emotions.

"We are alone, just like you wanted. So, what did you want to talk about?" he took a sip of his drink, never looking away from me. He was intimidating like this, and I couldn't help but feel a tiny bit of excitement. He's always been confident and extremely bold when it came to me, and I loved it about him. I was glad it didn't change over the years, and after what I've done to him.

"Okay. Look, I didn't really want to talk about this with you. It's stupid, and I don't see how it could change anything. But someone close to me told me I needed to tell you, for both of our sakes, so here I am. I'm sorry I threatened you; I know it was low, but you would never meet with me otherwise, so I did what I had to do."

He sighed, shaking his head.

"I don't care for your reasons. Just get it over with, Victor. I want to go home as soon as possible. Josh is waiting for me, and I don't want to worry him more than necessary. Every minute with you here is one more minute of stress for him, and you're not worth the stress."


That one was cruel.

But I guess I deserved it.

Smiling sadly, I grabbed the bottle of the coke, turning it around in my hands.

"It won't take long. I'll just say what I have to say and leave," I paused, thinking about how I should even start. It seemed crazily simple when I thought about it, but sitting here, thinking about my reasoning back then, I couldn't come up with a way to make it sound less stupid.

"Don't drag it out. Just say it already, whatever it is."

Oliver's annoyed expression turned to an angry one, his impatience visible in his tense posture and shaking leg under the table. It was clear he couldn't wait until he could leave, and although I would like to have more time with him to talk it out, I didn't want to fuck up more than I already did. I could come to see him whenever I wanted to now, when I knew where he worked, and I was sure he would need some time to process what I was about to tell him.

"Fine." I took a deep breath, looking straight into his beautiful eyes.

"I'm here to tell you why I cheated on you all those years ago."


How was the chapter?

What do you think the reason for his cheating was?


I have important news for you. I finally know how the book's going to end.

I was listening to these two songs today on my way to work, and the plot of the second book just came to my mind. And I love it! I literally can't wait to write it! I wanted to give you the names of the songs, but I'm not sure if they're not too revealing (though, personally, both of the songs are an opposite of each other, in a way, so it shouldn't reveal too much - but I'm not sure), so I decided not to, for now. If some of you want to know the songs, write it down in the comments - but I warned you, it could possibly spoil the story for you! 

Anyway, I just wanted to let you know the ending's been decided. And I'm going to concentrate on it from now on!

God, I really can't wait to write the second book. I know I shouldn't be so excited when I'm still at the beginning of this one, but I just love the idea of it so much! And I already feel sorry for one of the main characters of it. The poor tormented soul >.<

Hope you enjoyed the chapter. Thank you, once again, for all your comments and votes! I really appreciate all of them! ^.^

Coffee, Brownies and the Ruthless CEO (MxM)| FILLING THE VOID series, BOOK 1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora