She was in the shower when she was thinking about all these things. When she came out she went straight to her bedside drawer where her phone was kept. She took her phone, switched on her mobile data and went on Whatsapp. She was quite disappointed when she didn't see his message. She waited for a bit more to see whether he was online but he wasn't. Instead of getting ready, she started reading their conversation, smiling at some points, others laughing and 'awwwing'. Gosh!! Just two days and a half but she missed him so much. It felt like weeks since they last talked. It was only after about an hour that Nabeela stopped reading their conversation and stood up to get ready.

Throughout the day Nabeela was moody. She brushed it off assuming it was because she was going back to Kano the next day.

After checking whether he was online for about 20 more times and reading their conversations for about 3 more times, Nabeela finally saw him online. She waited for his message for about 30 minutes and when she didn't get any, she felt hurt. How could he? After she had been waiting for him throughout the day!!

'That's how it always goes. They always just leave you after you have grown too attached to them,' she thought.

For the next few hours she kept contemplating whether to talk to him or not. At last she typed.

Ka share ni. (You've ignored me)😭😭~N

No I didn't~A

Yes you did, I was the one that talked to you last~N

No I was,~A

Check and see~N

Yes you are right. I am so sorry love. It wasn't intentional, I was so busy throughout the days~B

She felt her cheeks warming up. Did he just call her love? But she was still annoyed with him. How could he just ignore her for days and give an excuse that he was so busy? And why would she be so worried just because he didn't talk to her for two days?But what made him so busy that he couldn't find a minute or two to text her? She felt her phone vibrate and looked down to see a message from him.

Yaya Nawal gave birth to a beautiful little princess on Thursday night~


Attached to the message was a picture of the cutest thing Nabeela had ever seen. A very small baby draped in a pink shawl.


It was around five in the aftertoon, Akeel and Walida were watching TV when their mother ran downstairs with her shoes and veil in her hands. She was panting heavily.

"Umma is everything okay," Walida asked and she shook her head.

"Akeel you are taking me to the hospital,Walida we are going with you go and take your veil,"

"What's wrong," Akeel asked.

"It's your sister,"

"Yaya Nawal? What's wrong with Ya Nawal ?" Walida asked. In any other situation Akeel would have replied something like, "Dummy which other sister do you have?" But seeing his mother's face, he knew it wasn't time for jokes. He quickly grabbed his keys. The ride to the hospital was a quiet one. The mother and children were all praying for their dearest daughter and sister.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 26, 2019 ⏰

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