Chapter 10

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I have only two sisters, an elder one, she is 25, and is expecting her first child next month. My younger sister and the 'yar auta of the house is 16 and in SS2. Yes I am going to be an uncle soon. What about you? Do you have any siblings? ~A

I have two younger brothers, Amin is 11, in Js1, and is very naughty😂😂Ameer is 7 , in primary 3 and very cute. Yaaayy!! Allah sa ta sauka lafiya. What are your sisters' names?~ N

😂😂😂Yaya Nawal and Walida. *Sends a picture* ~A

Wow they are so beautiful ma shaa Allah. And they have long hair.I love long hair😭😭😭And I don't have. ~N

😂😂😂eyyyah sorry. What are your hobbies?~A

Reading is number one. I sometimes watch series. And then sleeping and eating, if they could be classified as hobbies. I love food and sleeping is just bae ~A

Acici kawai😂😂well at least we have 2 things in common, I love sleeping and eating too. But reading? Over my dead body. I play and watch football, I watch few series and of course I am addicted to playing PlayStation.

And I also sometimes play piano.

You what? You are a pianist? Omg!!!! Really wow!!! As in which Nigerian knows how to play piano? I can't believe it. Can you please send me a video of you playing piano?~N

Lol, it's not a big deal. It's actually easy to play. And I don't have a video~N

Haba mana Akeeluuu, come on pleaseeeeeeee pretty pleaseeeeeeee!!!!~N

Have you reached Kano safely?~A

Akilu stop changing the topic. I reached Kano three days ago😒

Have you killed the tailor yet😂😝?~A

Akiluuuuuu the video please~N

My name is Akeel not Akilu~A

Sannu dan gayu. Whatever, the video now!~N

Not now Nabeebee~A


I promise I will send it another time. How far with your admission?~A

The admission list is still not out. They said they may paste it next month.~N

Allah sa muga alheri~A

Ameen. Gooodnight~N

Goodnight. Sleep tight❤~A

With a smile she put her phone on her bedside drawer, switched off her bedside lamp, snuggled inside her covers and got ready to sleep. When Akeel asked for her number or snapchat username, she took a long time thinking about whether to give him or not. And now that she did, she didn't regret it at all.

When she saw a message from an unknown number few hours ago, she just knew it was Akeel and since then they had been getting to know each other. It was not like she had been waiting for his message, well maybe she had. She gave him her number three days ago and since then she had been expecting his message.

She had dozzed off when the ringtone of her phone woke her up. Sliding her hand to the bedside drawer she picked up the call.

"Is this Nabeela?" A high pitched girl's voice asked from the other side.

"Yes, hello, please who am I speaking to?" Nabeela asked sleepily but politely.

"Its Niima, does the name ring a bell?"

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