I'm Gonna Getcha

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Grace is in the front room playing with Bob, her favorite stuffed sheep. She lays Bob into her baby stroller, tucking a baby blanket around him, double checking to make sure he is safe and comfortable. Grace pushes the stroller, taking Bob for a walk around the couch, when her ears perk up to "clink" coming from the kitchen.

Abandoning her baby sheep, she waddles into the kitchen. Her steps are heavy as she needs to plant her foot firmly on the ground for balance. Peeking around the entryway to the kitchen, Grace spots her father standing in front of the island, mixing together ingredients for Mary Berry's Perfect Victoria Sandwich (sponge cake).

"Hi!" 18 month old Grace waves her tiny fingers at her daddy. Harry turns his head to see his little girl; the smile on her face is bright and full. Setting down the measuring cup, he turns towards his daughter.

"I'm gonna getcha." Harry lunges towards Grace, his hands in claw position, just waiting to tickle his toddler until she screams with joy. The giggles erupt from the little girl as she runs away from her father as fast as she can. Her legs flail out to the side which doesn't help with her speed.

"Here comes the Tickle Monster. I'm gonna tickle you." Harry is on Gracie's heels; she is running at full speed while her daddy fake runs behind her.

"Got yeh!" Harry pick his little one up into his arms, tickling her stomach as she giggles so hard she is running out of breath. The tickling ceases as Harry brings Grace to his hip. Holding out his hand towards her.

"High five!" Harry says to Grace as she smacks her hand on his. "Bones!" Forming his hand into a fist he holds it out for a famous Grace fist bump.

"Boosh!" Grace pounds her fist against her daddy's as she makes the sound of an explosion. Harry smiles at his daughter, kissing her forehead , resting her feet on the ground. Grace runs towards her doll house without a second glance at her father. Harry shrugs and makes his way into the kitchen to finish his sponge cake.

Running towards her doll house, Grace plops her cute little bum on the cream carpet. Auntie Gemma gave Grace her doll house a couple of weeks ago and it is played with daily. Picking up the mum doll, she pulls back the covers and places the mum on the bed, tucking her in. Just as she leans in to give the doll a kiss her ears tune in to the sound of the Kitchen Aide mixer, blending her father's latest masterpiece.

Leaving her doll in bed, Grace puts her hands on the ground forcing her bum high in the air, pushing herself up she begins to sneak across the carpet. She moves to the balls of her feet attempting to tip-toe on her pink sparkly toes. She loses her balance when she arrives onto the wood floor, so she resorts to walking flat footed once again. Arriving in the kitchen she looks at you sitting at the table while you pay some bills. You smile at the encounter you are about to witness.

Sliding her feet across the floor, she moves slowly towards Harry. Grace is on full alert, waiting for the attack.

"I'm gonna getcha!' Harry turns as Grace is maybe three steps away from him. Turning around as fast as her body can handle, Grace runs towards her mum. Giggling hard she climbs up into your lap as your wrap her safe in your arms.

"Is mum gonna save you from the Tickle Monster? I... don't..... think....so!" Harry attacks not only Grace but his wife. Tickling his girls as they try and wiggle away from his torture. Harry stops his attack, squatting down so he is on the same level as Grace.

"Tight Squeeze?" Harry holds his arms out as wide as they can go in the universal sign of a hug. Grace pauses, eyeing her father up and down. Harry pulls out the puppy eyes, and turns his mouth into a deep frown.

"Done?" Grace asks her father, verifying her is done tickling her.

"Yes. Just want a tight squeeze from my Gracie bug." Harry promises.

"Ehhhh." Grace leans forward, squeezing her father in a tight hug.

"Thanks baby bug." Kissing her forehead again. Grace cuddles into you, crushing you in a tight hug, full of love, before hopping down to bolt out of the kitchen.

"BAAAAAAB!" Grace yells as she runs towards the stroller once again. Taking position at the back of the stroller she pushes the stroller into the kitchen to show you what she has.

"Baby." Grace says pointing to Bob in the stroller.

"Is Bob a baby Gracie bug?" You ask, tucking the blanket around the stuffed sheep's body. Grace nods her head yes, and pushes it towards Harry. She is hesitant but still continues. Harry cracks an egg into the bowl, watching Grace out of the corner of his eye. You watch the smirk form onto his face, that sweet dimple growing deeper and deeper.

"I'm gonna GETCHA!" Harry turns once again hands in tickle position. Grace's eyes grow wide as she abandons her baby and the stroller running as fast as she can to the front room. Her bare feet slap against the wood floor as she runs for her life.

"Get ova here chicken little. The tickle monster needs to tickle." Harry says in a low almost growling voice, ravenous for his tickles. Grace rounds the couch, just then Harry picks her up. Sitting on the couch he begins his attack, tickling her armpits and her thighs, causing his little one to giggle the hardest he has ever seen. Ending his third attack, he sets his daughter on his lap.

"Kiss!" Harry puckers his lips as far as they will pucker. Grace goes in for one of her special open mouth smooches, leaving a trail of slobber behind. Setting her down on the floor once again, Harry ruffles her hair with his hand as he makes his way into the kitchen where he can hopefully finish his sponge.

Grace lays back on the couch, taking a few deep breaths. Running away from the Tickle Monster is really hard work and she needs a rest. Once she catches her breath Grace decides to approach her father one last time.

Her bare feet pad across the carpet onto the wood floor as she moves past the archway into the kitchen. She watches her father closely as he pours the cake batter into a pan. Sneaking as quietly as a toddler can, she moves towards Harry. Harry sets the cake pan on the counter. He pivots his foot and begins to attack.

"I'm gonna Get..." He starts

"No!" Grace stomps her chubby little foot against the kitchen floor. Holding her finger out she scolds her father. "No daddy!" She says firm and to the point. Grace is finished putting up with her father's attacks. It's time for her to be in charge.

"Gonna be a tough little bug huh?" Harry puts his hands on his hips as he watches his daughter's eyebrows grow closer together in seriousness.

"No!! Get yu!" Grace moves forward, fingers in tickle position.

"Ahhhhhh!" Harry throws his hands in the air, yelling as he runs at a very slow pace, letting Grace chase him around the island. Grace giggles as she catches up to her father, holding onto his leg as if she is a koala clinging to a tree. "Yeh got me love bug." Harry reaches down, throwing Grace high into the air. Catching his baby, he brings her in close giving her a big squeeze and a kiss on her chunky cheek.

"I love you Grace!" Harry says sincerely, smiling down at his little girl, his dimple still on full display.

"Lob yu!" Grace holds his cheeks as she gives him one last open mouth kiss, leaving enough slobber to fill a bucket. You smile at the interaction, Grace is exactly like her father. Such a tease and full of sass. 

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