Welcome Home!!

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"Did you set a timer mum? Want the brownies just right for daddy!" Grace is licking the spatula you recently used to scrape all the brownie batter out of the bowl and into the pan. The batter has created a massive chocolate smile on her face that spanned from chunky cheek to chunky cheek.

"Yes love, I set the timer for 30 minutes! I think we made a perfect batch and daddy is going to be very happy!" You say as you put the mixing bowl into the sink to be washed. Harry has been away for the last couple weeks on a promo tour and today he is coming home. To say the three of you are excited for the reunion would be a bit of an understatement.

"Daddy is gonna be surprised!" Grace says sticking her tongue out to  take the final lick of chocolate off the spatula. "We are gonna have a PARTY!!" Her excited voice rang through the kitchen bringing a smile to your face.

Giggling you rest your elbows on the counter and lean on your hands. "We are having a party! I think it will make daddy smile!"

"Mmhmm big, like me!" Grace shows off her grin, her white teeth and dimple on full display.

"Just like you bug!" Tapping her nose with your pointer finger. "Let's get ya cleaned up and we can work on the 'Welcome Home' sign. How does that sound?"

"Perfect!" Grace drops the spatula on the counter, and hops down from her stool at the counter. Little feet thump along the wood floor as she makes her way to the bathroom. You follow Grace and help her get all cleaned up, using a washcloth to get the chocolate off her face. After you help Grace untie her apron, she takes it to the laundry room to be washed.

"Alright Gracie girl, lets go make the sign!" Grace skips through the kitchen to the back door. You had pulled her hair into little 'Minnie ears' as Grace calls them, so she wouldn't get paint in her hair. Walking out to the back patio, you had laid a massive piece of white paper on the ground, and set out paint in every color imaginable. "Okay love, arms up!" Grace put her hands to the sky, while you slipped a t-shirt over her head.

"Need to keep my clothes clean!"  She said. Knowing the rules about paint from her previous experiences.

"That's right!" You say. "What do you want the sign to say bug?"

"Pink mum, daddy loves pink! So do I!" Grace picks up the bottle of pink pant and hands it to you.

"Yes! I think we all love pink." You giggle to yourself because you know how true that statement is. "Now that we have the color, what should we write?"

"Mmmm..." Grace brings her little finger to her cheek and taps it a couple times, making her cheek jiggle a little bit. "Welcome home daddy! I love you?" She says a little bit unsure of the statement.

"Grace! I think that's a wonderful idea!" When you say this, your daughter erupts into a smile that is as beautiful as her fathers. "Come over here and you can help me!"

Kneeling on the ground you have Grace in front of you. "Hold onto the brush babe." Helping Grace dip the brush into the pink paint and you guide her in painting the sign. It takes time, and the letters aren't perfect but Grace is proud and so are you.

The timer beeps letting you know the brownies are done. Jumping up you start to walk into the house. "I'll be back, I need to take out our perfect brownies."

"Kay! Can I paint flowers? Daddy loves flowers?"

"You can paint whatever you want love." You say as you enter the house. You love watching her creative mind at work. She loves to sing, dance, and to express her mind through art. It has always made your heart warm that she loves to express herself in such beautiful ways.

"Are the brownies perfect?" Grace asks as you enter the backyard. She was painting a beautiful purple flower on the sign.

"Yes. I think they turned out better than your daddy's." Grace giggles at your comment.

"Because he made me a good baker!" Grace says as she dips her paint brush into some green to make a stem.

"That's right!" You sit on the ground next to Grace to continue painting the sign.

"All done mum?" Grace asks as you finish the sunflower you just painted.

"I think daddy is going to love it! We have to let it dry love. Should we go blow up balloons?" You stand up and help Grace take off her paint shirt that was now covered in all sorts of colors.

"BALLOOOONS!" She yells as she runs into the house.

Bringing Grace to the kitchen table, you open the packages of balloons and streamers you bought yesterday.  "Pink mum! That's my favorite!"

Laughing to yourself you hand Grace a pink balloon.

"Can ya stretch it for mum? Like this?" You show Grace how to stretch the balloon so it will be easier to blow. "I'll blow it up and you can decorate. Does that sound okay?" Blowing up balloons were a little difficult and you figured she will be excited to place them around the house.

You have blown up so many balloons, your cheeks started to ache.  "Gracie, do you think we have enough?" Grace nods her head as she picks up two balloons.

"Can we put some by our message?"

"I think that's a wonderful idea bug! Let's go get our message and put it out on the garage." Taking Grace outside, you help her bring the sign to the front of the house. Taping up the sign and some balloons on each end you take a step back admiring the masterpiece your child has created.

"Good job Gracie!" Just then, your phone made a ping. Harry had texted you to tell you he was 10 minutes away. Your heart started beating fast, excited to have the man you love home again. "Daddy is almost home love!"

"YAY!!! Happy Dance!" Grace shakes her little bum and wiggles her arms not being able to hold in her excitement. Joining in the happy dance you both end on the ground giggling until your tummy hurt.

Soon, the gate opens and a black car drives into the driveway. Your daughter is jumping up and down and screaming with enthusiasm. Both of you have your eyes glued on the car. The door opens and Harry steps out of the car.

"Daddy!" Grace runs to her daddy faster than you have ever seen. Immediately they are in a tight embrace, as Harry peppers Grace with kisses. Kissing all over her face Grace giggles loud with happiness. You walk over to join them in a hug, happy your family is back together again.

"These are cute!" Harry grabs one of the buns on the top of her head.

"Minnie ears! I look like Minnie Mouse daddy!"

"A very cute Minnie, if I say so myself." He kisses his daughter's nose. "Gracie bug, did you make me a sign?" Harry says with a surprised tone as he spots the sign on the garage.

"Mmhmm!" Grace nods her head. "We are having a party because we missed you! Come inside and see!" She wiggles out of his arms and runs to the front door so she can start the welcome home festivities!

"Welcome home babe!" You say leaning into Harry's embrace. He leans his head down and captures your lips. Cupping your face in his hands, Harry deepens the kiss showing you he has missed you.

"It's good to be home." Harry kisses you once more. He grabs his bag from the trunk, and walks into the house with his arms around you. Content, happy, and ready to party with his favorite girls.

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