Watch the Master

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Harry brings the fluffy black and white puppy into the front room. Her rainbow training leash hanging from her pink leather collar. Poppy's tongue is hanging out of her mouth as she walks over to the jar of treats sitting on the coffee table.

"What you doing?" Grace wonders as she walks into the room

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"What you doing?" Grace wonders as she walks into the room.

"M teachin' Poppy some tricks." He picks up the rainbow leash so he can begin his training.

"I help!! Please!" Grace is jumping up and down, her curls bouncing all over the place.

"Um, this is a job for daddy, Gracie. You can watch. How does that sound?" Grace walks slowly over to the couch, dragging her feet in disappointment. Her lip is turned down in a pout expressing her dashed hopes of helping her father teach her puppy some tricks. "Sit down and watch the master."

Harry gets down on Poppy's level, looking her right in the eyes. "Ready to learn some tricks? I've got treats if you are a good pup!" He ruffles the hair on top of the puppy's head.

The Styles family adopted Poppy from the Humane Society just three weeks ago. She has made a lovely addition to the family and has been a good puppy so far, except for that one Gucci loafer she decided was fun to snack on. Harry would be lying if he said he didn't shed a tear. You have been working on getting Poppy potty trained and she has been doing really well. Grace enjoys having her puppy around. She is constantly giving her hugs or taking her for small walks around the house or backyard. It has been fun to witness the love she already has for their newest family member.

Harry bought a book, like he always does when he wants to be 100% informed on a topic. When you were pregnant, he bought every book under the sun so he knew the latest and greatest information when it came to a new baby. So naturally, he bought a couple books concerning dog training. His current bedtime story, 101 Dog Tricks by Chalcy and Kyra Sundance, is sparking his interest in making Poppy learn all 101 tricks.

"Okay Poppy, first matter of business. We are going to learn sit." Harry opens the jar of treats sitting on the coffee table. Pulling a small brown training treat from the jar Harry turns towards Poppy.

"Poppy, SIT." He says firmly, moving the treat from her nose to behind her head. Harry completes the command exactly how Chalcy and Kyra instruct in his book. Poppy just stands in the same spot, panting and looking around the room.

Harry snaps his fingers. "Poppy, Let's try again. SIT!!" He moves the treat behind her head once again. Poppy looks across the room, walking over to her bone, she lies down and begins to chew. Grace covers her mouth to hide her giggles.

Harry rolls his eyes feeling a little bit frustrated that Poppy isn't listening to his commands. Walking over he picks up the puppy from her middle, leaving her bone on the soft cream carpet. Placing Poppy back on the floor Harry tries a different approach.

"Poppy SIT!" Instead of moving the treat behind her head, Harry places his hand on her back, putting a small amount of pressure to help her sit on the floor. Poppy stands her ground, refusing to bend her legs and sit her bottom on the carpet. "Please sit Poppy." Harry tries again this time with a more soft tone to his voice. The dog isn't phased.

"Daddy? I try?" Grace asks from the couch.

Harry sighs letting his hands drop to his side. "Sure. But I don't think she will listen."

Grace hops off the couch and walks over to the coffee table to get a treat. "Poppy come!" She pats her thighs to get her puppy's attention. Poppy meets Grace as she calls. 'Good girl." Grace holds the treat out in front of the puppy. "Poppy, sit." Like magic, Poppy sits. Grace smiles wide; she opens her hands and instructs the puppy to take the treat.

Harry's face is in complete shock. His mouth is open wide and he is having trouble putting words into thoughts. "What.... How.... Grace... how did yeh do that?"

Grace shrugs her shoulders as she walks back to the couch. "Maybe I the master?" She says very nonchalantly.

"Now that we know you can sit." Harry says a little bit annoyed. "Let's try down. Can yeh work with me?" Harry asks the dog, who is sitting on the ground.

"What are you two silly kids doing?" You say as you walk into the front room. You plop down on the couch next to Grace.

"Daddy teaching Poppy tricks." Grace tells her mum.

"And how is that going?" You ask your husband.

"We are learning how to lay down. Aren't we, Poppy?" Harry pats the top of Poppy's head.

"I see...." You watch your husband's expression change into one of complete concentration. He has a cute little crinkle between his eyebrows; his lips are pursed, and his eyes are slightly squinting.

"Poppy, DOWN!" He takes the treat from her nose to the carpet. Poppy follows the treat with her eyes to the floor but continues to stand. He brings the treat back up to her nose. "Poppy Down!" He commands, bringing the treat down to the floor once again. Poppy sits on the floor. Harry's palm comes in contact with his forehead. "Not sit Poppy. Down! I said Down." He repeats the action a few more times.

"What if you..." You start.

Harry's hand stops your comment. "I've read books, I am a m aster on this subject. Just give me time."

You and Grace both roll your eyes and giggle to one another as you watch your husband get frustrated that Poppy isn't completing the dog tricks.

"What about rollover, Poppy? That one is fun!" Harry tries to hide his frustration with a little more pep in his voice. "Come on Poppy! This will be fun! Watch the treat."

Holding the treat by her nose, Harry rotates his hand in a circle. "ROLLOVER." Poppy lies down on the floor, resting her head on her paws. "Not Down Poppy! Listen! Rollover! Come on, Poppy! I know you can do it. Rollover." Rotating his hand in a circle once more.

"Daddy I try?" Grace asks again, jumping off the couch. Standing in front of Poppy, Grace commands her dog. "Rollover!!" She says to Poppy. The puppy rolls over on the floor.

"What?!" Harry's hands land on his head in amazement. "Why does he do it for you and not me?"

"I the master." Grace pets Poppy, rewarding her for completing the trick.

You bite your lip as you try to stifle her giggles.

"What am I missing?" Harry looks at you with his hands on his hips and his eyebrows furrowed.

"Grace and I have been teaching Poppy a new trick everyday. You are just doing the commands different so Poppy doesn't understand." You say.

Harry sighs. "Grace? Can yeh teach daddy how to be a master like you?"

"Yes!!!" Grace stands up, grabs Harry's hand and brings him towards Poppy. "Do this...." Grace begins to explain the action they use when having Poppy perform tricks. The next hour is filled with Grace teaching her daddy all the tricks Poppy has learned, while you smile at the love and patience both of them have for each other. 

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