Goodnight Songs are Always Necessary

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"Gracie girl, please go brush your teeth and then you can pick out a story for Mum to read." You tell Grace after putting on her snuggly white and pink floral pajamas.

Yawning, Grace nods her head and makes her way into the bathroom. Stepping up on her pink stool Grace turns the water on and puts her toothbrush under the faucet. She rests her head on her opposite hand, and her eyes begin to droop closed as she moves her toothbrush across her teeth. You poke your head into the bathroom just as Grace puts her toothbrush back into its holder.

"I'm gonna go get your blanket from the front room Gracie. Go get a story and I'll be back." You watch the silent toddler walk sluggishly past you and into her bedroom. You go downstairs to get her blanket.

Grace drags her feet into her room in a sloth like way, tired from her long day of playing and ballet practice. Every muscle in her body begging to go to sleep. Grace pads past her bookshelf not even making an effort to look for a book and heads straight to her bed. Pulling the covers down on her bed she climbs up the side and lays down, snuggling into the blankets. Laying her head on her pillow, and pulling Bob in for a close cuddle, Grace is out. The hard work from the day pulling her into a deep sleep before her mum can come read her stories and sing her nightly song.

You walk into your daughter's room, her blanket in hand, and ready to read a story. You are surprised at what you see. Your toddler is asleep in her bed, little snores coming from her small parted lips. You reach over and turn off her light. Walking towards your worn out child, you lay her favorite blanket over her small body and lean down to give her a kiss, brushing the curls back from her face.

"Goodnight Gracie Bug." You whisper as you leave the room, and make your way downstairs. Grace has always been easy to put to bed, with the occasional rough nights, but this is out of the ordinary for her. She has never put herself asleep like she had tonight.

"Thanks Jeff! I'll email you the set list tomorrow. Have a good night! Tell Glenne and the kids Hello. Alright! Bye!" Taking his iPhone away from his ear, Harry pushes the red button to end the call. Harry has been on a phone call with Jeff discussing details for his upcoming tour that is starting in under two weeks. The phone call lasted a lot longer than Harry planned but he knew it was important to get the details ironed out. He is secretly hoping Grace isn't asleep so he can sing her goodnight.

Writing a quick note on the notepad sitting on his desk, Harry puts his pen down and stands up ready to leave his office for the night.

Turning off the lights, Harry heads for the front room where he can see his wife sitting in the overstuffed armchair reading a book.

"Where's my bug?" Harry asks. "She already in bed?" He looks up at the clock disappointed when he notices it is 8:15 pm. Usually their bedtime routine lasted until about 8:30 so he is a little confused.

"She is exhausted. She played outside most of the day with Poppy. They chased each other for hours. Then she had ballet and that just wears her out. I came downstairs to grab her blanket and when I got back to her room, she had tucked herself in and was snoring away." You giggle at the thought of your child being so tired she couldn't even wait for stories and songs, her favorite part of the day.

"You didn't get to sing to her?" Harry questions, his heart aches at the thought that Grace went to sleep without the song Harry has sung to her every night before bed. Harry has always been adamant about Grace being sung to. Music is very important in the Styles household, especially at bedtime.

"Didn't have a chance. She was really tired I guess." You shrug your shoulders.

"I'm gonna go kiss her goodnight. I'll be back down in a minute." Harry walks over to you, kissing your forehead. You return your attention to your book as Harry makes his way up the stairs.

Entering his daughters room, Harry looks upon his sleeping daughter. He quietly sneaks to the side of her bed. He notices how her eyelashes rest peacefully on her cheek, her lips are parted as soft snores leave her mouth. She looks as if she is dreaming of summertime and butterflies and it makes his heart smile.

Harry's eyes begin to wet as he looks at his sleeping little girl who isn't a baby anymore. She has grown so much in the last few years, and he is so proud of who she is becoming. His heart aches with sadness and disappointment that he missed a moment to sing to her. He knows someday she won't need him to sing her to sleep, and he wants to make the most out of the time she does need him to sing.

Securing her blanket tightly around her body Harry kneels next to Grace's bed. Petting the curls back from her head Harry vows to make the most out of each night he is home with his girls.

"Hi bug! Sorry Daddy wasn't able to sing to ya tonight. I know how much you love it. I know you are asleep but I'm gonna sing to ya anyway."

Singing in his softest voice Harry sings the song Grace has heard from the first day she was born.

"Now run along home. And jump into bed.

Say your prayers. Don't cover your head. There's just one more thing. I ask of you.

You dream of me. And I'll dream of you!"

Finishing out the final note with a kiss to her forehead Harry's heart fills with love and gratitude for this little human. He knows she will do amazing things in this world and that makes him happy.

"I love you Gracie girl!" He whispers. Standing up, Harry walks out of the room feeling much better now that he sang his favorite song, to his favorite little girl. 

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