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Jump. Jump. Jump. Grace hops with two feet down the stairs, freshly bathed and in her pink ruffle nightgown. Taking one last bunny hop, she lands on the wood floor and begins to skip down the hallway to her father's office. Grace reaches her hand up high and grasps the doorknob to open the office door.

Harry is sitting alone in his silent office, a rare sight to witness him without some type of music playing in the background. The past few days have been extremely stressful for Harry, there was a lot going on with work and he is feeling the pressure. In two days, he is leaving his girls for a 3 week trip. Jeff contacted Harry this morning to let him know that the contracts and riders for the press tour need to be finalized. Jeff needs them by midnight, and it is already 7:30 pm. Harry has to go line by line verifying the information is correct. The set list is sitting next to the pile, in need of Harry to look it over and make sure the songs will be performed the way he envisions it. Harry hates leaving his family and it always makes him feel sad. The stress and added sadness of leaving has made Harry grumpy and not his normal smiley self.

"Daddy!" Grace announces into the silence.

Harry doesn't hear Grace come into the room and call for him. He continues to concentrate on the pile of paperwork sitting on his desk. His hand running through his hair in an effort to calm the frustration he is feeling.

"Dad... Daddy..DAAAAD!!!" Grace shouts in an effort to get his attention. She is standing next to his desk chair causing him to jump in surprise.

"What do you need Grace?" Harry interjects in a frustrated tone, the furrow in his brow becoming more pronounced. He doesn't look up from his paperwork as Grace begins again.

"Time for stories and songs. Right now! Mummy says it's bedtime." Jumping up and down to get her father's attention, Grace repeats what you had told her after she was dressed in pjs.

Harry sighs, not having the energy to deal with his daughter who is clearly bouncing off walls.

"Daddy... come on! Please! Please! Plea..." Grace is interrupted by her father.

"Not now Grace Gemma!" Harry shouts in irritation. Grace immediately stops bouncing and looks up at her daddy with wide eyes. She knows he isn't happy and it makes her sad. She has seen Harry mad only a handful of times and she knows by the look on his face, he is very frustrated. Her lip turns down and the tears begin to flow as she turns away from Harry and runs out of the office, up the stairs and into her bedroom.

Harry watches Grace bolt out of his office scared and sad. It makes him immediately regret how he just acted. Putting his head in his hands with a sigh.  He is so stressed with work and he took it out on Grace. He knows it isn't her fault. In that moment, Harry realizes that he is letting work effect his mood.  He only has two more days before he leaves on his trip, so he needs to take advantage of the time he has with them. He can stress about work later.

He takes in a deep breath through his nose, holding the air and letting it out through his mouth. Harry repeats this process three times releasing the tension that has been building for days. Setting his pen down and putting the papers aside, Harry decides he needs to apologize and make things right with his daughter.

Somberly walking out of the office and up the stairs, Harry contemplates how he is going to approach his little one. It isn't her fault he blew up, so many other factors are in play. As he approaches her bedroom door he can hear a conversation that is taking place between you and Gracie. He pauses and listens.

"Daddy fustrated mum." Grace sniffs, her nose is running from crying.

"Sometimes we get frustrated. Do you ever get frustrated?" You ask Grace trying to help her understand everyone has their moments of anger and frustration.

"Mmhmm Lauren doesn't share, that makes me fustrated." Grace thoughtfully points out.

"Yes! That's very frustrating when friends don't share. How do you calm down if you are frustrated and angry love?"

"Deep breafs. Like this.." She takes a deep breath in and puffs her cheeks out.  She lets out the air in a way almost identical to the exercise Harry had completed in his office.

"Deep breaths always help. Maybe we should suggest that to daddy." You know Harry already knows this technique because he taught it to her, but a reminder can be nice sometimes.

"Kay." Grace snuggles closer to you, her tears beginning to slow.

Harry decides it's the right time to apologize. With his head down and a small smile he pads into her pink bedroom. You are sitting on the grey couch that is covered in pillows of different shades of pink. You are holding Grace as she clings to her best friend Bob. Her Sheep always seems to calm her down and give her comfort. Harry secretly hopes Gracie never grows out of needing Bob in her life.

"Grace? Can we talk?" Harry pleads to the 4 year old little girl

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"Grace? Can we talk?" Harry pleads to the 4 year old little girl.

"Mmhmm." She nods her head and looks up at her daddy little tears slowly falling down her chunky cheek.

Harry sits on the fuzzy cream rug in front of the couch. "I am sorry I yelled love. Daddy just got frustrated. It wasn't your fault and I am sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad."

"Daddy take a deep breaf?"

"Yes." He chuckles to himself "Daddy took some deep breaths. They always help don't they?"

"Feel better?" She questions sincerely.

"Much better. I am really sorry Gracie bug. Daddy promises even when I get frustrated I will always love you. Do you forgive me?" Harry asks his curly headed princess.

"Mmhmm. Squeeze and kiss." Giving her father a smile as she wipes away the final tear. When Grace has a tantrum, which is rare but they happen, you and Harry always end it with a squeeze and kiss after she has calmed down. It warmed your heart to see your daughter ask her daddy.

You sit silently, watching the beautiful interaction. Harry is such an amazing father, it blows you away everyday how natural it comes to him. Most of the time, Harry has extreme patience even when Grace is being tough. Sometimes parenting is hard, and can be very frustrating, especially when other things are adding to the stress. Watching this humble man, sit in front of his daughter and ask for forgiveness, was one of the most beautiful things you have ever witnessed. 

"Come 'ere!" Harry opens his arms as Grace slides out of your embrace and off the couch. They squeeze each other and give kisses. "Love ya bug!"

"Love you lots daddy!" She declares giving her father one last sloppy kiss.

"Go get a book! I'll read ya a story." Harry smiles as his little girl bolts off to get a book from her bookshelf.

"Nicely done Styles." You say with a wink. Proud of the man you call your husband and the father of your child. You could not have picked a better person to spend your life with.

Harry blows a kiss in your direction as Grace plops down in his lap, with a book, and Bob.

"Once upon a time...." Harry begins the bedtime story, holding his little girl, knowing they will live happily ever after as a family.

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