7:Good Work Coach Cutie

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"Miss Sparks, you will be my co-coach, here", Coach Andrews said as he threw a whistle my way, although I caught the whistle skillfully, I don't think I caught the shock that knocked me off my feet, I mean literally.

I staggered on my feet for a few seconds before gaining my balance and uttering the first thing that came to my mouth, "umsyliyeea", I shook my head as I tried to make sense of what I had just said making a few guys that were close by laugh.

"I mean, I don't know anything about soccer sir", I said when my tongue finally got control and a good grasp on word pronunciation.

"No one starts out as a professional Ms Sparks, you will learn, the boys will help you just as much as I will, right boys?" He looked around the circle that surrounded us as we stood in the middle.

"Yes coach!" They all agreed in a firm and proud, confident voice.

Oh great, I glanced at Max, he was spotting the wildest grin at me and the twins, they were both smiles. Now that I looked at it, all the guys were grinning from ear to ear, this couldn't be good.

"My number one fan will be my coach", Max cried out in excited, that child.

"Excited to be our coach Cutie?" One of the twins grinned, I didn't even know which one was which still.

Yesterday I had managed to stay clear of any boys but today's mission to stay clear of them again was already an epic fail as I would be coaching them. It was a few minutes after nine, the boys had gotten an hour break after breakfast before training began.

They would be training for the next three days for their upcoming game, this was in other words a boot camp, where actual matches took place with other camps from different schools.

This was one was the first one to be held like this and there would a trophy and winning prizes for the winners of the top five as ten schools were up to this boot camping soccer competition.

Thankfully the cheerleaders had already left for their competitions so there would no one to make me feel insecure about this task I was to carry out. To say I was scared would be an understatement, I was terrified and all the other words that mean afraid that I felt like I was being gnawed at from the inside by the fear.

In the ten minutes the coach gave the talk and advice to his players, I must have released about twenty liters bucketful of sweat. I was constantly brushing my wet palms against my navy shorts.

"Okay, first team versus team B on the pitch now, I will be selecting a new team to present us at the match in three days so I expect your best efforts in these three days if you wanna be playing that match!" The coach said as his players took places on the pitch ready to start.

They had already done a warm up when we first came to the field, Mr Andrews mentioned something about warm up to wake the boys up. In just a few minutes the boys were already kicking the ball to each other.

I still didn't find the point in the sport but I made a mental note to decrease the criticism, maybe that's why I never understood it because I was too busy bashing it down.

"Need help?" Seb asked appearing beside me.

"Please!" I exclaimed as he came to my rescue and soon enough I had about three more guys standing at my sides helping Seb explain the basics, rules and all the other essentials to me.

Some of the guys I didn't know but they helped me happily and openly, even arguing amongst each other. When it was time for Seb to go in place of some other dude which I found out they call, substitution, the guy joined in and continued helping out.

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