2:Kill Me Now

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-Anyone who keeps the ability to see beauty never grows old.

The bus was already parked in the school premises. I was actually starting to feel excited for this trip. Bags were being packed while the soccer guys chatted and messed around like how typical teenage boys are supposed to.

I heaved out a sigh before get and out the car and walking over to where the bags were being packed, Max had already ditched me. The bus driver nodded at me politely. If I were him I would have demanded these good for nothing boys to pack their own bags.

"Lin," Max's call pulled me out of my thoughts making me turn to look at him, he did a hand gesture that motioned me over to him.

I took my time walking to them, I could tell Max was growing impatient by the look on his face, of course I was doing it to annoy him.

"Yes?" I smiled innocently when I finally reached the  boys.

"This is Sebastian and Mason if you can't find me you stick with them okay?"

"Yes mom", I smiled looking at Max

I already knew the two jocks but I had no interest in conversing with them.

"Okay listen up!" Mr Harris said clapping his hands to get everyone's attention.

"Cheerleaders, are you all here?"

The wannabes all practically screeched yes in their high pitched voices. I couldn't believe I was stuck with this, to top it off, pretending to be a cheerleader. Max asked for it, he was in for trouble with me. He knew I hated, if not with a passion, cheerleaders yet he took advantage of the fact that I still owed him for covering for me when I sneaked out that one time.

I groaned internally before turning to look at the lot I was going to be with for if not weeks, months, okay maybe I was over exaggerating, it was only a few weeks.

"So how's my favorite fan doing?" Max asked grinning like a total maniac, he knew I wasn't even excited for this well that's what he thought at least.

Internally I knew I was a tinsy winsy bit excited but I couldn't give him the satisfaction of knowing that.

"Kill me now", I rolled my eyes at him.

"It ain't gonna be that bad, trust me", he threw his arm over my shoulder bringing me to his side. The idiot knew, of course, that I was a sucker for hugs and wouldn't deny this one.

"Max you're sitting next to me", some bimbo said to Max flipping her wavy bright hair, I felt like grabbing a pair of scissors and snapping it in different lengths instead I just rolled my eyes and kept my mouth shut.

"Who are you?" She sneered her eyes turning a cold hard as she gave me a once over, I couldn't care less at what she thought of me, I just felt like leaving her feeling cheap and dissed.

"The only person who can make this boy, right here seat where I want him to", I snapped at her, like I said, I loathed cheerleaders especially ones like her.

"Max who's this and what's she doing her, only cheerleaders are the only girls allowed on the bus remember, you don't want me telling coach do you now?" She said folding her arms as if daring me to say another word with an evil smile stretched on her thin lips.

"And you don't want me telling that little secret of yours now do you?" Max smiled softly as if he was trying to charm her instead of threatening her.

"Aw Max you know I was only kidding, now come sit next to me", she whined going to his other side and attaching herself onto him, jeez what kind of person was she, I wondered.

One minute she was threats, the other she acted like an innocent little Barbie.

"Make friends Lin, I will keep an eye on you", with that he left me standing there like a lost child. This was going to be a long ride.

Everyone seemed to have some companion to talk to while I walked there all by myself. I didn't belong to this sort of environment, I belonged somewhere I could get lost daydreaming about myself and some hot nerd or shouting at my siblings for messing around with my lipstick.

"Lean right?" Seb grinned appearing to my side.

"No just Lin", I smiled back at him, I hated it when people dragged the pronunciation of my name.

"Mind if I sit with you?"

"As long as you don't snore and won't talk too much or eat my food, of course!"

Seb laughed a little at that, I know I seemed a little dramatic but that was genuinely what I wanted. Silence for my thoughts and daydreams, my food for when I was bored or wanted to daydream about some dinner date or picnic date.

"I will try resist all those, even though they all sound tempting".

"You better!"

Everyone settled on the bus with at least someone to talk to. No one seemed lonely as everyone chatted excitedly, ready for the long journey to beginning.

A long break from my little siblings sounded like an ordeal, especially now that we were on holiday. Both Katie and Ash would constantly be there to annoy me or make noise or even hog the tv.

"A penny for your thoughts", Seb smiled handing me a coin.

"I don't share".

"You're merely sharing as I'm buying them, you're exchanging".

"I'm stingy then".

"I'm still buying so we aren't referring to sharing".

"I don't spread my wings then", I said with a shot laugh, I was running out of excuses.

"Hmm noted".

"Who's the cutie, Seb?" Hunter asked, a smirk plastered on his annoying yet gorgeous face.

"Oh hey Hunter this is Lin, Lin that's Hunter", Seb introduced us while Hunter peeked from behind, in between our seats.

"Hey cutie, how come I haven't seen you around?"


2nd chapter, sorry it's still boring but stick around to hear more about the story. Thank you for reading, you're awesome.

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PS if I saw properly I got more than 10 reads right? Someone correct me if I'm wrong but well here's another chapter because I promised I would update it if I saw more than 10 reads and I do. Thanks for reading💕

Until another 10 reads

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