5:Right Back At Ya

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At midnight we finally reached our destination. I was tired beyond words, no one bothered to get their bags as we all got paired up in twos. I was with some Amber girl, I barely knew her, my hatred for cheerleaders was probably the reason why.

"You're coming with me weirdo", someone nudged me rather painfully, I turned around to see the same bimbo from the afternoon, great.

My life couldn't get any better huh, first it was being dragged all the way out here and secondly the cheerleader I disliked most at the moment.

My exhaustion avoided any words from escaping my mouth, thankfully. All I wanted was to plump my tired limbs onto a really comfortable, clean bed so I could sleep the exhaustion off.

She took her time unlocking our-the room. I was growing tired by each passing second but I managed to hold my limbs together.

"I call dibs on that", the bimbo -Amber- said pointing to the bed I was headed to, I was rather relieved when she chose the one that was opposite from the window.

I thought she'd be one to choose the window bed so I had straight up chose the one opposite, if she had done this to spite me it was too bad because I was now getting my first choice.

I sighed before throwing myself on the bed, it smelt clean like washing powder. I pulled the quilt on myself and fell into a soundless sleep at last.


"Wake up you freak!" I was woken up by a pissed looking Amber, why did it have to be her face I laid my eyes on this early in the morning.

I pushed my annoyance aside and lifted my body to a sitting position before replying her, "what?"

"I can't find my dryer, have you seen it?" She asked rummaging through her stuff.

I rolled my eyes before throwing myself back onto the bed in a lying position. She of all people should know about my whereabouts and as obvious as she needed it spelt out to her, bags didn't get unloaded from the bus last night which meant I hadn't seen anything.

"Go ask your miss wannabes", I snapped turning around so that my back was to her.

"Useless freak, why did I have to be stuck with you?" She mumbled under her breath but I managed to catch it.

"Right back at ya", I said to myself, the feeling was mutual.

"Lin? Lin?" I heard a knock followed with Max's voice outside my room door.

I groaned loudly before getting up and going over to the door.


"Your luggage", he said nodding to my stuff in front of him.

"Oh thanks", I said grabbing ahold of my suitcase and traveling bag, I had totally forgotten about going to get them.

"Meet me in twenty, we can seat together for breakfast".

I nodded before closing the door behind me. I was still in my clothes from yesterday, how gross.

As soon as I had my stuff on my bed, I unzipped the suitcase to look for an outfit for today. A shower is probably what I needed most, luckily I wouldn't have had to be fighting with Amber for the shower as she was already drying her wet hair.

I pulled out a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top with a pair of my favorite sandals.

I managed to scrub myself of any dirt in my ten minute shower, washed my dark curls. Yep I had curly, puffy hair. I wasn't colored but my hair looked like a colored's.

I loved my hair but the fact that I woke up with it in the morning looking like a bird nest that was raided by some wild animal wasn't exactly ordeal.

By the time I stepped out of the shower Amber was long gone, all that was left was a messy room. The shower was situated close to her room, I managed to step on a piece of clothing when I was making my way over to my side.

By how beautiful Amber looked, you'd expect where she came from to be neat. Yeah I had just admitted that she was pretty, although she layered herself with artificiality, she still looked pretty she knew how to work out all that make up.

I pulled on my clothes and coated my eyelashes with a shade of mascara and applied a light shade of lipgloss, couldn't afford dry lips, you never know when you're gonna find that Prince Charming that's gonna be your first kiss Lin so it's better to be ready, call me crazy but so what.

Lastly I slipped my feet into my sandals and hopped out to find the dining area. Luckily for me, some cheerleaders happened to be walking to the same destination so it wasn't as much a disaster as I thought it would be.

Within seconds of entering the dining area, Max was already frantically waving me over like some maniac.

"What's the excitement for this morning?" I asked pulling a chair out between Mason and Max.

"Can't I be excited to see my number one fan?"

"Firstly I ain't your fan so quit it Maximus", I said to him.

"Why not Olin?" He pouted like a little kid at me, it made him look so adorable, I had to look away if I wanted to win this.

"Because your number one fan looks like she's gonna eat me with her eyes", I said nodding to Amber who was giving me a death glare, if looks could kill, I would be history by now.

"You're my code one fan, she's code one, one fan".

"Oh hello there cutie", Hunter? Asher? Smiled.

Remember I did mention an experience when it came to telling the twins apart? Well yeah, Asher once seduced me, he made me moan out Hunter's name really loudly into the girls bathrooms in my first year of high school.

Firstly I had said the wrong name and secondly, I had moaned out to most of the school population, how embarrassing.

Hello everyone, how's it going so far?

I hope you liked the chapter, stick around to find out more about Olin. Thank you for reading I really appreciate it.

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Another one, this is the last one for today because I'm apologizing. After this one it's updating after 15 reads. See you then after that!


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