Grillby x Reader - Mistake

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„Aaaaahhhh, I got fired again-"

Your head on the counter you tried to pour the rest of your drink in your mouth but failed to hit and poured it all over the counter instead, only a few drops hitting your tongue. Frowning you watched the liquid run down the counter and drip to the ground. As a futile attempt to clean up you wiped the surface with your sleeve which only caused the fabric to stick to your arm and the drink being further spread.

„I'm sorryyyyy-", you lulled, your eyes unfocused switching between the surface and the empty glass in your trembling hand, your body twitching.

The man behind the counter gave off a noise that sounded like a sigh and took the glass from your hand to clean it before returning to you with a piece of cloth to wipe the surface before it would get to sticky when the drink dried.

„You got it lucky, you own this place. Ain't anyone ruining your career by firing you."

You heaved your head off the counter and nearly fell backwards off the stool as you couldn't balance your weight anymore in this drunken state.

„Pffff, firing you. More like firing you up."

You laughed at your own joke, a hickup disrupting you before you took a deep breath and gulped down the puke that clogged your throat. The man behind the counter shook his head. The ‚joke' wasn't funny in the slightest; only considered to be a joke since he wasn't human but a monster. A being made from fire. What a joke you had just made. Not that you actually realized anything you did right now.

You had been fired again. Was it your fault that you weren't as good at your job as the others? At least you worked hard and didn't beg for promotions as the other, more talented people did. More talented in the sight of your bosses at least.

Well, maybe your first time being fired had been your fault. You had been the one getting to work drunk and taking drugs but after that, you wouldn't consider it your fault anymore. Yeah, maybe you were still drinking alcohol, but what else could you cling to when your life was going down the drain?

„Ahahaha, get it? 'Cuz you're fire. Firing up. Gonna go get some oil!"

You started laughing harder, staggering on your seat, explaining the joke since Grillby hadn't given any sign of approval for it causing you to think he hadn't understood.

He just shook his head and held you by the shoulder firmly so you wouldn't fall and hit your head on the ground. Shaking his head he gently pushed you back to lying on the counter so the risk of you hurting yourself accidentally was minimized.

Your laughter turned to giggling as you were pressed down, another hickup shaking your body as Grillby walked around the counter to help you from the bar stool and stabilize you enough that he could get you to the door. Nodding for a rabbit like monster to take over for a second he slowly started walking, you just hanging over his shoulders seemingly lifeless, being dragged behind by him.

"Let me goooooo- I want another drink!"

You were lulling harder by now and took deep, shallow breaths as you could feel your stomach turning more and more, your view distorted and blurry. The white of the snow outside hurt your eyes as it was so much brighter than the dim light in the bar.

Grillby softly let you down so you leaned against the bar's wall. You looked up at the sky, the cold air hurting, soothing your headache a little but also ringing in your ears. You only had so much time to look at the stars and the full moon though before tears shot up to your eyes and you bowed forward to empty your stomach in the snow with gruesome puking noises, curses accompanying what you threw up whenever you had a few seconds to breathe.

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