Soldier 76 - Saved

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You're walking back home from the store, and you hear something rustling inside a nearby trash can. You gasp, like anyone would, and realize it was just a kitten. You stop walking and wonder why you've been so jumpy lately, and you see a bench to sit and rest for a couple minutes. The store was a mile away, so your feet and knees were hurting. You begin to think. Who wouldn't be jumpy when they hear nothing but silence, and then suddenly there's a noise behind you? Your thoughts trail off and you hear something else from what felt like only a few feet away. "H-hello? Is... Is someone there?" You call out, hoping for a response, yet also hoping for none. "Hello?" You call once more, nothing. You sigh in relief. The cat you heard on the trash can is now near your feet, rubbing against your pants leg. "Awe, hey there little kitty." You giggle at the feeling of the kittens whiskers on your slightly exposed skin.. "Hey, you! Don't do that, it tickles!" You laugh a bit and look at you watch. But the cat's neck catches your eye. "Wait a minute... No tag or collar... That's against the town laws for a pet to have no identifi-... Unless... You're a stray, aren't you, little guy?" You rub the kitten's head and it mews, sounding scared. "It's okay little kitty, there's nothing to be afraid of-" Something, or, someone, grabs you by the neck at the same time as covering your mouth. "If you try to get away, consider your life officially over. Try to scream, and you're gonna regret ever living. Understood?" A cruel, demanding voice whispers into your ear and you nod. "Good. I am going to uncover your mouth, and you will not scream, correct?" He asks. "You nod once more. "Alright. Good girl." The person pulls you into the bush behind you, and he uncovers your mouth. "What is your name." He asks, not sounding like a question at all. "Y-YN. Why did you-" He interrupts you with the sound of metal clicking. You gasp as you feel a cold, thin line press against your throat. "Same rules apply. You scream, you die. Got it girl?" He said again, more demanding than before. You nod, still fearful for your life. "Good." He grabs your waist and pulls you close to him, and then he pulls you by your shirt and roughly kisses you. Your shirt rips and he chuckles. "Thing will make things easier for me." You whine, trying not to scream because he will kill you if you do. "Shut it bitch." He growls making you shudder. You knew what was happening, and you were more terrified than you have ever been. He grabs one of your breasts and you scream full force. "SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!" You feel the knife quickly dig into your skin. "I TOLD YOU NOT TO SCREAM YOU LITTLE BITCH! NOW YOU WILL DIE!" He yells and stabs the knife into your shoulder, growling in rage. You scream once again and he just laughs. You hear a rustling in the bush, and this time, you're not afraid of it. "HELP!" You yell again, but weak from the crying, screaming in pain, and blood loss, hoping that the rustling was a person, not just the wind. A loud bang was heard, and you cover your ears and close your eyes. "Kid. You alr-" a deep, masculine voice penetrates the newfound silence in the area. "Oh god.." The mysterious voice fades out as everything goes black.

   ~ Time Skip ~  

You open your eyes, and everything is clouded and foggy at first, but when your vision clears up, you see a man. A man wearing a red, white, and blue outfit with weapons all over him. And he had a mask, covering from his eyebrows down. You try to focus your sight and get a better look at him, but a blonde woman with a nearly all white outfit steps in front. She puts a flashlight up to your face, and shines it into your eyes. You try to turn your face away from the light, but you wince in pain from your shoulder because you moved your neck. "Hello? Did you hear me child?" A feminine Swiss voice interrupts. "Angela, please. She might need time to-" "Wh-who are you t-two? Wh-where is this p-place?" You weakly ask, stuttering from the pain in your throat. "Sh, don't try to talk too much kiddo. You're lucky even to be alive. That man you met was a criminal I was tracking." "Hush, 76. You're distracting me." Angela says as she gives the man some sort of glare. You look at your watch. "Sat-Saturday? H-how is that p-possible..? B-But it's W-Wednesd-day... Is-isn't it?!" You slightly panic. "Child, calm yourself. Your blood pressure is becoming very high. Breathe slowly and do not panic, that will only harm you further." Angela says. "Kid, lay back down for a sec. You look like shit..." Angela elbows him in the stomach hard and slightly raises her voice. "Language!" She glares again, looking even more upset. "Sorry..." He mumbles. "Kid, you don't look too well. Better?" He rephrases his sentence mockingly and she looks at him. "Yes, now go sit outside the room. You do not need to be in here right now." "W-wait." You stutter. "Yeah?" He stops walking and looks back. "Th-thank you... You saved my life..." You trail off and look at Angela, who is staring intently at your neck area with concern. "Child, what is your name?" She asks, sounding just as she looked. "Y-YN... YN L-LN." You try to say clearly, but fail. "Well, YN, you have to tell me something." "O-okay." You nod weakly and look Angela in the eyes. "What happened when he found you?" You tell her all about what happened and you sigh, saddened. "But I-I'm worried about s-something though..." "Yes?" "My little sister... She-she's everything to me and she's left all a-alone at my house... Our p-parents left us y-years ago and we-we've been on our own since. I-I want to bring her here... If-if that's okay w-with you..." "It will have to be discussed with the rest of the team, but I will see what I can do about that." You nod, understanding that she can only do so much. "Would you like me to give you some time alone? I need to go examine your results and blood tests anyway." Angela asks calmly. "N-no... I-I don't want to be a-alone... Send s-someone in... I-I don't care who, j-just someone to k-keep me company..." You plead, and she nods, smiling a bit. "Very well. Rest easy, I'll send someone in in just a moment." She says before walking out of the room. You heard a knock on the door, and you are about to open your mouth to yell 'come in', but the door opened before you could. "Don't try yelling kid, I don't want to see you get hurt even more." You let all possible attention focus on him, and you notice a moving blanket in his arms. "Wh-what's that?" You point, not using your injured arm. "Oh, a little something I ran into when I went back to the place I found you. I was investigating for any other clues about that guy's gang, when this little guy rubbed up by my leg." He uncovers the bundle and you see the kitten. "H-hey you." You weakly smile at the familiar kitten that had rubbed up against you when you were resting. "Do you want to keep him, he's obviously in need of a good owner." The man holds the blanket up to you and puts the kitten on your lap. The kitten was meowing up a storm at you making you giggle and smile. Out of nowhere the door slams open, making you flinch and the kitten fly back into the man's arms. "Angela, what the hell?!" The man yells, slightly shocked as he caught the kitten and held him safely. "She needs to go in for an emergency removal surgery IMMEDIATELY! I've found more than five blood clots in her throat and three in her shoulders and back area. They fell loose recently and they could attach themselves to her heart at any given moment!" Angela yells, no longer the calm and composed woman you met at first. "Wh-what's wrong with me?" You ask, trying not to panic. "Blood clots, you have many that could surround your heart, stopping all blood flow, which would kill you in only a short time. I need to preform a removal surgery on you now or you may die within just hours." She says, seriously worried. "O-okay..." You look at her, not knowing what exactly she was talking about, but you knew it was important and you were trying to keep up with her anyways and agreeing to let her help you. "Hey, be careful with the kid Angie... I can feel there's some sort of spark in her that this team could use someday." He says, not calmly, but not frantically, but somewhere in between. "I'll do my best, but no promises." She nods and speeds you off to the operating room. "A-Angela?" "Yes, YN?" Angela responds while hooking up various machines and mechanisms and laying out surgical tools. "Wh-who is th-that man?" You ask curiously, trying to make conversation to calm her down a bit. "His real name is unknown to us all, but he goes by Soldier 76, or 76, or just Soldier." She says, now fully focused on the readying of the equipment. "Okay YN, I'm going to count to three, and you need to close your eyes and breathe in deep." She says sternly. "O-okay.." "One." "Two." "Three." You breathe in deep, and everything goes fuzzy all around you.

Hey guys! Sorry for the cliffhanger... I want to sleep some more while I can and I WILL post a part to as soon as possible, probably tomorrow, if I'm to be honest. Well, I've gotta go. BAI GUYS!


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