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(Thank you all so much for your support on this story! I apologize for not posting very often, I'm trying my best. It really hard to get all these parts to connect since I'm just writing all the perspectives freely, and some of the plot may not be that smooth at this point. Don't be afraid to point out any mistakes I made in my writing if you see it ;) Hopefully everything will connect at the end)

*Aaron's POV

(This is written at the time period right after "A Restless Night" and does not include any events from parts further than that)

I know Garroth and Zane were trying to protect me, but I need to protect Aphmau. That's my job. I'm not going to get anything done sitting around in my house all night. 

I've checked just about everywhere, except for the trail behind our house of course, so that's where I'm headed. It's hopeless because that trail isn't the place I would expect to find Aph at all, she never likes traveling alone. especially in a place like that. She knows it's dangerous. 

I walked down the trail a bit before picked up two very familiar scents. I was ecstatic when I realized that one of them was definitely Aphmau's!  I couldn't quite put my finger on what the other scent was though. I knew I had smelled it before, and I certainly didn't like it, but whose scent could it have been? 

I gave up trying to figure out who else was with Aphmau, I needed to locate her first. I followed the scent and it led off the trail and into the woods surrounding it. I wonder why she went off the trail?

I eventually just ended up going deep into the forest, but nothing surprised me. There was nothing dangerous around and it was just a bunch of trees. After a while, I noticed the sun coming up, which also reminded me of how terribly exhausted I was. I had been running at first, but now walking, non stop through the forest. I thought about stopping to take a break, but I needed to keep going if I was going to find her. 

I continued on this way, starting to get bored because nothing new had happened since I first found the scents. That was until a memory that seemed kind of random to me at the time, popped up in my head. 

"I am my own Alpha! And I play by MY rules!" 

That's weird. That was something Ein said to me back at the lodge, I know it. Wait... Ein! The second scent! 

I growled out loud out of frustration and out of fear that Aphmau was somewhere outside of my reach, in the hands of my enemy. Who knows what Ein could be doing to her, at this very moment? And I'm not there for her. She must feel so alone. She should never feel alone. Argh! I need to keep going, I need to find them. 

I kept following the scent, further and further into the woods now jogging with the energy from my newfound longing to get to Aphmau, even more than before. 

Everything was the same until I looked down at the grass and saw what looked to be... airplane tracks? It looked like an airplane had taken off from this very spot. I could even see some contrails in the air. This must mean that wherever Ein took Aphmau, it was far enough to the point that he had to fly to get there. He could have traveled anywhere, and I might never see her again. NO! I refuse to think like that. I'm going to find her. I will. Nothing will stand in my way. 

I do know that now since there is a likely possibility that Aph isn't even on the island anymore, I'm going to need everyone's help to find her. 

(All of the next part takes place after "Reunited")

"She's off the island, with EIN?!" Melissa screeched. She was the first one to come back to her senses enough to react after I told everyone I knew on the island (except for Garroth, Kim, and Laurence. They were still having their conversation.) the updates on Aphmau's location. 

"You're sure it was Aphmau and Ein's scents that you found?" my mom asked me. 

I looked her dead in the eyes and said, "I'm positive," this seemed to convince her.

"I thought Starlight tracked every one of its airplanes that are sent in and out of the islands, can't you just ask the main office where the plane went?" Zane inquired. 

"I could, but I suspect that Ein used one of his own planes to exit the island. He's smarter than to leave a trail to where he could have gone. I know he is," I explained. 

"Why would he take Aphmau though? From what I know, he has recently arrived here and he has had no more time than Aaron to recover from past events. Ein suffered slightly worse injuries than you Aaron, and he also didn't have Aphmau to heal him. It seems extremely risky for him to take Aphmau away when he knows so many people care about her. Unless he had a very strong motive that would cause him to do something like this," Lucinda stated. 

"Revenge," I said.

"What?" my mom replied.

"He took her to get revenge on me for ruining his plans. It's the only strong motive he ever has."

"That's horrible," Zane frowned.

"It really is. And I have no clue what he is doing to her... none. With no one to stop him, he could go as far as killing Aph, though I think that would be more of a last resort," I hated thinking of all this, but everyone needed to know. 

"Well, we'd better get started. We've checked everywhere on the island. But we should probably start at the place where Aaron saw the plane take off so that we can try to track it from there," Zane stated. 

"Sounds good, I just hope we can get to her in time," I choked out. I was beginning to cry unintentionally, I was just so afraid that I had failed. 

"Aaron, we are going to find her, you understand?" Lucinda told me.

"I-I know," I sighed.

"WHERE'S MY MIJA?!" screamed a voice as someone barreled through the door.

Dangit. I forgot to tell Sylvanna.

(Yaaaaay, I finally finished another part. Hope you guys enjoy! Don't forget to follow meh (if you want to) and support this story by continuously reading, and voting and commenting! Tysm! <3)

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