The Interrogation

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*The Lycans along with Aphmau are now at the central island walking to the main office in Starlight 

Aphmau is holding Aaron's hand as she comforts him, "Just stay calm, if we're rational, I'm sure they won't have any reason to suspect you or your family."

"Thanks, Aph," Aaron smiled softly. 

*Inside the office

"So, are you the Wolfweres?" Said the man at the front desk.

"Y-yes," Derrick replied. 

"Down the hall, first door to the left," The man said absent-mindedly, not even looking up from his computer.

Rachel thanked him and led the family to the room labeled "A2: Mr.Brosh". They all entered hesitantly.

"Hello?" Melissa said to the old man behind the desk. He had short rimmed glasses and a long, gray mustache. He stared at the group before him, with malice in his eyes.

"Sit," was all he said. Aaron, Aphmau, Melissa, Derrick, and Rachel all sat in front of him. 

"I'm going to go straight to the point," Mr.Brosh stated, "Are you Ultimas?" 

This seemed like an interesting approach, he asked as if someone would go right out and say it.

Before anyone else had the chance to answer, Derrick said, "No."

"I hoped not. You guys seem like a pretty nice group. What I'm looking for are Ultimas. A bunch of barbarians, freaks! They shouldn't have even been admitted to come here in the first place. All that Ultimas are, are trouble. They are cruel, and a danger to society, useless. " Mr.Brosh said this casually, negligent to the fact that what he just said was extremely hurtful.

This statement evoked many different reactions. Aaron and Derrick were very hurt, but they hid it well, of course from years of practice in hiding their emotions. They just looked down. Rachel tried to stay calm, she almost let a gasp escape her lips, but stayed silent. Melissa looked absolutely shocked and had to grasp the sides of her chair to keep herself from running up and punching Mr.Brosh in the face. Aphmau, on the other hand, was not trying as hard to keep her emotions to herself, her slight smile quickly morphed into a scowl and her werewolf ears and tail were standing straight on end. She was infuriated, she couldn't believe someone would say something like this about Aaron. 

"They aren't freaks! Cruel? A danger to society? Useless? No! More like kind, compassionate, and misunderstood," Aphmau nearly screamed, Aaron had to physically keep her from doing any more damage.

"There it is. How would you know this dear, unless you were close to an Ultima. Say, engaged to one?" Mr.Brosh smirked, "Guards, take this one, I'll deal with the others later," he pointed to Derrick, and 2 strong guards came in and took him away, Derrick struggled minimally. 

"Dad!" Aaron and Melissa shrieked. 

"What are you going to do with him?!" Aphmau ran right up to Mr.Brosh's face, and this time, Aaron didn't stop her. 

"Oh, don't worry, when we're done with him, he won't ever hurt anyone again." Mr.Brosh chuckled. 

"You don't mean..." Aaron started,

"He'll be dead by dawn," Mr.Brosh stated. 

(Woah, DRAMA! Hope you liked this part! Comment and stuff if you want, I want to hear your feedback ;)

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