So sorry....

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Hey my little cupcakes. I haven't been writing after I promised y'all a chapter every 3 to 5 days. Sadly it's been over a month since chapter 10 and I didn't even start on chapter 11. While I know at least one of my cupcakes wants strangle me..... But I have writers block. I'm in a bind and I just need a few more weeks. Give me a few more weeks and I'll be giving y'all chapters back to back with some juice ass shit. Please be loyal and don't stop reading. I love you all the little readers I do have. I'm so grateful to even have 1 person read my book. With this being my first one on Wattpad. With that being said hang on just a little longer and I promise it'll be worth it. Hugs and kisses from me to you😘😘

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