Chapter 4

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"Girllll did you hear about Trey ole fine ass" Oceana dragged out. They were sitting on the floor next to the couch. They decided that the floor was a place they could both stretch out a little more."Trey, girl u talking bout the light skin boy with curly black hair and the brown light eyes?" Trinity asked. They both lowkey crushed on Trey. He was the finest boy in school in their eyes. "Yes hunni, how about he bumped into me in the hallway" Oceana explained while fanning herself. "Anddddd?" " and girl he said he was sorry and left me on the floor" At this moment Trinity was cracking up. Oceana didn't care what type of attention she was getting from Trey as long as he caught her eye somehow. "Girl really I thought you were going to say something eles." " Something other than that." Oceana Laughed and sat back down on the floor. They then heard a loud knock at the door. The knocking didn't stop until Trinity called out. "who?" Still no answer. Doing as she was told she stayed in her spot. "Girl you don't hear that knocking at the door? " Oceana asked. Trinity just shook her head no and hoped the knocking would stop. But it didn't, it got worse. Kicking was followed by the knocking and then u could tell, it was more than one person. Now Trinity and Oceana started to become nervous and more so scared. "I'm bout to go see who at the door cause u acting scary" Oceana said walking towards the door. Trinity wanted to stop her but she was curious also. Her dad told her she couldn't answer the door. Not Oceana.

"Oh my gosh. It's Amari and Kaden." She said opening the door. The two boys stood looking at Oceana with smirks on their faces. "The hell y'all banging on the door for? " She asked loudly. They pushed their way in heading to the living. Amari was a short 14-year-old, around 5'2. He was brown skin and a shy soft spoken guy. His best friend Kaden was the complete opposite. He was dark skin really dark. Tall, loud and very outgoing.

As they turn the corner in the living room Trinity eyes lit up as she saw her other two best friends. "oh my gosh Hey boo bears." She stood up and ran into Amari arms. "See I knew u loved Amari more," Kaden crossed his arms as he looked towards the couch. "Oh hush and bring it in," she said spreading her arms out to him. He accepted the hug and the four of them took their seats in the living room. Trinity was laying her head on Kaden's lap while Oceana had her legs across Amari's lap. They we're seating in silence, something they often did.

"Bruh, tell me why I heard u had a run-in with that nigga Blaze?" Kaden asked while nudging Trinity. She tried to look away, towards something else other than Kaden's eyes. "Bitch what he talking bout?" Now everyone attention was on her, her eyes started to get watery. "Y'all know she a cry baby. You gotta bring it up slow" Amari stated. Her tears really started to fall. "Awe baby doll what happened? Cause you know the gang got you." Oceana said. The one problem Trinity was having at that moment was she was feeling that same feeling she felt before. She was feeling embarrassed. "He hit me with a football in my head and I threw that shit in the trash." Kaden couldn't help but laugh a little. Even through her tears he found it funny that she was crying over something so small.

"Shorty don't sweat it. I told u bout dat soft shit." Kaden said. Rolling his eyes Amari tapped Oceana legs signaling for her to move them. He walked over to Trinity and grabbed her hand pulling her up. They walked into the kitchen, her favorite place when she's upset. "So Wussup Trinity. I need to get Rico?" he asked. When he says Rico he means his gun. Amari may have been quite and shy but he wasn't scary when it came to anything. Growing up in the streets with a single mother and a crack addicted aunt, he learned quick that he needed protection. He was the man of the house which meant he had to make sure his mother and aunt was safe at all times. "No Amari. I don't even know why you have that thing." Smirking he shook his head going through the cabinets. " Let me catch dat nigga in the streets. I promise you that he go catch these hands. I heard about the lil crowd he had." Shaking her head she didn't say anything. Trinity knew how crazy Amari could get when it came to the people he loved. Grabbing as many snacks as they could they walked back into the living room sitting them on the floor. "Baby doll you okay, " Oceana asked backing away from Kaden wiping her mouth. Trinity smirked and shook her head yes. Oceana wasn't as slick as she thought she was, nor was Kaden. Everyone knew about their little "secret" but they kept their mouth shut.


Days after Trinity friends left she just been hanging around the house bored out of her mind. Her father didn't find out about Kaden and Amari being over. Wolf also been in a good mood lately. His job hours were back to normal and him and his wife haven't been fighting.

"Pa can I get some new books. I done read all the ones you gave me?" Trinity asked coming in the kitchen sitting at the table. "I just brought you some Trinity. Read them again." He said harshly. She could tell he wasn't in a good mood today so she was going to try her best to stay out of his way. Her mother walked into the kitchen tying her robe. Her warm smile that usually greets them was turned into a slight frown. She sat at the table not bothering to get the items to make breakfast out. "Honey did you see the notice we had on the door?" Her face was buried into Her hands as hot tears ran down her face. Wolf just shook his head while drinking his juice. "Trinity go in your room." Trinity got up from the table slowly but before she could stand up all the way she heard a loud smack. She turned her head to see her mother holding Her face while her father glared at Alayah. "Women I know about the damn notice. I pay all to damn bills here so I know about it. Yeah we go be put out on our asses cause your lazy ass isn't bringing in enough money!" Trinity jumped at Her fathers harsh words. "we're getting put out?" she questioned in her head. She didn't want to believe it. Her head was spinning at the thought of them having to be homeless. "Can we stay with your mother? " Alayah asked. Wolf shook his head not liking the sound of having to depend on his mother. "we'll talk about this later. I have to work." And with that being said he got up and left the table.

Trinity didn't like the sound of that either, but if it was keeping a roof over their head then she would suck it up. Maybe living with Her grandmother will stop Wolf from beating Her mother.

"Baby can you get the eggs and milk from the frig please?" Alayah asked. Trinity got her mother the items and left the kitchen going to her room. On her way she grabbed the house phone so she could call Oceana. The phone rung until it went to voicemail so she called Amari.

"What's good Trint?" His voice boomed through the phone. You could tell he just got done yelling. "I need to get out this house. Can we go to the basketball court?" she heard a loud crash on the other line with Amari yelling swear after swear. "Bruh meet me there like Now." And with that he hung up. Trinity got her chap stick and walked out her room. "Momma I'm going to the basketball court for a little with Amari." Her mother simply nodded and she walked out the door.

It was a sunny day out and the kids screaming and running around didn't make it any better. Her walk wasn't long since she walked fast. She spotted Amari walking over to him with Her arms open for a hug. When she hugged him she felt a hard item in her stomach. Her eyes got wide when she realized what it was. "Mari you serious? You go bring Rico to the basketball court?" He just shook his head side eyeing Her as if she should already know the answer. Shaking her head she headed to the bleachers seating down on the second one to the last so she could watch all the guys play.

One guy she spotted out had her legs clamped tight. She looked down with a scared look on her face. Amari noticed Her sudden change and looked in the direction she was looking at. He spotted who she now was afraid of. They both spotted Blaze and he spotted them back.

Stopping the game he had a smirk on his face as he walked over to the both of them. Trinity held Her head low knowing she was about to get messed with while Amari stood to his feet.

"So Wussup Bruh? Why you walking over here?" Blaze stopped where he was acting hurt. "Damn nigga I just wanted to walk over and say hello to my new friend." He wrapped his arm around Trinity shoulder while she still hung her head low. "Wussup little dirty bitch. Remember you dug in the trash to get my shit? Yeah, I bet yo dirty ass ain't take no bath huh?" And with that being said Amari went to his waist band.

All Trinity could do was close Her eyes and hope he wouldn't do anything stupid.

The Girl That Was BrokenTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang