Chapter 3

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"Aw fiddlesticks" Trinity yelled. She went to touch her head where it felt sore.

"My bad ma, u think u can throw the ball back," a boy said. She looked up at the dark skin boy. He was short for his age but taller than Trinity. His hair in a short fade. Trinity was in a faze, all she could do was stare at his full lips.

"No, u hit me with it" She replied picking up the ball. The boy thought she was going to walk it to him but instead she walked straight towards the garbage. Opening the large green garbage she threw the ball in.

"Aye bruh what the fuck you do dat fa!" the boy yelled while running across the street. He stood in front of Trinity and the garbage. "U hit me." Trinity walked back onto the pouch and sat back in her spot picking her book up from the ground.

"Yea i apologize but u threw my shit in the can. What's wrong with you little girl? You betta get it," he said while opening the trash can. She just looked at him then back at her book. She was very upset that he had the nerve to hit her with a ball. Even if it was an accident she wasn't having it.

"Oh so now you don't hear me," he walked up the small stairs and snatched her book from her hands. "What's wrong with you. Give me my book back I don't even know you" She scowled.
"I don't care if you know me or not. Go get my shit," he cursed. Rolling her eyes as hard as she could she stood up. "I don't know who you are and I don't care to know. Give me my book back and I'll go get your ball." Staring at her as hard as he could he threw the book to the ground and fold his arm. He was waiting for her to walk down the steps and go get his ball but she just stood there. Bending down to get her book she went to walk to the door but he stood in front of it.

"Nah Lil ma you betta go get my ball. We made a deal." Trinity stared the boy down then looked at the door. She was trying to see if there was a way she could get pass the ball but it just wasn't possible. He was a little to tall for her and his build body, she didn't have a chance. "I'm not digging in that garbage" folding her arm she looked up at him. "Yes the hell you is, fuck you thought this was" he mumble while looking pass her. A little crowd started to form. Everyone knew Blaze. Blaze Valentino, the cute boy with the bad attitude. He was older than Trinity but that didn't matter. He wanted his ball at the moment.
"Aye bruh it ain't even that serious. She cool bruh," another boy yelled from the small crowd. At this moment Trinity started to get embarrassed. She didn't know it was going to be that much of a problem or cause a scene.
"Nah forget that she gotta get my ball." He looked back at her and she now had a different look on her face. It wasn't the same hard look she was giving Blaze before. It was now a softer and frighten look. "I'm sorry, I didn't know it meant that much to you. I'll get it if you want. It just hurt my head real bad that's all," She could feel tears almost come to her eyes. Even though she didn't want him or anyone out there to see her cry she was about to shed a tear. That still didn't stop the anger that was rising inside Blaze. "Good, now go get it Lil ma," he pointed towards the can. She slowly walked down the stairs hearing the rude comments coming from the crowd. She walked over to the trash and pulled out his ball. Throwing it at him she walked back onto the porch, grabbed her things and walked into the house.

Words couldn't describe how Trinity felt at this moment. She felt embarrassed, frighten. She let a few tears slid down her face as she walked up the steps to the guest bed room. She didn't want to talk to her grandmother about the new "friend" She made.


"How was your day lady bug," Alayah asked. Seeing her daughters face she knew it wasn't too well. "It was okay," once again Trinity kept it short. Shaking her head she turned around in her seat. Alayah wasn't surprised her daughter like this. Trinity wasn't a depressed child but she did have her moments she just wanted to be left alone. But Alayah knew her daughter all too well, there was something wrong.

"You know me and your father was talking about what we wanted to do for your birthday. What do you suggest," Alayah spoke. Keeping her head turned facing the window she replied slowly, "I don't know." Her father however wasn't having this. He knew how Trinity could get and he didn't like it. He hated when his daughter shut down. He loved when she talked and expressed her feelings but however shutting down wasn't okay.

"Trinity you have to find something to do. I don't care if we only go to Burger King for all I care just say something." His world's weren't as stern as normal.

"Pa how about we just stay home and have a dinner with all of my favorites. I know we don't have enough money to do anything else." Hearing that Wolf felt uneasy. He didn't know how to describe his feelings but he knew for sure that hurt a bit. He always wanted to provide for his family but work runs slow and he isn't bringing in as much as he use to. But he still worked hard, he still had that determation to provide the best for his family.

"You know what sweetie, whatever you want," her mother replied knowing how Wolf's temper could be. Nodding her head she continued to stare out the window wishing the ride could go a little faster.


The next few days ran as they normal did for Trinity. But instead of going to her grandmothers house this week she decided to beg her father to let her stay home. Shes old enough to stay in the house by herself and to know the do's and don'ts. However begging her father was the hardest part about the process. Her father wasn't to fond of her being at home by herself because he was nervous about the type of neighborhood they lived him. He didn't want his daughter to have to worry about crack heads knocking on their door or a possible of a drive-by. Wolf wasnt having that. Trinity had to promise to not open the door for anybody and to stay in the house no matter what. Although he didn't have to worry about Trinity because she did those things often.

"What to do, what to do," Trinity talked to herself as she walked around the livingroom tapping her chin. She would watch TV but that could get boring quickly. She couldn't go outside to just sit on the porch and she couldn't just go for a walk. Looking around the small livingroom she thought about reading but she knew she would probably finish the book earlier than she planned.

She was super bored and this was not he life to he living. She even thought about inviting her bestfriend but she didn't know how that would run by her father.

"Maybe if I call pa and see if he'll say yes." She thought picking up the house phone. Dialing his cell number she knew she wouldn't hear the end of calling him while he's at work.

"Trinity why the hell are you calling me I'm in the middle of a job," he yelled. Rolling her eyes she just listen to the lashing out her father was giving her.

"Pa I just called to asked if I could invite Oceana over. It's so boring by myself," crossing her fingers secretly she hoped her father would say yes. Her father wasnt to fond of Oceana but let her hang with Trinity only because she needed friends.

"You know what fine. Only if you don't call my work unless it's an emergency. Don't mess up my damn house and don't go no fucking where. Understood?" Trinity didn't even pay attention to the last part she was surprised her father said yes. She agreed to whatever he said. Hanging up she quickly called Oceana.

"Hello," She answered. "Hey girl ma and pa at work and I'm bored. Come over pleaseeeeeee." Trinity begged. Giggling she agreed. "Fine I'll walk over in a bit let me get ready first," Trinity couldn't break the smile she had. Hanging up she fixed the living room up some more. Oceana wasn't a friend she was nervous about coming over. Her mother stuggled just as they did so she could relate.

"My bestfriend coming over. That's my bestfriend that's my bestfriend!" She sung while dancing around.

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