Chapter 2

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Arriving at grandma's house took forever. She lived in a nice but loud neighborhood in a small blue and white house. She was a sweet little old lady. Her once blond long hair turned gray and short and her short frame being around 4'8-4'9. She was the typical grandmother, the one that cooked for you whenever you were hunger or the one that made sure you were okay. Trinity thought her grandmother was the most boring grandmother but she really didn't find anything her grandmother did fun. She thought it could have the been the age difference but from all the movies she watched she couldn't understand why she never really bonded and connected with her grandmother.
"You be good. Ion wanna hear nothing about yo behavior today. Understood?" Her father spook. Reaching for the door handle to their old gold Honda she looked at her father, "I understand. Bye pa." Looking at her mother in the front seat she said her goodbyes to her as well and exited the car.
Walking up the short drive-way she looked back to the the Honda speeding down the street.
"Time to start counting down the hours," She thought.
Finally arrive to her grandmothers door she knocked a few times. While waiting she looked around the loud neighborhood and saw the children playing jump rope, the teens sitting around talking, and the adults yelling to the misbehaving children. No one payed her any attention and she was glad. She didn't want to stick out, she wanted to stay in her own little world.
Seeing the door open her grandmother
Amya dresses in a purple and white gown greeted her.
"Goodmorning baby," with a warm smile she engulfed her into a tight hug while rocking. Inviting her in grandma Amya walked right back into the kitchen. Like always she was cooking up a storm and always had a table full of food. Since her late husband passed away a few years ago she found joy in cooking big meals.
"Your grandfather always did eat big. So I cook big meals because he loved when I did," She would often say. Smelling the cooking of bacon Trinity closed her eyes and fell back on the couch.
"There's nothing like a good home cooked meal," She said. Kicking her shoes off, she went to reach for the television remote until she heard her grandmother yell, "baby u bet not touch my TV mote you know my stories coming on," She said in her country accent. Rolling her eyes slightly Trinity pulled out her favorite book from her bag. Dating Games. This was her book, she always read it over and over again. This was something she often did when she was bored or she knew she would be in the same spot for more than an hour. Reading wasn't her favorite thing to do but she still loved it. Being out on her bike and in the sun was her favorite.
Starting from where she left of at her grandmother sat beside her and turn the tv to her station. She always did think her granddaughter was beautiful but she knew that Trinity didn't think so. She knew her son had a problem with his drinking but there wasn't much she could do. He was a grown man and she had no say so over him anymore. As long as he wasn't putting his hands on her granddaughter she felt it wasn't her place to intertwine with their family problems. Although she did wish he didn't do it so much she kept her opinions to herself.
"Why don't you go outside and talk to the other children. I hear that you'll be going to the same school as them. You can get a head start on your friends," Amya said. Trinity looked up from her book giving her grandmother a "really" look. There was no way she would go out there with those type of kids. To her they were loud and ghetto and she didn't want to be apart of their mess. She was also to shy to go out and meet people. Throwing up her hands in defense Amya laughed. "Sorry. I was just saying. I know you can get a little bored here I was just trying to help". Trinity shook her head and engaged back into her book. She didn't think she needed to say anything else to her grandmother. Looking back at the TV Amya tried to think of something else she could do to help her granddaughter out. She didn't want her to sit here all day bored but she also knew it wasn't much she could do for her. "Would you like to help me cook," She smiled. She wasn't fully done cooking but she knew Trinity could maybe cook the eggs for breakfast. "No I'm fine. My book is keeping me entertained." Amya just nodded and went into the kitchen to finish cooking. She understood her granddaughter not wanting to do what she suggested, she just wanted to find something for her to do. While reading her book Trinity heard a knock at the door. "Can you get that for me baby," Amya called. Trinity was already on her way to the door and when she opened it, it revealed a tall white male. He was very tall, around 6'3. It kind of scared Trinity.
"Goodmorning. Is Ms.Amya home," he asked in a jolly mood. Trinity yelled for her grandmother but made sure to stand by the door. She didn't trust this man, she didn't trust anybody she didn't know. Coming from the kitchen Amya had the same warm smile she always have.
"Zoron hello, please come in." Moving aside she invited him in. Trinity still stood by the door knowing her grandmother. "Trinity this is Mr.Zoron. He's from the house across the street. He comes to chruch with me as well. Zoron this is my granddaughter Trinity. Wolf's daughter." She smiled. Zoron held his hand out for Trinity to shake but she just looked at it. "How you do," She asked. She really didn't care for him because he was a stranger to her. Pulling his hand back he chucked slightly and turned towards Amya. "So what are we eating this morning. It smells good in her Amya. Like always," Zorn stated while rubbing his stomach. Blushing a little she turn and walk towards the kitchen while Zoron followed. Trinity rolled her eyes and plopped down on the couch. She wasnt really the type to be warm and friendly to new people. This may have been why she had few to no friends. Amya called Trinity to the table to have breakfast. "Would you like to say the prayer Zoron," Amya asked. Agreeing they all lower their heads and closed their eyes. Although Trinity had one eye open focusing on the blueberry muffins in front of her. It was so hard to focus when she had a full cooked meal in front of her. For her to be as skinny as she is she sure did eat a lot. When she finally was able to eat she made sure she dug right into the muffins. Grabbing more food from the table her plate was full in a matter of seconds. Smiling Amya couldn't help but be proud that Trinity loved her cooking. "So Trinity how old are you," with both set of eyes of on Trinity she had a piece of pancake hanging out of her mouth and cheeks full. As soon as she opened her mouth to talk her grandmother shut that down real quick. "Swallow first young lady," She said. Swallowing her food she continued stare at her plate. "14" She answered shortly. She wished that he wouldn't ask her questionS throughout her breakfast. She wanted to finish so she could go and finish her chapter. Zoron peeped that she didn't feel like talking so he looked around the small yellow kitchen. Him and Amya engaged in a conversation about church while Trinity stuffed her face. Getting up from the table she washed her plate and walked back into the living room . She grabbed her book and walked out onto the porch. As long as Zoron was there she didn't want to be around him. Being around strange men frightened her. She just didn't feel comfortable sitting with a man she didn't know. Starting on her chaphter she was once again rudely interrunpted by a ball being thrown at her forehead.

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