Chapter 10

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"Bruh I don't think lil dude that damn slow. Who the fuck would leave behind their hoodie after a robbery?" "You never know boss. He is young, and new." Hayden thought about it for a second. "I got a good feeling about lil dude though. We should go scoop him up though." Quinn nodded his head going in the back. Hayden made a few quick calls then called Quinn to leave. They road around Amari's neighborhood but forgot what apartment they we're looking for. "Aye bruh, there go lil dude right there." Quinn pulled up beside Amari rolling the window down. "Wussup Quinn, i was just about to hit the block." Hayden smiled thinking of how much Amari was a hard worker. "Nah lil dude, you coming with us for a little bit." Amari looked confused but thought he was going to get some kind of raise. Which he could use badly. Amari climbed in the backseat. "Amari where was you last night." Amari looked Hayden straight in the eyes and replied, "I was at home." Hayden looked Amari up and down but he already knew he was telling the truth. "You know we was robbed last night. And we found your hoodie there." Amari looked shock but he wasn't afraid. He knew he didn't do anything. "Well Hadyen i don't know what to tell you. I was at home all night. I don't know how my hoodie got there, i must have left it last time I was there doing business with you." Hayden looked at Quinn signaling they didn't need to question him anymore. "Alright little man, you can go. I'll see  you this Friday." With that being said Amari jumped out the car. He was upset because he didn't understand why they were coming for him and not the people that did it. He was no aware that someone tried to frame him. 

Sofia walked up to the court where Kaden was playing basketball like he usual does. He had his shirt off and the sweat was glistening on his dark chest. Sofia looked around making sure there was no sight of he racist friends. She walked up to him while he was just about to shoot. Sofia grabbed his arm and he turned around quickly. "Hey Kaden." Kaden looked at her like she had lost her mind because he did not remember who she was. Then he looked behind her seeing she had a big  butt and some big lips. He then smiled remembering it was Sofia with the big lips and butt. "Wussup lil ma." Sofia blushed and Kaden smiled even harder. Sofia grabbed the ball from Kaden making a clean shot in the hoop. Kaden looked surprise. "You hoop?" Sofia shook her head yeah going to get the rebound. "I was on the basketball team. I got kicked off though. So hopefully ninth grade year I'll tryout." Kaden shook his head only focusing on her big lips. "Look I'm go get straight to it, do you and Oceana date?" Kaden smile quick dropped and his heart quickly dropped to his stomach. "Nah we don't date. Why you ask?" Sofia shrugged her shoulders making another clean shot. "Just wondering." Kaden smirked but on the inside he was scared as hell. He didn't understand why he was so nervous. Maybe he just didn't want Oceana to find out about their little met up because he really did have feelin 

Trinity arrived at her grandmothers house with Genesis right behind her. She knocked on the door scared as hell. Genesis had his gun behind his back with two other dudes from Hayden's click ready to clean up the mess. Their grandmother opened the door but that didn't stop their plan. Genesis walked into the home pushing his grandmother out of the way while she tried to question him. Trinity stood there scared to death walking in slowly. Genesis caught Zoron on the couch with chips beside him. He completely looked past Genesis and the two men looking straight towards Trinity. He smiled then turned his attention to the other people in the room. "Hello everyone." Genesis blood began to boil and before you could stop him he charged towards Zoron breaking the glass coffee table in the process. Zoron wasn't like they thought. He fought back and he was getting the best of Genesis. The other two men Genesis brought jumped in to help but it took everything they had in them. Finally when they were all out of breath they looked at Zoron on the ground bleeding and almost crying. Genesis grabbed his gun aimming it at Zoron. "Stop it Genesis. Now the police are on their way." That just mad Genesis evening madder. "I hope you called them for Trinity. Because he the only out here touching all on my little sister and shit." Trinity's tears started to come down like a moving river. "I already know, I don't see any harm in it. They were just having fun." The attention turn towards the grandmother and she just smiled. "Trinity's a big girl. Right Trinity? Y'all were just having a little fun." Trinity cried running towards Genesis. Genesis had a sick look on his face wanting to shoot his own grandmother in the face. "Here Genesis, hand your ole granny the gun." Genesis jerked away from her. Instead of going for the gun again she pulled one out from the China that was near her. She unloaded her gun into Zoron's chest. Everyone looked shocked. "She looked Zoron in his eyes and said, "You better rot in hell you nasty baster." She threw the gun on the floor with tears in her eyes walking towards Trinity. "Baby, why didn't you tell me? You know i would never let anyone hurt you." Trinity was all the way confused and didn't know what to think of her grandmother. "Genesis, can we go?" Genesis looked at the scene confused as Trinity. "Y'all clean this up." Genesis and Trinity walked out the house having mixed emotions about their grandmother. 

 *Sorry about it being so short guys. I tried to add something juicy in it but for this chapter i can't think of anything else. And plus, i promise y'all a chapter every 3 or 5 days. It's been 5 days so, don't kill me* 

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