Chapter 9

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Walking toward the back of the store Oceana was in search for her mother. Running into another girl Oceana fell flat on her butt. "What the hell?" She looked up to a girl stretching her arm out for Oceana to grab onto. "I am so sorry. I wasn't watching where i was going." Oeana took her hand getting up wiping the dirt from her jeans. "You that girl from my school in my grade. Yeah, cause you were in my English class. Sofia, yea?" Sofia nodded her head. "Yes that's me. You're...?" "Oceana. Girl you forgot my name." Laughing Sofia waved Oceana off. "Girl we should hangout sometimes. With my best friend Trinity. Do you know Trinity?" Sofia thought about it for a second. "That girl you always be hanging out with at school? The one that be looking sad like life just sucks?" Sofia laughed it off didn't think anything of it. "Hey now, she be having a lot going on." Sofia put he hands up as if she was saying she didn't wasn't any problems. "But yeah take my mom's number down and i'll text you whenever so we can hang." Sofia told Oceana her number while Oceana memorized it. That's one thing Oceana was good at and kept her grades good in school. Sofia asked her good friend Ava. "Oh yeah, that's her. They really close but i don't think they date. Why?" "Just asking. You know i had a crush on him since 6th graded right?" Ava looked at her friend sideways. "Girl what you trying to say? You want a black guy now? Not only that him and Oceana talking. You go seem like a hoe." Sofia didn't pay no mind to her friend. She felt as if she was hating. "I know i didn't just hear Sofia say she has a crush on Kaden. You talking about the black one? Not only is he black but he hangs around ghetto black people. Sofia don't even think about talking to him. You're already in the dog house for talking to that black girl Oceana." Sofia rolled her eyes at her racist friend Aubrey. Aubrey wasn't racist because she was raised that way. In fact she use to have friends that were African American back in elementary school. That all changed when she was jumped by a group of black girls in the 6th grade when she said the word "nigga" trying to fit in with her friends. "Aubrey i don't understand why you're so bitter towards people of color. Not everyone did something to you." Aubrey slowly walked up to Sofia punching her in the nose quickly causing her to bleed. "Listen to me, you talk to any other black n-word you are out of the group." With that being she she walked down the street leaving Sofia and Ava. "Gosh she acts like this is Mean Girls," Sofia said referring to a movie. "She was right Sofia, you can't be talking to those black people. Their very dangerous. You saw what they did to Aubrey, you don't wanna end up like her do you?" Sofia shook her head no scared to speak up for herself. "Now let's go to my house, clean you up."

Blaze walked up to Trintiy's house with a football that had a note on it. The note stated how he was sorry for going off on her the first time they met and he hopes he can a friend to her more. He was going to knock and leave it on her doorstep but he saw her father's car in the driveway. He wanted to come back when he wasn't there but something told him to knock anyways. He knocked three times then stepped back waiting on an answer. He heard running down the stairs and the door opened. Trinity mother was standing there with an ice pack on her face and a smile. "Hello, how may I help you young man?" Blaze didn't catch a word she said because he was too busy looking at her bruised arm that held the ice pack. He finally stop staring and asked her to repeat herself. "Yes, is Trinity home?" Alayah looked at Blaze funny because she never saw him before. "Yes she is. Are you a friend of her's?" Blaze shook his head yes. "Well come on in. Her room is down the hall first door." Blaze entered their home looking around. He noticed a red stain in the carpet and the yellow walls. The house smelled of smoke and beer. When he got to Trinity's door he waited getting his thoughts together. He then knocked waiting on  response. "Come in," He opened the door flashing his smile walking towards her bed. "Blaze? It's nice to see you. You can seat down." He sat down looking around her blue room. "Your favorite color is blue huh?" She shook her head yes looking at all the blue she had in her room. It didn't matter if it was donated to her by her grandmothers church. She was still grateful. Blaze took note that Trinity's room was the only room that didn't smell of smoke. "I uh, i brought you something. Don't open the note until i leave though!" Trinity smiled and blushed a little. She's glad Blaze didn't notice, it just came out of nowhere. "Awe thanks friend." Trinity placed the football on her nightstand. "Do you want to go for a walk? It's kinda boring here." Blaze shook his head yes ready to get out of that house. Something felt off to him the minute he stepped in that house. As they were on their way out Trinity's dad popped out of nowhere drunken eyes and smelly breath. "Who you lil nigga?" Blaze backed but because the smell of his breath hit him way too hard. "Blaze," "Boy you better respect me in my damn house, Blaze what?" "Valentino" Blaze wasn't looking at Wolf because he knew how he get's down. And Blaze isn't the kind to back down from nobody and he knew he might say something slick and end up getting popped in the mouth. So he kept conversation short. "Trinity where you think your fast ass going? Get back in the room." "But dad i was going to go for a walk with Blaze." "You ain't ask nobody to leave this damn house with a boy. A boy i don't even know at that. Get yo ass back in the room now!" Trinity backed up into her room saying goodbye to Blaze quickly. "Get out my house lil nigga" and with that being said Wolf walked off going to get another beer. Blaze walked out the house ears letting out steam. He was upset that he couldn't say anything and he was more upset that someone said something to him that he didn't like. With Blaze bad temper he knew to get out of there fast. Walking down the street he was almost hit by a car from not looking where he was going. The way Blaze felt he could hurt somebody, so he headed to the court to let off some steam. 

"Bruh, i just want to know how you made 197 dollars? Where my 3 dollars at?" Hayden asked Amari. "I'm sorry, i had to use it for bus fair. I can pay you back on my next round. "Bruh don't even worry about it. Imma take my 10% and give you your next batch. Bro for this to be your first time you did this shit fast as hell." " I be working man." "That's what I'm talking about. Hard worker already. Just don't slack on me" Hayden slid Amari his next sell that was worth 400. "Now let's see how fast your get this shit sold." Amari smiled liking a challenge. He walked out with his book bag heading towards the place he hides his drugs. After he was done he headed to the store to by soap, bread, and ham. He even got his moms favorite candy that she had been craving. Getting home he saw his mom at the table with her head down praying. He walked over to her holding her hand praying with her. After they were done he wiped his moms tears. "Where have you been all day?" "I was out with Kaden. He lost a bet so i got a few things from the store. Imma go back tomorrow and get some more things." His mom stood up looking through the bag. "Baby why didn't you get yourself something. Oh my gosh is this mine?" She asked pulling the candy out the bag. "Yes ma'am. Yesterday you told me you wanted it. I even got your favorite soap." "Baby, oh my gosh you're the best son ever." Amari accepted his mothers hug. "Your aunt isn't here. I'm even going to lock the door. I can make us some ham and cheese sandwiches and you can tell me about your day." Amari smiled following his mom into their small kitchen. He enjoyed these moments with his mother. When she wasn't working herself  to death, stressing and praying over money issues he was able to enjoy his time with her. Or when his aunt wasn't strung out. He really hated that she lived with them when she was addicted to drugs. One thing his mother wasn't going to do is throw her sister out. She figured her sister would get it together and she wanted to be there with her ever step away, even if it means losing most of their valuable  things in their home. "Mom, how much is the light bill this month?" Amari mom looked at him weirdly. "Don't worry about it, now make to kool-aid." Amari smirked because he was going to find out either way. 

"Kaden wasn't too happy about Oceana being late to the court. He had plan on seeing her all day and the face she was late had him upset. He bounced the ball around for a while not even feeling the nerve to shoot. He looked up and saw Oceana running towards hi, "Hey... Kaden... I'm tired as hell. Let me... catch my.. breath real quick" She said bending over. Kaden looked down at her trying to still be upset with her but in all honesty it had went away. But he didn't want her to know that. So he sat there with his lips tuned u trying to have a mad face. "You late. Where were you I've been waiting for almost an hour." Oceana raised up looking at him with confusing on her face. "Kaden I'm sorry. You know how my momma is. Always want me to do something right when I'm about to walk out the door." Kaden smiled because he couldn't hold it in anymore. "Yeah she stay doing that." Oceana grabbed the ball out of his hand running to make a shot. "You know that girl Sofia?" Kaden shook his head yes imagining her bi pink lips. "Yea her, he fine white ass. What about her?" "Really Kaden? I was asking because i want her to hangout with us sometimes but not if your going to be all over her." Oceana's feelings were truly hurt. "Man, what's wrong with you? You act like we date or something." Oceana's heart dropped to her stomach. "No but, i thought we had something going on." "Man, look you my friend like I'm your friend. Okay we kiss once and awhile but I didn't think you were going to take it personal." Oceana threw the basketball as hard as she could aiming for his face but only hitting his chest. "Whatever Kaden. I'm gone." With that being said she tried to walk off but Kaden caught her arm. "Stop acting like that friend." Oceana jerked her arm from him speed walking away. Kaden knew what he was doing. He knew she saw him as something more but he just like playing with her. For some reason playing with her feelings was like playing a challenging game, you just keep playing and never get bored. 

"Bruh i don't know about this. What if Hayden catch us?" Leo said. "Bruh chill out. If anything go down remember the plan. Blame the new guy Amari. You how Hayden is with new niggas. Now grab the drugs and lets bounce." "Bruh you not thinking straight. We still go get it either way it goes." Kai thought for a second. "Man you right, but we ain't go get it as bad as Amari do." Smiling Leo walked off to collect the rest of the drugs making sure to leave behind evidence. "You brought that nigga's hoodie?" Leo pulled the hoodie out making sure to leave it behind making it seem like Amair was the one who stole the drugs. "Lets bonce." 

The next morning Quinn walked into the warehouse that was broken into. He looked around finding no drugs anywhere. "Boss, yea you need to get to the warehouse ASAP! Man we been robbed." As Quinn was hanging up the phone he looked up down finding Amari's hoodie. "That's lil dudes hoodie." 

*Sorry for the wait guys. To make up for me posting a chapter every month or two y'all will now get a new chapter every 3 or 5 days. You're welcome ladybugs.* 

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