Chapter 6

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Hearing the usual three knocks at the door Amy wiped Her hands on the kitchen towel and rushed to the door. "Hey baby," she greeted Trinity. With a simple smile she squeezed Her way into Her grandmother's house. Shaking her head she closed the door walking back to the kitchen. It was a usual day, her mother and father dropped Her off so they can go to work. "Grandma can I please change the t.v now?" Giving her the eye she shook her head yes. As Trinity was turning the channel there was a knock at the door. She got up and looked through the peephole. "Grandma, someone here for you." she yelled about to walk back to the couch. "Girl get that door for me please." She rolled Her eyes and opened the door putting on a fake smile. "Hey little girl," just smiling back she opened the door more letting him in and going back to the couch. Trinity didn't know that as she was walking Zoron was staring a hole into Her butt. "Zoron, it's so nice to see you. Come on in the kitchen. I was just cooking" Zoron's stare kept shifting between Trinity and Amy. "How about I stay in here with Trinity and watch what she's watching." Giving him a warm smile she agreed and went into the kitchen. Zoron took a seat Right beside Trinity, a little too close for her liking. "So, what you watching," rolling her eyes she didn't even say. She just clicked the guide button showing him the title of the show. "I see you don't talk much. You haven't been over here in a few day." "I didn't know you stalk me?" She replied back smartly. Shaking his head he couldn't help But smile. Even though he was 59 and she was 14 it didn't matter to him. He liked the way she looked, how innocent she was. She saw him staring so she moved over a little. Now matter how much she moved he would Just move closer. "You don't have to be scared. I won't hurt you, nothing you don't like." Now Trinity was just confused and scared. What did he want from her? She didn't understand because she was so much younger than him. "Imma go get my grandma cause you starting to get weird." Grabbing Her wrist at the speed of lightning he pulled Her back to the couch. "Now you listen here, I was trying to be nice to you. But Now you starting to piss me off." His eyes were starting to get dark grey and his grip was getting tighter. "You better let me go, or I'll scream." Smiling he released Her. "Zoron can you do me a favor and watch Trinity while I go to the store." Amy shouted while grabbing Her purse and keys. "Can I just go with you grandma?" She jumped up as fast as she could looking for her shoes. "Now baby you stay here. I'll be right back, Just up the street." She walked out the door locking it behind her. Trinity now felt a wave of terror wash over her. "Looks like we're all alone little miss Trinity." "If you hurt me I swear I'm gonna tell me grandmother. And my father too." He Just smiled and got up walking towards Her. "Sit," he made a gesture with his hand towards the couch. "No I'm fine. I'll just go to my grandmother's room till she get back." He shook his head and walked back to the couch. Trinity ran upstairs as if they were on fire. She closed the room door and locked it, or so she thought. She lied down on the bed just thinking about what happened. She thought Her grandmother was going to be back soon cause she had to have been up there for about at least 10 minutes. She just rolled over and tired to shut Her eyes. Soon she heard the door start to slowly open. Jumping up she was confused. "I know I locked that door." she said to herself. Before she could get up Zoron came in the room all to way locking the door behind him. He walked closer to Trinity But she quickly hopped off the bed. "You better leave before I tell my grandmother." He smiled and walked closer to her. The closer he walked towards Her was the more she was getting back into the wall. So she thoughts about different ways she can escape. She couldn't go under his legs because the bed post was Right behind him. She couldn't go to her left because the closet door was Right there. So she tried running Right and out the door. As she started to bolt Right the 59 year old man swiped Her up and threw her on the bed. "Why are you trying to run away from me? I just wanted to talk." "If all you wanted to do was talk then why did you lock the door? And why did you throw me on the bed?" He smiled that creepy smile he's been smiling. Zoron took it upon himself to try to unzip his pants. He then pulled out his hard on penis. Trinity looked away. Tears started coming in her eyes and she started to breathe heavy. "You go pull down your pants or should I do it for you?" He asked stroking himself. Trinity still had her head turned away as still as a rock. "Alright, I see you want to play the hard way." He tried to pull Her pants down in one smooth motion only to find out Trinity was going to fight until she couldn't fight anymore. Even though he was older he still was stronger than Her. So he mange to get her pants down. He touch all on her lower area than started to touch Her private part. He wanted to know how tight she was. Knowing that would only turn him on. Before he could check they both heard the front door open and shut. His eyes got wide and he was still like a deer in headlights. Quickly he pulled his pants up zipping them up before he looked over at Trinity. "You bet not tell nobody Girl. Or you'll get worse than what Just happened." She didn't respond. She just pulled Her pants up and rolled over on the side of the bed. He got one more look at Her then left out the room. Trinity cried like a baby and felt very dirty and sick. She ran to her grandmother's master bathroom and threw up her breakfast. "What did I do?" She asked herself. She walked out the room to the living room to grab Her house key. Zoron and Amy were both in the kitchen chatting about church and how much of a Church going man he is. And how he hates sinners. Trinity just shook her head and walked out the door shutting it quietly. She walked down the street prepare herself for the walk. She tried not to cry because like the other day, there was kids and teens outside. She held Her arms as if it were cold and she was trying to keep herself warm. As she was walking she felt someone behind her. She didn't even bother turning around because she didn't care. "Aye lil' Ma? What you doing walking? Aren't you suppose to be at yo granny's house." She just couldn't get a break that day she thought. Turing around she was met by Blaze's stare. He saw she was crying and breathing heavily and dropped his cocky smile. "What's wrong with you B." Boy did he want to be from New York. Trinity walked away only for her to be joined by Blaze. "So you not talking yo me today? Shit I shouldn't be talking to you. Seeing as your bitch ass friend tried to pull a gun out on me." She stopped at the fact that he called Amari a "bitch ass friend." "Look you don't know him okay? And I just want to get home, so please stop bothering me." Her tears were coming faster and her breathing was becoming short and quick. Blaze now was truly feeling sorry for the Girl. It looked like she had a lot going on. Finally he set his pride to the side and tried to see what was wrong with the broke girl. "Why you crying though? Don't when you go over your grandma's house she suppose to give you cookies and shit?" He tried to lighting the situation up But the mention of her grandmother's house made Her cry worse. Worse to the point she was on kneeling on the ground. Blazed looked around and saw some of the kids and teens staring and he started to feel uncomfortable. He pulled Trinity up by her arm and they walked further down the street. When they were far enough he asked her, "What's wrong? I can't have you crying in front of me like that. Making me look soft." Even though he manage to put his pride aside he still was worried about what people thought about him. "I can't tell you. Its nasty and I don't think I should tell anyone." Of course she wanted to tell someone. But she was afraid of who she would tell first. She didn't trust Blaze enough to tell him something like that. This was the first time he was being nice to her though, she thought maybe if she tells him he would pity Her and not be so mean to her. She had to get this out, she had to let someone know so he can be put away for a long time. "Nah, what is it?" He pressed Her to tell him. "If I tell you this please don't call me a hoe," she was dead serious but he took it as a joke. "Its not funny its something serious." She started back crying heavy to the point Blaze was starting to get aggravated. He didn't understand why she was crying and because she wasn't saying anything he could help but get frustrated. "Look is you go tell me or what" she looked side to side to make sure no one was zooming in on their conversation. She waved her hand as if telling him to come closer. He came closer But it wasn't enough for her. So she stood on her tip toes leaning into his ear. "Help me my grandmother's friend molested me." He backed away from her as if she had a gun. His face had disbelief and he couldn't wrap his finger around what he just heard. Instead of Just standing there and being confused like he has been he grab Her by the arm and pulled Her into a hug. She didn't understand because his grip was tight and he kept repeating "I'm sorry" into Her ear. He didn't do it, so why should he be sorry she thought. " Can you please walk me home, im scared." At this point Blaze started to turn into what he would call "soft". But he didn't feel bad about it. He saw a girl that looked broken already and now hearing this, he truly felt bad for her. "Do you want to walk to the police station first? He deserves to be in jail." She thought about it. She did want him in jail But she didn't want to go through everything with the courts and law. After all Her father didn't like policemen nor the law. So getting them involved scared Her. "I don't know, I'm scared and don't really feel like going through everything with the law." Blaze understood where she was coming from because he hated going through stuff with the law also. "Well, it would be better to do it today. But you can also wait. Either way it goes, he should go to jail for it." She thought about it some more. "I just want to go home and take a shower." "Alright, you stay on East Carry right?" "Yeah, how'd you know?" "That's by the basketball court. And I also saw u walking in that direction one time just put two and two together." They stopped waiting to cross the street. He looked at Her and shook his head. He felt so bad for that girl. He could tell from the way she acted that she goes through it in life. The last thing she needs is someone like him bullying Her. So from that moment on he made it a mission to become her friend. And find out the good and bad she goes through.

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